Rachael Curfew Anxiety Coach

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Rachael Curfew Anxiety Coach What if I told you that anxiety is actually something you don't want to get rid of? What is Strategic Intervention (SI) Coaching and how do I know if I need it?

SI Coaching, along with spiritual coaching, fitness coaching, weight loss coaching, financial coaching, and dozens of other types of coaching have been around for decades. Coaches are hired to help individuals make progress and move forward quickly in their relationships and personal goals. SI Coaches give counsel, advice, encouragement, and support while individuals make immediate changes in key

areas of their lives. Strategic Intervention coaches teach strategies to improve relationships, overcome challenges with anxiety or depression, parenting stresses, and personal goals that may include weight loss, organization, stress management, and success within your business. Here are a few of our most commonly asked questions regarding coaching!

1). Is Coaching really for me? Coaching is for everyone! We coach men, women, teens, and children. Coaching is a simple and easy way to make progress and immediate change.

2). If I am having a problem, shouldn’t I see a professional counselor or therapist? Counselors and therapists are critical in the role of helping individuals dive into their past and aiding in the process of working through issues and trauma. We encourage and support any individual who is seeking professional assistance. We recommend that any individual who is in danger, been physically or sexually abused, or any individual who has or is experiencing a major trauma within their life to please contact law enforcement, a professional counselor, therapist, or licensed clinical social worker immediately. SI Coaches look to the future, they help their clients make progress within their lives, and ways for their client to be successful NOW.

3). How do I know if my Coach is any good? Talk to them, interview them, and ask them about their training. You can always ask for references as well. Rachael Curfew is a certified coach trained in Strategic Intervention, Marriage Education and Divorce Prevention, and Working with Women through the (Tony) Robbins Madanes Training Center. Rachael Curfew also incorporates EFT (tapping) into her coaching as well as expression through the creative arts and physical activities. Certified in the QPR Su***de Prevention Gatekeeper Program.

4). Are coaching services expensive? Pricing varies between coaches based on their knowledge, education, and experience. Often times a coach will offer a series of sessions or a package at a special rate. All sessions, regardless of in person or via video chat (Zoom), need to be paid in full prior to the session beginning. Missed pre-paid sessions will NOT be refunded.

5). How long will I need coaching? Just like every individual is unique, so are the challenges we deal with. Some individuals might be ready to fully immerse themselves into the process while others may need a slower approach. Certified coaches can customize their approach to ensure your success. Most coaches do prefer their clients to book a series of sessions. The strategies and tools they teach their clients build on each other. Consistent and committed progress by both the client and the coach ensures success.

6). Are there flexible options for appointments? Yes! Because the majority of sessions take place over video conferencing (Zoom). However in some circumstances, sessions can take place in your home, office, or even at the local park. (Travel fees may be included for out of area sessions).

7). How do I schedule an appointment with Rachael Curfew? Email [email protected]

Please note: Rachael handles all of her own scheduling to maintain the STRICT CONFIDENTIALITY of her premium clients.

{Invitation below}"Too many vacations that last too long, too many movies, too much TV, too much video game playing---to...

{Invitation below}

"Too many vacations that last too long, too many movies, too much TV, too much video game playing---

too much undisciplined leisure time in which a person continually takes the course of least resistance gradually wastes a life.

It ensures that a person's capacities stay dormant, that talents remain undeveloped, that the mind and spirit become lethargic,

and that the heart is unfulfilled."

{The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People}

---->>>Ladies, if you are feeling a heart unfulfilled and a lethargic spirit, I invite you to click the link below.

We start Monday.


{New Workshop Announcement!} Awake & Arise (for ladies!) 5-day workshop hosted in a private Facebook groupNo set time! P...

{New Workshop Announcement!}

Awake & Arise (for ladies!)

5-day workshop hosted in a private Facebook group
No set time! Pop in each day for a video and self-guided assignment.
Even though it is self-guided, there will be a lot of support, accountability, and connection!!


This workshop is for women who feel like they are going through the motions, who are pushing "snooze" on their life,

who are ready to wake up (discover something they are excited about), and then a plan to arise (stand up and take action).

--->>>Will you be joining us?

Awake & Arise a 5-Day Workshop with Rachael Curfew

Is your anxiety alarm going off and you don’t know why?

Is your anxiety alarm going off and you don’t know why?

As an anxiety coach, I hear clients say ALL THE TIME,
"there is NO reason why my anxiety alarm got triggered, it just came out of the blue."

The good new is,
there is ALWAYS a reason why your anxiety alarm got triggered,

And it's not hard to determine why.

You just have not learned how to discover that why, yet!!

And once you know the real reason your alarm got triggered,
turning off that alarm and doing the steps to heal that trigger,
are really easy!!

Ready to discover how?

Here is my calendar link! Schedule a time and let's chat about what that can look like for you!


I have reached 1.5K followers on this page! Thank you for your continued support in helping individuals live their best ...

I have reached 1.5K followers on this page!

Thank you for your continued support in helping individuals live their best lives, or what I call,

their Anxiously Engaged Life!

I could not have done it without each of you. 🙏🤗🎉

What fear are you giving power to today?

What fear are you giving power to today?

In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.John Muir

In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.

John Muir

Have you ever wanted to try coaching but have been nervous about it? Or could not afford the hefty price tag? That's why...

Have you ever wanted to try coaching but have been nervous about it? Or could not afford the hefty price tag?

That's why I created a brand new online small group coaching program for women who are ready to make improvements to their life,

Who are ready to learn, to transform,

And want to live their best life, or what I call your Anxiously Engaged life,

Without the big commitment or the hefty price tag!!!

Enrollment for SESSION 3 is open now!!!!



{Kind Words from a Private Client}

"I had been drowning my anxiety for so long I would have sworn I didn't have anxiety issues at all.

Now, I'm learning what it is, and honestly it can be scary at times. That's why I've been so glad I've had the opportunity to work with Rachael.

From the beginning, she assured me that what I'm feeling is normal and made me realize I'm going to be ok. I didn't believe her when she said anxiety is a gift, but as she took me through her process I began to understand what she's saying, and most importantly - feel more in control.

What most amazes me is her process. She keeps saying that she's making the process simple, and it is. However, you can also tell underneath this simple process is a well-thought out scientific method incorporating a few clinical approaches.

Regardless, working with Rachael has helped me understand why I feel anxious when I do and what to do about it. I highly recommend working with her to anyone."

~Katherine, Rhode Island

Worry makes you think you are doing something…..But really, it’s stealing time and energy that could be used in love.

Worry makes you think you are doing something…..

But really, it’s stealing time and energy that could be used in love.

Worrying as a parental “soothing strategy” or compensation for lack of control, sounds odd because worry is not comfortable. What is comforting about worry, however, is that it makes you feel like you are doing something when you’re actually not doing anything. When it comes to parenting, worry feels a lot better than powerlessness.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Worry is rooted in fear. When you perceive a threat your brain goes into survival mode, also referred to as the fight, flight, or freeze response. This stress response can get in the way of the part of your brain that is responsible for analyzing and regulating your behavior. This can hinder your ability to take thoughtful action that actually helps your child’s situation, offers support, or that helps you cope with stress. Worry uses energy that could be used for other productive or supportive efforts.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Replacing worry with love allows you to be in the relationship, instead of being outside of the relationship by projecting into the future. If you’re worried about your child’s first day of kindergarten, you’re not actually available for your child in the here-and-now, to teach, to connect, to prepare her for this new experience. Worrying about your teen’s sexuality does nothing to help educate her and counsel with her. Fretting about your young adult daughter stepping away from the Church does nothing to help her navigate this difficult terrain. Agonizing about your son’s cancer renders you less emotionally available to connect with him and to support him now.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
​​Is it worry or is it love?​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Worry is a waste of time and energy and not a sign of love. Love is doing what’s best for the child, not becoming consumed with future “what ifs?” One of most valuable gifts of parenting is that it forces you to let go of the illusion of having control over your child and to turn your child’s life over to them and to God. ​​​​​​​​

If you want to heal your mind, you also must heal your body! Join me, along with Gwen Evans as we chat about how small a...

If you want to heal your mind, you also must heal your body!

Join me, along with Gwen Evans as we chat about how small and simple choices with your food and exercise can reduce anxiety and help you live healthier and longer!

You can listen here or on your favorite podcast platform!

Feeling exhausted? Struggling to lose weight? Can't find the motivation to work out? In this podcast episode, Health and Nutrition Coach Gwen Evans shares how she helps women make small but consistent changes to create energy, boost their metabolism, lose weight, and get healthy in way that works wi...

Ladies, the next session of our online group coaching program starts Thursday, September 8th, at 7:00 pm Mountain Time a...

Ladies, the next session of our online group coaching program starts Thursday, September 8th, at 7:00 pm Mountain Time

and there is still a spot for YOU!!!!

So, if you have always wanted to try coaching,

but without the hefty price tag,

I invite you to join us!!! Plus when you register now, you get $75 off your registration.

Registration will close once all 6 spots are filled, so hurry if you are interested!!

Ladies, Did you hear the big news?? The next session of Anxiety is a Gift starts Tuesday, September 13th, Which means, b...

Ladies, Did you hear the big news??

The next session of Anxiety is a Gift starts Tuesday, September 13th,

Which means, by the end of the calendar year,

You will know how to turn off your anxiety alarm and have learned all the key strategies to living anxiety-free!!

Join us!

Comment below or PM for all the details!!

So many individuals feel like the journey to discovering how to turn off their anxiety alarm is a long and difficult pro...

So many individuals feel like the journey to discovering how to turn off their anxiety alarm is a long and difficult process.

The truth is,

It's not hard.

And I am going to show you how.
Plus we will do it together so you never have to do anxiety alone again.

Your first step is to decide you are ready to chat so I can share with you the options. It's an anxiety and cost free chat!

Comment, "I am ready!" in the comments below and I will send you my calendar link.


It’s 12:48 am.
What fear or anxiety is keeping you from sleeping right now?

Individuals with anxiety often find themselves apologizing all the time. Here are a few suggestions you can say instead ...

Individuals with anxiety often find themselves apologizing all the time.

Here are a few suggestions you can say instead of apologizing for something you didn’t do wrong,

Which in turn will keep you in a state of anxiety and fear.

Anxiety, fear, and limiting beliefs are the number one reason we avoid making decisions, Keeping us stuck And from livin...

Anxiety, fear, and limiting beliefs are the number one reason we avoid making decisions,

Keeping us stuck
And from living our best life,

Or what I call your Anxiously Engaged life!

We can change that! Type READY in the comments below and I ll help you get started.

NEW DATE AUGUST 15th! Registration is OPEN!! {Announcement} The "A Space for Grace" Workshop has been postponed temporar...

NEW DATE AUGUST 15th! Registration is OPEN!!

{Announcement} The "A Space for Grace" Workshop has been postponed temporarily. A new date will be announced in the next day or two.

We sincerely apologize for any confusion or inconvenience.

Women with anxiety are often very hard on themselves,They feel guilt and shame because they are not doing enough, Being ...

Women with anxiety are often very hard on themselves,

They feel guilt and shame because they are not doing enough,

Being enough,

Accomplishing enough,

And that they are stuck in their fear.

The good news is, one small act of self-compassion towards yourself can start to break that cycle.

So go ahead,

Make the decision right now to do something for yourself today to feel love and compassion for yourself,

And reduce your anxiety.

Then don’t forget to come back here and share what you experienced.

{Client Story} “Rachael!! I wanted to reach out to you and let you know that I am going through a divorce. I finally fee...

{Client Story}

“Rachael!! I wanted to reach out to you and let you know that I am going through a divorce. I finally feel so much peace again.

I know that your group session and our individual session helped me to realize that I couldn’t get to a better place with living with my ex.

You helped me to find my wings and step away from a controlling, narcissistic person. I know that I found you at such a perfect time.

I struggled with the idea of going through a divorce again for so long and stayed longer than I should have. But hearing your story helped me to realize that it was okay and that I needed to prepare to leave. It is a lot harder going through it with kids and the custody battle has not been fun.

But I have seen my kids become themselves again and have seen them find peace as well. I just wanted to thank you for helping me like you did!!”

——>> Are you ready to start living your best life, or what I call your Anxiously Engaged life?

Because I am ready to show you how!

New free workshop for women! We start Monday! 💗🎉Register with the link in the comments.

New free workshop for women!

We start Monday! 💗🎉

Register with the link in the comments.

I am looking for women who crave a fresh start towards self-compassion, peace in their hearts, and an opportunity to sta...

I am looking for women who crave a fresh start towards self-compassion, peace in their hearts, and an opportunity to start dreaming again,

and all of it in just 7 days.

Comment, "YES PLEASE!" below!

{Kind Words from a Client} “Rachael Curfew cuts through anxiety like a knife through soft butter. She guides the re-fram...

{Kind Words from a Client}

“Rachael Curfew cuts through anxiety like a knife through soft butter.

She guides the re-framing process masterfully until what remains is manageable now and makes total sense.

We all struggle with some level of anxiety, even those of us in the helping professions.

Sometimes we just need an external voice of reason, and someone to show us through our unclear times.

Rachael was that for me. I knew what she was doing because we both received our training from Tony Robbins.

I have to say she demonstrated her skill beautifully, and I am so much better for receiving her loving, well-implemented coaching.

Thank you, Rachael.”

{Anxiety Relief}  Meditation to calm an anxious mind can be this simple!

{Anxiety Relief} Meditation to calm an anxious mind can be this simple!

Is fear or anxiety keeping you from being successful in your business? I did mine.... for years... and years.... and yea...

Is fear or anxiety keeping you from being successful in your business?

I did mine.... for years... and years.... and years.

It kept me stuck,
It made me doubt my abilities,
It made me question myself,
It made me think I was a failure,
It limited me.

Thankfully I learned the key strategies I needed for my unique and personal anxiety signature pattern!

So if you are an entrepreneur, a business owner, a manager, or leader, and you know you are meant to do and be more,

It's time we had an anxiety-free chat!

Scheduling a chat is easy! Simple click the blue link to connect with my personal calendar.



What would you do tomorrow if you knew you would wake up anxiety-free?

{Kind Words}"I now have no depression, no anxiety, and I feel like myself again. I didn’t think that would ever happen.R...

{Kind Words}

"I now have no depression, no anxiety, and I feel like myself again. I didn’t think that would ever happen.
Rachael became a dear friend. Her desire was for me to get better and she was my cheerleader.
With her help, I now believe in myself and know what I can accomplish if I work diligently on the things that were suggested, I would make it,

and I did!!"

--------------------------------Is it your turn to discover how to turn off your anxiety alarm? I hope so because I have saved you a seat in our summer session of the Anxiety is a Gift Program!

This program has helped women all over the world learn how to turn off their anxiety alarm,

healed the trigger causing the anxiety alarm (and trust me on this... it's never what you think it is!!),

and learned the key strategies that are customized to YOUR unique anxiety signature pattern!!

Let's chat today! It's an anxiety-free chat... not a sales call!!



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