The Daily Warrior - Frank Imparato

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The Daily Warrior - Frank Imparato The Daily Warrior page was created for those who need a place to share the life's experiences. The Daily Warrior email was created over 15+ years ago.

The Holy Spirit asked me to spend some time every morning in prayer and then sending out to all that wants to hear. This FB page hopefully will represent my daily email blast to those who have asked to be on our prayer list. If you would like to be added to the list, please email me at [email protected]. If at anytime you want to be off that list, just say so. A special note, if you have frie

nds and family that may want to get on the list, either forward The Daily Warrior or send me their email address. May God Bless you all.

1/09/2025Stop trusting in man, who has but a breath in his nostrils. Of what account is he? — Isaiah 2:22Thought"If only...


Stop trusting in man, who has but a breath in his nostrils. Of what account is he? — Isaiah 2:22


"If only I had a friend."

"If only my father hadn't left."

"If only she was more supportive."

"If only..."

Even though we know deep down that people can and will often fail us, we still pin so many of our hopes on them � or excuse our failure on not having the right ones of them in our lives. However, people are fallible and mortal, just like we are. So, while we are involved in other people's lives and we're connected to other believers in Jesus, let's also remember to keep our hopes connected to the Son of God, who "destroyed death and has brought life and immortality to light" (2 Timothy 2:11) and who will never leave or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5-6; Romans 8:37-39).


Dear Father, please forgive me when I have pinned my well-being and happiness on being accepted by a particular group of people or supported by another special person. Even more, dear Father, I ask for your forgiveness for excusing my weaknesses and for strength to overcome my bitterness because I blamed you for not having the right people in my life. I know my only lasting hope is in Jesus. So, I pray this in the name of the always faithful, Lord Jesus. Amen.

1/08/2025The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him; it is good to wait quietly for the sa...


The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him; it is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord. — Lamentations 3:25


Out of the ashes of Jerusalem's destruction and the disaster that befell God's people because of their repeated disobedience comes this reminder of truth. Those who wait patiently, hope fervently, and seek the Lord will find their soul's deepest needs met. So, we can wait quietly, not complaining but anticipating our salvation coming from the Lord!


Give me patience and faith, please, O God, to wait quietly on your deliverance when life is hard and everything seems to be against me. I believe that you are good to those who persevere, waiting patiently in hope for your mighty deliverance. Dear Father, please give me the strength I desperately need to wait quietly in faith, trusting that I will receive your salvation and your blessing as I live to honor you. In the name of your Son, Jesus, I confidently pray. Amen.

1/07/2025Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every mornin...


Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. — Lamentations 3:22-23


What sustained you through the night? What will get you through today? What will enable you to achieve, even thrive, in the days ahead? The Lord's great love! His incredible resources for love, compassion, and faithfulness never really run dry! Each new day brings a fresh supply of them from his mercy and grace. God is faithful in making sure we have them each and every day. Praise be to God for making our world new and inviting us to walk with him and find his love, compassion, and faithfulness always near!


Thank you, holy God and loving Father, for sustaining me through the night and promising me endless days at the end of my life's journey. May you, my heavenly Father, find my love for and praise offered to you and always on my lips and in my heart. In Jesus' name, I thank and praise you for being the one true, loving, compassionate, and faithful God. Amen.

1/06/2025I will sing to the Lord all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live. May my meditation be pleas...


I will sing to the Lord all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live. May my meditation be pleasing to him, as I rejoice in the Lord. — Psalm 104:33-34


Do you sing in the shower? What words are on your lips? What is the soundtrack for your heart as you sleep? Singing is such a wonderful gift! First, it is a gift from God to help us express our joy, excitement, sorrow, and victory in him and to him. Second, it is a gift from us to God to help us communicate our respect, appreciation, love, thanksgiving, and confidence in God. So let's sing, praising God for what he has done, proclaiming what he will do, and sharing what he is currently doing in our lives! And, let's ask the Spirit to give us songs in the night (Job 35:10; Psalm 77:6) that celebrate our life in Christ and comfort us when life is harsh and we are discouraged.


O God, my Father in heaven, even your name is holy, yet you welcome me with love. As I worship you, please insert your will into my heart I more closely reflect your holy character. I trust you, dear Lord, for the food I need daily. I ask you, Holy Father, to forgive me as I release the bitterness and anger I have held against those who have wounded me. Empower me, O God, to resist the temptations and deceptions of the Evil One. Holy Spirit, please fill my heart with love, joy, and peace as I sing praises, and comfort me with songs in the night. In Jesus' name, I confidently pray. Amen.

1/05/2025My soul yearns for you in the night; in the morning my spirit longs for you. — Isaiah 26:9ThoughtWhen a young c...


My soul yearns for you in the night; in the morning my spirit longs for you. — Isaiah 26:9


When a young couple in love is apart, they long to be with each other so much they ache. When parents are separated from a child, they miss that child intensely. When a spouse can no longer be with a long-time marriage partner, that person's soul can ache to be reunited with the one they have loved and lost. God created us to be in the most profound fellowship with him and find our source and significance in our relationship with him. This deep relationship was initially called "walking in the garden in the cool of the day," something that sin took away from us and caused us to hide from God (Genesis 3:8). Do you recognize your spirit aching to be with God? Many believers call this ache the God-shaped hole in all of us. It is a powerful metaphor for the yearning and longing for God we have built into our hearts, a longing that even sin and the evil one cannot extinguish. So, how do we fill our God-shaped hole? First, let's recognize our God-hunger can only be satisfied by the Lord himself, not another person, creature, or creation. Then, we should confess our longing and yearning for God as Isaiah did in today's verse. That opens the door for our hearts to satisfy our yearning and longing by spending time in our Abba Father's presence as we communicate our desire, affection, and need to be with our Abba in heaven. Yes, our souls yearn for God during the night; in the morning, our spirits long to be alive with God as we begin each day!


Holy and righteous Father, I do ache to experience your presence. I know the piece of my soul I sometimes feel is missing can only be found in you. Please, dear Father, be very real and present in my life today. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

1/04/2025..and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness. — Ephesians 4:24Though...

..and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness. — Ephesians 4:24


Remember, our verse today comes from Paul's challenge to put off our old way of life (Ephesians 4:22-24). Yesterday, we offered ourselves to God to be made new in our ways of thinking and serving. One of the most significant decisions we face at the beginning of each day is what we will wear. Well, no matter what we choose for our physical clothing, let's make sure we choose to put on the new person God re-made us to be, clothed with Christ as our new self (Romans 13:14; Galatians 3:27), someone committed to live for God "in true righteousness and holiness." Only the "garments of salvation" and the "robe of God's righteousness" (Isaiah 61:10) will fit us eternally!


Dear Father, may people see the character and likeness of Jesus in me today. Lord Jesus, in your name, I ask you, please, to guide my decisions and help me know how you would have me act in today's situations. Precious and powerful Holy Spirit, please fill me and continue your work in transforming me as I seek to clothe myself with Christ, cherishing the garment of your salvation as Jesus clothes me in the robe of his righteousness. Amen.

1/02/2025You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by ...


You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires... — Ephesians 4:22


Paul gives us several challenging verses when we read Ephesians 4:22-24. We will take each of these verses one day at a time. Today, Paul reminds us that we surrendered our hearts to God. Our old selves were crucified with Christ when we became Christians (Romans 6:6). Jesus reminds us that this kind of surrender is something each of us should do daily (Luke 9:23). We need to put the old sinful life aside every day "put off your old self" � and choose to live for Jesus in response to God's grace. Why is this "putting off" so important? Because our way of life before being united with Christ was full of sinful influences and the deceitful desires that the evil one seeks to reawaken in us. So, as we begin this new year, let's make it our spiritual habit to consciously offer ourselves to the Lord daily as we seek to live joyously under his lordship.


Holy and Almighty Lord, I approach you as my loving Abba Father. I want to honor you. I want to ignore the temptations of the evil one. I don't want him to deceitfully lure me back into the corrupt ways of my former life before Jesus. Please empower me through your Holy Spirit and conform to Jesus* as you capture my heart with your grace. Father, I want to live each day for you, honoring Jesus' sacrifice for me and yielding to the influence of the Holy Spirit. I ask this through the intercession of the Spirit and the authority of the Son. Amen.

1/01/2025There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan that can succeed against the Lord. — Proverbs 21:30ThoughtNo matter how...


There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan that can succeed against the Lord. — Proverbs 21:30


No matter how fresh the start nor how great the plans we have made this new year, if we do not walk with God, this coming year will not be a spiritual success. As we receive this gift of a new year, let's commit to serving the Lord. As we plan for the coming year ahead of us, let's make sure that those plans are based on the Lord's revealed will in Scripture, the leading of the Holy Spirit, and prayerful consideration of what our God wants us to accomplish as we live for him.


God of the ages, my Father in heaven, thank you for being very near as I start this new year. Please bless me and reveal to me your will for each day. Bring the people into my life who will help me love you more, serve you effectively, and bless others in meaningful ways. To you be all the honor and glory in what I do, think, and say in the days ahead. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

12/31/2024But seek his kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well. — Luke 12:31ThoughtAs we stand at the end...


But seek his kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well. — Luke 12:31


As we stand at the end of one year and look over tomorrow into the beginning of a new one, let's remember that before our New Year's resolutions are made and before this year has come to its end, we must declare to all, "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord..." (Joshua 24:15). We choose to seek God and his kingdom first. That's our highest priority, and we trust that God will add all the other things we need as and when we need them.


As I conclude this year and begin another, dear Father, I pray that you will help me keep my eyes on Jesus and my heart focused on your will as I seek your kingdom above all other things. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

12/30/2024When the priests and Levites had purified themselves ceremonially, they purified the people, the gates and the...


When the priests and Levites had purified themselves ceremonially, they purified the people, the gates and the wall. — Nehemiah 12:30


Nehemiah had returned to Judea from serving a foreign king who authorized him to rebuild the broken structures in Jerusalem and rally the people to repopulate the Holy City, re-commit to purity, and rebuild the city walls to protect the people inside. As the people finished rebuilding the walls, Nehemiah insisted that the key leaders and everyday places must be purified. They had to do that before they began their normal daily lives inside the walls and continued their work of purifying the people. Nehemiah reminds us that before we try to "clean up" those around us, we must first offer ourselves to God to be consecrated and made pure by his grace. Then, we can live demonstrating the impact of God's holiness on those around us. This principle is similar to what Jesus told us to remove the plank from our own eye before we try to clean the speck out of someone else's eye (Luke 6:41-42). For leaders at any level church, work, teams, families dedicating ourselves to holiness is essential before calling others to holiness! God's most significant spiritual renewal movements begin with leaders consecrating themselves to the Lord and then leading others toward God's holy way of living.


O Father in heaven, forgive me for my sins. I want to be pure and holy, cleansed by your Spirit and forgiven by your grace. Please bless me as I seek to live a holy life before those I seek to influence. I need your powerful help to be the example and person of character that you want me to be and that my friends need me to be. I ask this in the name of Jesus, my Savior and Lord. Amen.

12/29/2024"Or again, how can anyone enter a strong man's house and carry off his possessions unless he first ties up the...


"Or again, how can anyone enter a strong man's house and carry off his possessions unless he first ties up the strong man? Then he can rob his house." — Matthew 12:29


Jesus is quoting a popular truism in his day, using this "strong man" saying to refer to his own power over the evil one. Satan may be the strong man who has claimed us through our sin, but Jesus broke into the stronghold of the evil one and delivered us to freedom. Jesus is far stronger than evil, death, and hell. Through the cross, our Savior bound the strong man and then robbed him of us! He did this by becoming human and facing death with complete obedience to God. The Lord then rose from the dead, defeating sin, the evil one, death, and hell, giving us new life! Praise God! Jesus broke into the Strong Man's house. He overpowered him and bound him. What did he bring out of the strong man's house? Treasure, of course! And that treasure is us!!


Thank you, Lord Jesus, for rescuing me from the dominion of darkness and ushering me into your victorious Kingdom of Light accomplished by you, the Son of your love!* Amen.

12/28/2024Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acce...


Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our "God is a consuming fire." — Hebrews 12:28-29


Every earth-made empire will eventually topple, and every man-made structure will decay and fall. God, however, has given us a kingdom that can't rust, spoil, or fade, kept in heaven for us. What will we do in response to this great gift? Worship with reverence and awe! The Holy Spirit isn't talking about worship in a church building. Our worship in reverence and awe is what we do in our daily lives. We worship by...

Keeping on loving each other as brothers and sisters (Hebrews 13:1).
Offering hospitality to strangers (Hebrews 13:2).
Remembering and caring for those in prison and those who are mistreated (Hebrews 13:3).
Honoring marriage among us and keeping our marriage beds pure by keeping ourselves free from sexual immorality (Hebrews 13:4).
Learning to be content with what we have and keeping our lives free from the love of money (Hebrews 13:5).
Honoring godly leaders as we imitate the holy things w! e see in their lives (Hebrews 13:7).
Keeping ourselves away from novel and strange teachings (Hebrews 13:8).
Following Jesus despite opposition, willing to bear disgrace for him (Hebrews 13:13).
Offering God the sacrifice of our praise through Jesus as we profess our allegiance to God (Hebrews 13:15).
Remembering to do good and sharing with others (Hebrews 13:16).

Is this really the worship we are to offer with reverence and awe? Yes, because God is pleased with this worship in our daily lives (Hebrews 13:16).


All praise and adoration be yours, O great King of the Ages. Thank you for giving me a place in your incomparable, indestructible, and unconquerable Kingdom. In Jesus' name, I worship, live, and praise you. Amen.

12/27/2024Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it. — 1 Corinthians 12:27ThoughtWhat part of ...


Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it. — 1 Corinthians 12:27


What part of the Body are you? What's your function? What's your purpose? How are you blessing others in the Body of Christ? Who is someone in Jesus' Body who serves others but also needs your encouragement and praise? Who are people who feel neglected and lonely in Jesus' Body who need your love shown to them? Remember, the human body looks after its parts and members because each is vital to properly functioning. The same is true with Jesus' Body. That means you are essential to your congregation. It also means you are crucial for Jesus' church to function as the Lord's bodily presence in our broken world that desperately needs his love!


Father, thank you for making me a part of something so precious, so incredible, as the bodily presence of the Lord Jesus. Please help every person in our church family find their gifts and use them to touch others with your grace, build up Jesus' Body, and bring you glory. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

12/26/2024Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who se...


Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who serves me. — John 12:26


We can't out-serve, out-love, or out-give Jesus. He longs to bless us. He longs to pour out heaven's riches and grace upon us. Even more incredibly, he longs to honor us as his friends and younger brothers and sisters in God's family. When our lives are over, God the Father, Lord of the entire universe, will honor all who have served his Son and blessed others in Jesus' name! Jesus promised that the Father would bring us home to Himself, who will honor us! Unbelievable? No! It's just another example of God's incredible grace given to us in Jesus. And Jesus promised us:

Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who serves me.


Loving Father and Holy God, please help me follow the will of Jesus, obey his teachings, and serve others as he did when he was on earth. Father, I know I cannot earn your grace, but I want to follow Jesus. I want to serve others in his name. I want to help them find your grace in Jesus, too. So, I pray this in his name to honor you. Amen.

12/25/2024See to it that you do not refuse him who speaks. If they did not escape when they refused him who warned them ...


See to it that you do not refuse him who speaks. If they did not escape when they refused him who warned them on earth, how much less will we, if we turn away from him who warns us from heaven? — Hebrews 12:25


As with all the daily verses this year, we are syncing with the date, so finding a 12:25 reference related to Jesus' birth was difficult. But I believe that Jesus' birth, life, death, and resurrection confront us with a choice on what to do with the wonder, joy, and glory God has lavished on us in Jesus. When God made Herod face the choice of what to do with Jesus, the evil and corrupt king met Jesus with violent rejection, jealous hatred, and murderous intent. Mary, Joseph, Elizabeth, Zachariah, Anna, Simeon, the shepherds, the angels, and the magi joyfully accepted God's invitation to grace in Jesus. We can, too! With the gift of Jesus comes a tremendous opportunity and responsibility: we must choose to listen, obey, follow, and honor Christ both the Christ child and Christ, who is our Savior and Lord! Since God demanded that his people obey his lesser messengers prophets, priests, and kings in the days before Jesus imagine how much more is our responsibility. God emptied heaven of his Son's glory to send him to earth as one of us so that the Light of Life could shine on us and bring us salvation. What a glorious present!


Thank you, dear Father, for sending your Son and my Savior, Jesus. Please, dear Lord, I do not want to ever take the gift of Jesus for granted. Please, Holy Spirit, empower me and give me wisdom so I can faithfully know, obey, and honor Jesus with my life as you transform me with increasing glory to become more and more like him. I thank you and ask for your continuing grace, Father, in the precious name of Jesus, the Christ child and my Lord! Amen.

12/24/2024I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. Bu...


I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds. — John 12:24


Jesus announced this truth while recognizing that God had called him to lay down his life so his followers could join him in glory. Sacrifice is never easy, but despite his disciples' lack of courage, wrong-headedness, and faith failures during his last hours, Jesus truly believed that his sacrifice would bring out the best in them. He was confident that his example of sacrifice would lead them to share his grace and glory through sacrificing themselves to bless others. Jesus wants his example to do the same in us! As we honor Jesus' sacrifice today, we realize that we prove he was correct about his powerful impact on his disciples and others who came after them. Jesus offered himself as a seed put into the ground and died, but his death produced many seeds that continue to extend his grace and open their hearts to eternal hope!


Thank you, Lord Jesus, for all you did to ransom me from sin and death. Thank you for leaving heaven and living here among us. Thank you for being compassionate and full of holy character as you offered your time and love to all kinds of people. Thank you for loving your own even though they abandoned you. Thank you for enduring the cross and conquering death for me. I look forward to seeing you when you return with glory in the company of the angels as we all get to see the many seeds that came from you. To you be all honor, glory, power, love, and praise forever. Amen.

12/23/2024Life is more than food, and the body more than clothes. — Luke 12:23ThoughtIn the rush of the holiday season a...


Life is more than food, and the body more than clothes. — Luke 12:23


In the rush of the holiday season and the grab at getting and giving gifts while eating good food, it is very important to remember that life is much more than the most basic things we think we need — like food and clothing. If we lose sight of God this season, miss his work, or lose track of his will in our lives, then what do we have that is lasting? Not much, and what we do have won't endure. My prayer for you and me during this holiday season is that we are reminded of what is most important, valuable, and enduring � our life in Jesus and his loving grace and boundless future for us. Let's celebrate that eternal joy in this season!


Sweet and precious, God, you are almighty in power and awesome in glory. Yet, dear Father, you are also near and eternally concerned about me and those I love. Thank you for knowing and loving me with your everlasting love. Please give me the wisdom to see beyond the transitory things of life � the perishable things I think I need � and help me find you and your sustaining presence. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.

12/22/2024For the sake of his great name the Lord will not reject his people, because the Lord was pleased to make you h...


For the sake of his great name the Lord will not reject his people, because the Lord was pleased to make you his own. — 1 Samuel 12:22


The great and holy God will not be unfaithful. He will act to show his character and honor his holy name, even when we, his people, don't deserve his grace. Why God would love and preserve us and our great Israelite ancestors is nothing short of grace, love, and faithfulness. Why would the Father send the Son to live among us, die on the cross, and raise him back to life to defeat death? Because of his grace, love, and faithfulness. If God did this in the past, how much more will he not display his grace, love, and faithfulness in the days and years to come?!


Holy and Righteous Father, your grace has not only saved me but also sustains me even when the evil one tries to use my personal failures to make me doubt your love for me. Thank you for triumphing over my unworthiness and blessing me your righteousness so that I will be fit for your kingdom and glory. I praise you in Jesus' name, the name of the Son who is full of grace, abounding in love, and enduring in faithfulness. Amen.






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