A cute yamakagashi snake caught a cute frog for lunch in a pond near our Hojo office. Shikoku is home to many interesting animals and birds, some of whom are providing a loud soundtrack. That’s a bush warbler you can hear. #yamakagashi #shikokufauna #snakeeatsfrog #visitshikoku #shikokusafari #shikokuadventure #matsuyama #shikokutours
At the Kashima Festival on an island off Matsuyama, young girls dressed as monkeys perform a traditional dance involving light acrobatics. The spectators express their support with a short cheer when each trick is completed successfully.
#festival #japanesefestival #traditionaldance #monkey #visitshikoku #shikoku #shikokutours
In each of the four main cities of Shikoku, you can enjoy traditional geisha entertainment. Here, Sakichi-san dances to a song played by Ichiha-san before the games start at Hanahimero in Dogo.
#shikokugeisha #geisha #dogo #hanahimerou #geishadance #visitshikoku