When Cattle Make the Difference
I've just returned from Ethiopia, where, together with friends, I explored the Omo Valley. Among the many tribes, the Mursi left a profound impact on me, as they work tirelessly to stay true to their proud culture — and, undeniably, their cattle. Nearly every man carries a rifle, and the reason is simple: if a tribe loses cattle to another, it can mean the difference between food security and scarcity for their families.
The Mursi are semi-nomadic pastoralists who depend on cattle for sustenance, social status, and community bonds. Their rituals and ceremonies reflect a deep connection to their ancestral land and heritage. Despite modern influences, the Mursi are committed to preserving their unique way of life, making them one of Ethiopia’s most iconic and resilient ethnic groups.
Ps: I used a black cloth, which I hung up in a tree and reflected some light with a reflector – almost like working in a traditional studio.