The travel frogs finally go in the box and soar high up in the sky🥳🎈(рус.текст ниже)
Not all of them, though, but as one representative - the author of this blog, Julia, who, but the way, had birthday on that day🥳🎂🎁
That was an incredible experience, I was able to see the beaufull from above, not for a few minutes while zooming up from Schiphol on a plane but slowly floating above the straight green fields, neat villages, farms with cows and horses, looking like Playmobil below, construction sites where people fight with nature for the dry land, lakes, rivers and even people who we're waving at us and greeting.
Check the pictures and enjoy the view😍
There were 8 passengers and 1 balloon operator.All wearing masks.
Every passenger was given a bottle of water, which was very appreciated.
As for the experience, it was great. And very hot when 🔥 was on. Really, you need to get used to it, but it goes fast.
The landing was perfect - very soft.
Thanks for your professionalism!
The funny episode was at the end-we landed on a farmers'property. And the host kids were trying to get more "rental money"than it was officially agreed. It took a while to negotiate but the law won))
And we finished the experience with 🍾 provided by the balloon company🥳
Would you fly a hot air balloon? Have you tried it?
Лягушонки залезают в Коробченки и взмывают вверх🎈🥳
Не все, а только в представительстве автора блога, у которой был день рождения, кстати🥳
Полет был гладкий, приземление мягким, над головой от огня жарко, зато под ногами - красивейшие голландские пейзажи с полями под линеечку, коровками-миниатюрами, аккуратными деревнями, сверкающими водоемами и машущими нами людьми, на борту была водичка, а закончили шампанским от компании🥂и уборкой шара(хлопотное занятие)
На борту-8 человек, не считая рулевого (и огнеметчика заодно). Все в масках.
В конце случился смешной эпизод-мы приземлились на фермерском поле. К нам вышли хозяйские дети. По закону положено 40€за аренду поля,а они требовали 70€Но закон победил, и мы благополучно высадились.
Хотели бы прокатиться на воздушном шаре? Или может уже пробовали?