🌸 How to get rid of your Sorrows? | The Vedantic perspective 🌸
~ By Swami Abhedananda
The experience of outer situation becoming bigger than God is called ‘Sorrow’. The experience of God becoming bigger than the situation is called your ‘Quietness’!
When you don’t feel God is stronger, then you feel that the situation is stronger. But if you feel God is stronger, then you feel stronger yourself because God is in you also. If God is stronger, you feel quiet, joyful and energetic. When you feel situation is stronger that means you have made God weaker, and you feel weaker.
Weakness is not a physical thing only. The emotional and intellectual weakness is more dangerous than the physical weakness. Vedanta says that the experience of the Self should be the biggest and of paramount importance. The experience of bigness and completeness of the Self is called Freedom. I am replacing the word ‘God’ by ‘Self’. Therefore, the whole Vedanta is just to make us know that the incidences, the time, the place, the situation, the people, the success, the failure, and even the whole world doesn’t have a value in front of the Self, just like one small wave has no value in front of the big ocean.
In Vedanta, sorrow is a misapprehension. When you miss to see something complete, and you have developed a wrong notion of joy or sadness, then you misplace yourself and you get bound. Boundation is not situational; it’s some kind of ignorance engulfing you. Sadness is some kind of ignorance engulfing you at that moment.
Vedanta does not given any new knowledge; it just removes our ignorance – From Seer, I became Doer. From Observer, I became Absorber. From Preceptor, I became Receptor. From Realizer, I became Reactor!
Vedanta gives us the vision so we remain the Seer, the Observer, the Preceptor and the Realizer!