Women's Spiritual Retreats- Workshops, Retreats, Angel Readings

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  • Women's Spiritual Retreats- Workshops, Retreats, Angel Readings

Women's Spiritual Retreats- Workshops, Retreats, Angel Readings This page is designed to offer information about spiritual support and scheduled retreats especially designed for women.

Please share any insights you may have or let us know if we can help you in any other way. This page is available to help anyone who is looking for greater spiritual transformation in their lives. Jeanette is an Angel Therapy Practitioner and a life long river guide. She owns River Angel Ranch, a retreat center in McCall Idaho where she leads workshops and retreats. though her focus is offering fo

r women, men are welcome and encouraged to join most trips. Each summer Jeanette offers 3,4,5 and 6 day retreats within river trips. It is her goal to provide an environment where guests can go deep within, release, and find a greater connection to the Divine within themselves. Being on a river trip offers this opportunity because there is no outside distraction. Once guests return to their daily lives they have an action plan, a community for support and a new focus for positive change in their lives.

https://mailchi.mp/d2aada0038e3/poof-and-so-it-is-special-offerJoin me to day as my friend Patty releases her fun new bo...


Join me to day as my friend Patty releases her fun new book! She will share a few quick chapters and the we will have some awesome offers for everyone who is there!

ORDER YOUR Quick-Read TODAY! -A man wishes for all the money in the world. To everyone's surprise, he gets it. Of course, there is a twist involving his wife, government officials looking officially official, a Miracle Man, and a Teacher. ON SALE TODAY

If you really want to learn to love yourself - you can do it on my retreat May 4-8.  Check it out at www.riverangelranch...

If you really want to learn to love yourself - you can do it on my retreat May 4-8. Check it out at www.riverangelranch.com.
Take a few minutes and listen to this YourTube video - this will give you a glimpse of what you will DIVE deeply into on the retreat.
Can't wait to see you on the river!

The foundation of Louise Hay's work is loving and approving of yourself. During one of the large gatherings, one woman asked Louise, "But HOW do I love myse...

Many years ago I was struggling with a lot of self-worth issues.  A 'chance' meeting at a Hay House I Can Do It conferen...

Many years ago I was struggling with a lot of self-worth issues. A 'chance' meeting at a Hay House I Can Do It conference gave me all the answers I needed to transform my life - finally. I went through the Heal Your Life program and then became a teacher. Now I want to help everyone struggling with the same issues to heal and prosper in every area of their lives as it helped me to do.

Can you look in the mirror each day and say "I love you?"
Do you think about forgiving but don't quite know how to do it?
Are there family issues that haunt you? Relationships that need mending?
Is it time for a break to do something just for you?

If any of these resonate with you then I would like to invite you to join me for a beautiful week of personal transformation. May 4-10, I am hosting a retreat on the Owyhee River for 7 days of learning how to deeply love yourself.
Louise Hay's program - Heal Your Life - has helped millions of people transform every area of their life brining more peace, love, joy, prosperity and health into their lives every day.
I am a licensed teacher for this program and have been teaching it for almost 15 years. I KNOW how transforming it can be and can see so many lives changed - especially mine.

Please visit www.riverangelranch.com for details or email me at [email protected] with any questions.

You've landed on an experience with angels that will not only change your life, but enlighten your soul. Welcome to the sacred world of Jeanette Dames, Spiritual Transformation Coach, Angel Therapy...



Time to step out of your comfort zone! Live Your Dream Loving Yourself Every Day     Breakfast -- Wake up to the sound of the river and smell the coffee already brewing Lunch -- A lovely sandwich bar

In 1997 I got to float down the Salmon River in Idaho for 7 days with a bunch of other river guides. At the time I had b...

In 1997 I got to float down the Salmon River in Idaho for 7 days with a bunch of other river guides. At the time I had been working as a river guide for about 17 years. It was the most transformational experience I ever had. I knew that I had a special connection with the river and that I had to live here someday. Well now I do.

Several years after that first experience I was leading all kinds of retreats, mostly for women, and I heard a small voice repeating,' put your two loves together.' What? 'Yes take your retreats on the river and they will be even more meaningful - change lives even more.'

So in 2009 I started doing just that. The first few were small but the participants had tremendous breakthroughs in their lives. Lifelong struggles suddenly had solutions. Fear of their own power turned into courage. Love for themselves became a way of life and all kinds of abundance and love began to show up regularly.

I branched out to other rivers and found that it was always the same. A beautiful experience for all of us.

For me - I fell in love with myself and this work more after each trip.

There is something so remarkable to watch when someone steps out of their comfort zone and commits to experiencing this adventure.

When you let go of your excuses (a statement by a participant in my first river retreat), change becomes exciting and easy and all you need falls into place.

This makes it all worthwhile to me as I often have folks who are really nervous about being outdoors like this but I have never had anyone say they regretted the experience and what it did for their lives.

This year we are diving into the teachings of Louise Hay and the Love Yourself Heal Your Life Program. I have been a licensed teacher for this program for15 years and I can honestly say it changes lives deeply and forever.

When you learn to completely love yourself through these practices and philosophies abundance, love, joy, money, peace, health - all just start to mysteriously show up.

Answers find you, questions no longer haunt you and peace is a way of life.

ROW Adventures who is hosting this event is a professional travel company that I also work for part time in the summer. They are professional, kind, loving and gifted outdoors people.

They really KNOW how to give you the best experience you will ever have on a river trip.

I hope you will consider joining me.

You will be so glad you did.

Time to register is looming as these trips must be planned way ahead of time the rafting company and for me.

May 4-10 - trip

Owyhee River

Registration deadline Feb 15.

Only two days left to order YOUR personal Angel Messages each day for 30 days to start your new year right!!!I will chan...

Only two days left to order YOUR personal Angel Messages each day for 30 days to start your new year right!!!
I will channel a personal Angel Message just for you each day for 30 days and send it to your inbox each morning. These are typically your Guardian Angels but often the Archangels show up and sometimes Spirit Guides. It is really fun!
www.riverangelranch.com to sign up.

You've landed on an experience with angels that will not only change your life, but enlighten your soul. Welcome to the sacred world of Jeanette Dames, Spiritual Transformation Coach, Angel Therapy...

"Jeanette, I had my first major breakthrough on your river retreat on the Salmon River and now I am ready for another on...

"Jeanette, I had my first major breakthrough on your river retreat on the Salmon River and now I am ready for another one. See you on the Owyhee!"
Hey all you incredible folks looking to find a way to love yourself more and enhance your life in every area!!!
Time to get registered for the Love Yourself, Heal Your Life River Retreat May 4! We need 8 registered folks to hold the space so its time to honor yourself and give yourself this fabulous gift that will keep giving for a lifetime!
Visit this link for more information on the river or my website at riverangelranch.com to find details on the retreat content.
I can promise you will be so glad you did.
“I was amazed at the immediate healing I felt after attending the Love Yourself, Heal Your Life workshop. What a safe & loving environment to heal and learn more tools to help me continue to grow. The experience of the river rafting trip took my breath away. It changed me and I don't know how exactly. I was able to leave behind pain & fear and come back with a peace I couldn't attain on my own. I didn't want to go at first but am so grateful I listened to my heart & not all my excuses. I am forever blessed. Thank you Jeanette for being a beautiful conduit for helping others heal.” Brenda

The Owyhee River in Idaho and Oregon is one of the most spectacular desert rivers in the United States.

This Thanksgiving, let's embrace the beauty of gratitude and self-reflection. 🍁 As an intuitive life coach, I'm thankful...

This Thanksgiving, let's embrace the beauty of gratitude and self-reflection. 🍁 As an intuitive life coach, I'm thankful for the incredible journey of growth and discovery shared with each of you. Let's celebrate this day by nurturing our souls with appreciation for life's lessons and the wisdom gained. May your day be filled with heartfelt connections and a deep sense of inner peace. Happy Thanksgiving! 🙏✨


That was last night at Indialantic, FL. I live there and also took a photo like this. We have a drumming circle on Full Moon at the beach. Last night was amazing with the double rainbow and extraordinary light show at sunset.

Credit: Lisa Jackson

As November unfolds, let angel readings illuminate your path, like a beacon through the autumn mist. LOCALS ONLY SPECIAL...

As November unfolds, let angel readings illuminate your path, like a beacon through the autumn mist. LOCALS ONLY SPECIAL! Schedule with Jeanette this November.


TODAY is the last day to jump onto this amazing promo! All you have to do is Ask Your Angels - Email Jeanette today - [email protected]

WHAT IS YOUR SIGN???How often do you really, truly put yourself first? When you are in a service position it sometimes g...


How often do you really, truly put yourself first? When you are in a service position it sometimes gets tough. If you work in Customer service, it can be even tougher. If you couple that with family, it can get even rough.

I am lucky, I have created my own business where I get to work with Angels and Energy every day to support people in finding the best way for them to live their best lives. BUT – that doesn’t mean I always get the opportunity to get me the first time. When you are in your own business often it becomes all-consuming.

We have to watch for the signs! They are not always really clear hit-you-over the head, signs but I guarantee they are always there.

So here is my sign story. I wanted to do something different for the summer but was really not sure what that would be. I stopped into the School district bus barn where I sometimes help out with high school activity trips (I can't tell you now why) and the manager handed me a flyer and said “You might be interested in this.”

Hell YES! It was a request for a driver for the summer for a rafting company.


So long story short I spent 3 months driving river shuttles and hanging out with River guides. My ‘other tribe’. I quickly realized that at the end of each day I felt full of joy – not just happy but joy in my soul. I know the joy is always there because I love my work but once in a while you need to get replenished.

I was near the rivers, I was in the forests, I was talking guide talk, I was having a blast. In the middle of all of it came the perfect and beautiful opportunity to create another river retreat! I had been handed the incredible gift of working for a company that can host a beautiful River Retreat trip for me next spring.

So ---That trip is all planned and I invite you to think about joining me. It is going to be exceptional, I can feel it. It is the end goal of the sign I was given back in June!

So, never think your angels are not listening. We just have to do our part and pay attention!

So now I am back and ready to be totally focused on being of service to you. If you would like to uplevel your life I have lots of options to share.

To learn more about Jeanette Dames and The River Retreat, visit www.RiverAngelRanch.com.

Calling all kindred spirits! Are you ready to connect with your angels, trust your intuition, and find unwavering suppor...

Calling all kindred spirits! Are you ready to connect with your angels, trust your intuition, and find unwavering support in your earthly journey?

Join us at 6:30pm (MST) Angel Circle this Wednesday at Alpenglow Spa in McCall!

Led by the incredible Jeanette Dames, we'll embark on a beautiful journey of angelic connection, intuition, and everyday human triumphs.

Join us for a short lesson or a soothing meditation, and then we'll create a sacred space to uplift and support each other.

Discover your innate ability to channel the loving energy of your angels and navigate life's ups and downs with grace.

Are you ready to let your inner light shine and become part of a loving, supportive community? Call to save your seat today!

Hey there, beautiful souls! Let's kick off this Monday with a burst of motivation! In a world that often feels uncertain...

Hey there, beautiful souls! Let's kick off this Monday with a burst of motivation!

In a world that often feels uncertain and chaotic, remember that you hold the power to create your own reality.

The future may be hazy, but it's up to you to paint the canvas of your life with vibrant colors!

Take a deep breath, ground yourself, and remind yourself that uncertainty is the canvas of infinite possibilities.

Embrace the unknown, for it is where your true potential lies!

Here are a few mantras to guide you this week:

1️⃣ "I am the creator of my destiny, and I trust the universe to guide me."

2️⃣ "I welcome change and uncertainty as opportunities for growth and transformation."

3️⃣ "I have the power within me to manifest the life of my dreams."

Let's make this week an adventure, a journey into the unknown with faith, hope, and an open heart!

Remember, your intuition is your superpower. Trust it, believe in yourself, and create the magic you want to see in your life!

Follow along with Jeanette Dames: www.riverangelranch.com

Hey there, beautiful souls!I want to invite you to embark on a journey of self-love, self-discovery, and spiritual conne...

Hey there, beautiful souls!

I want to invite you to embark on a journey of self-love, self-discovery, and spiritual connection. Imagine receiving daily doses of inspiration, guidance, and love straight to your inbox for 30 days. This journey is all about nurturing the most important relationship in your life – the one with yourself.

Our 30 Days to Self-Love with Angel Readings program will guide you in connecting with your angels, those celestial beings who are always watching over you, ready to offer guidance, protection, and unwavering love. Each day, you'll receive a heartfelt message, a loving reminder, and a practical exercise to strengthen your bond with your angels.

Why connect with your angels, you ask? Because they are your cosmic cheerleaders, your mentors from the ethereal realms. They see your potential, your worth, and your beauty even when you may struggle to see it in yourself.

Through this 30-day journey, you'll learn to:

1. Trust Your Intuition: Your angels will help you tune into your inner wisdom, your gut feelings, and your higher self. Trusting your intuition is a powerful act of self-love.

2. Release Self-Doubt: Let go of the doubts and insecurities that hold you back from embracing your unique beauty and potential. Your angels will be your constant reminder that you are enough, just as you are.

3. Embrace Self-Care: Self-love means taking care of your body, mind, and spirit. Your angels will guide you in finding the self-care routines that nourish your soul.

4. Set Healthy Boundaries: Loving yourself means protecting your energy and setting boundaries. Your angels will support you in standing up for what you deserve.

5. Forgive and Let Go: Release the past, forgive yourself, and move forward with a heart full of love and acceptance.

6. Manifest Your Dreams: Your angels are your co-creators in life. They'll help you manifest your dreams and desires, reminding you that you are worthy of all the good things coming your way.

By the end of this 30-day journey, you'll have a profound connection with your angels and, most importantly, a deeper connection with yourself. You'll be on a path to self-love and self-acceptance, embracing your beauty and your worth.

Are you ready to commit to self-love and the amazing journey of connecting with your angels? Join us for the next 30 days and let the celestial love and guidance flow into your life. Click the link in our bio or visit www.RiverAngelRanch.com to sign up and start receiving daily love notes from your angels.

Here's to a month of self-love, angelic guidance, and embracing the beautiful soul that you are. 💖👼

* Stop Self-Sabotage + Self-Criticism* Learn to Love Yourself Fully, Freely, & FearlesslyWelcome to the Love Yourself- H...

* Stop Self-Sabotage + Self-Criticism

* Learn to Love Yourself Fully, Freely, & Fearlessly

Welcome to the Love Yourself- Heal Your Life® 7-day retreat on the Owyhee River in Oregon. Here you will find a safe space to open your heart and experience the healing power of self-love, growth, and profound inner change.

Our retreat, under the guidance of Jeanette Dames, Licensed Heal Your Life Teacher, and ROW Adventures, revolves around the inspiring philosophies of Louise L. Hay, the globally acclaimed metaphysical teacher and author of the bestselling book “You Can Heal Your Life®”, which has helped millions of people make positive changes in their lives.

Working with the Heal Your Life® philosophies, you will go deeper to release old conditioning, enabling you to welcome new ideas that will change your life forever.

During this 7-day river retreat, we’ll work with all four aspects of ourselves – mind, body, spirit, and emotions – to equip you with the understanding, tools, and inspiration to live a fulfilling life that reflects your authentic self.

The Heal Your Life® River Retreat will offer you an exceptional opportunity to completely disconnect from your world so that you can fully dive into your own personal healing. This retreat will also lead you to a new level of thinking and understanding of yourself and your life, allowing you to experience inner peace, self-love, self-esteem, and a healthy release of emotion.

The retreat encourages you to:

* Break free from life-repeating patterns related to love, career or money

* Disentangle yourself from self-critical and self-sabotaging cycles

* Overcome feeling stuck and understand the root cause

* Believe in your potential for more

The Heal Your Life® Retreat provides a safe space to let down your guard and prioritize healing, growth, and inner transformation.

If you feel any of these, this is the retreat for you.

* You believe you are destined for more

* You keep finding life-repeating patterns with love, career or money

* You are Stuck, Stopped or Struggling and want to get to the root cause

* You’re in a self-critical and self-sabotaging cycle and want to end your pattern and inner turmoil

Through various reflective exercises, guided meditations, practical tools, and group discussions, you will gain insights, release old conditioning and foster personal growth.

You will have personal time for hiking, private meditation, napping, journaling and basking in the deep beauty of this gorgeous river canyon.

Regardless of what draws you to the retreat, rest assured that you will experience a significant shift towards self-love, self-esteem, inner peace, and a healthy release of emotion.

Join us for this life-transforming retreat and ignite the power within you to heal and flourish.

For questions and details please email me at [email protected] or call at 206-769-9557.

With blessings and love,

Jeanette Dames
[email protected]

STARTING IN OCTOBER - WE ARE GOING VIRTUAL! Angel Circle is a support group for those awesome folks who want to create a...


Angel Circle is a support group for those awesome folks who want to create a closer connection to their angels, practice hearing and trusting their intuition, and support each other with everyday human challenges. We would love to have you join us!

To get your Zoom Link - Register at www.riverangelranch.com

UPDATE!!!! Going Virtual! Share with family + friends! Anyone can join in from anywhere! Times are MST. Register by emai...

UPDATE!!!! Going Virtual! Share with family + friends! Anyone can join in from anywhere! Times are MST. Register by emailing [email protected]


"The Law of Attraction is the chef of the Cosmic Kitchen; your thoughts are the ingredients, and your reality is the meal it serves."

Exciting News! Join us in McCall, Idaho for an eye-opening workshop on "Ordering from the Cosmic Kitchen: How to Get What You Really, Really Want"!

Are you ready to manifest your dreams into reality? Discover the secrets of the Law of Attraction and learn how to align your thoughts, desires, and actions to create the life you've always wanted.

During this immersive workshop, you'll gain insights into the power of your thoughts and intentions, and how to attract abundance, love, and success into your life. 🌟

Call 206-769-9557 to register. Limited Spacing!

Don't miss out on this transformative experience! Reserve your spot today and start manifesting the life you deserve.

ORDERING FROM THE COSMIC KITCHEN Workshop in McCall with facilitator Jeanette Dames! 6 Spots Only so register as soon as...

ORDERING FROM THE COSMIC KITCHEN Workshop in McCall with facilitator Jeanette Dames! 6 Spots Only so register as soon as possible! Call 206.769.9557!



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