Holiday Bath Time-Night & Day
The meadow pond has been a popular bird bath over the holidays. At night for an Eastern Screech Owl, and during the day for American Robins (and a few more). Enjoy!
Late Season Action at the Woodland Pond
The woodland pond has been really busy with drop-in visitors, even though it's frozen. They can sometimes find a little open water along the edges, which tend to warm up and thaw out during the day. But I also think many of these may be young birds (hatched last spring) and have never seen ice! Enjoy!
Ice Time
One of our resident Opossums checks out the frozen woodland pond. Watch how it catches scent of something at the end....that nose is really working! Enjoy!
Thirsty Visitor
A thirsty Opossum stops by the woodland pond for an early morning drink. Enjoy!
Loping Along!
We had a new visitor to the woodland pond. A Long-tailed Weasel loped along the pond edge for a brief moment.
The Woodlot Acrobat
A Gray Squirrel enjoys playing in the trees, like a circus acrobat! Enjoy!
Ready For Reddy-Red
A Red Fox poses for the camera at the woodland pond. Enjoy!
The Moving Penny
I found this Water Penny Beetle Larvae on a rock, in a stream in Schuylkill County, PA, while visiting daughter Darby. I love the way they seem to just glide, as they move about. It does go through complete metamorphosis (egg-larvae-pupa-adult), as it feeds on algae living on rocks. Because Water Pennies cannot tolerate pollution or sediment, they are indicators of good water quality.
After checking it out on my hand, I carefully returned this little larva safely to the rock where I found it in the stream! I love looking for aquatic critters!
Bat Action!
For the first time in several years, we were excited to see at least a half dozen bats (Big Brown, I think) flying around in the pre-dawn hours this morning...many of them diving low near the pollinator gardens (right over our heads)! Another benefit of planting natives to attract more insects....! Now I just have to figure out how to photograph them!
....and Along Came a Spider!
Enjoying watching this baby Opossum, then a creepy visitor drops in!
Hover Action
A little feeding action by a Clearwing (Hummingbird) moth on the backyard Bee Balm. Enjoy!
I'm swimming, swimming, swimming!
An adult Red-shouldered Hawk takes a quick dip in the meadow pond on a hot June day! Enjoy!