In 2016, Give and Surf are planning to even further expand its programs and services, particularly since BESO officially dissolved as of the end of 2015 and has asked us to help support the students who had previously received scholarships from them. Give & Surf is trying to raise additional funds in order to support scholarships for high school and university students living in Solarte, Carenero, Bastimentos, and Colon and plans to increase the number of scholarships given from 12 in 2015 to 40 in 2016. We currently receive incredible support for these 12 scholarships from Education is Power, Wendy Hung and Jetset Times, and Junguen Rue. Without these scholarships these students would not be able to attend school due to the high transportation costs. Between our scholarships and other educational programs, we anticipate that we will be serving over 250 students per week in 2016.
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