Alright WorldConnect fans where are you all at? This is a message to all of you so don't touch that dial!
A little update:
Lately I have been working on making the official WorldConnect promotional blog and website. The site will double as my personal travel blog as well as an official promotional page and start-off for the future of WorldConnect. I have many travel plans coming up in my life, not to mention I live in one of the most beautiful places on earth! So point being I plan to provide beautiful photography, videography, as well as destination insight through the upcoming website. This is a big deal! And if we want to see WorldConnect come to life here is what we have to do.
The objective:
I need every single one of you to join in. Do you like to travel? WorldConnect needs you. Do you like to meet new people? WorldConnect needs you. Do you like capturing beautiful moments and scenery with your camera? Well let's face it, WorldConnect needs you! If these are all things that you want to do in life then you need WorldConnect. Our shared connections is how WorldConnect will start providing us with the travel opportunities we have been dreaming of. "So how can we make this happen?" you ask, "Is this going to be hard?" It's actually really simple. You probably do it regularly already. All it takes is social networking. Using WorldConnect to share your travel photos and stories. And we can do this all right here on the WorldConnect page.
So I ask one thing from each of you reading this. Post one of your best or most favorite travel photos or stories on the WorldConnect wall and share this post.
That's it. I told you it would be easy. Then we can watch as WorldConnect begins to grow right before our eyes. Plus get to check out beautiful pictures and wonderful stories by friends, new and old, from all around the World.
Questions, comments, and discussion encouraged below. Come on guys let's make connections!
Much Love,