I love this place! Here's a few clips from this past week in Svalbard
#svalbard #skisvalbard #skiandsail #skiandsailsvalbard #barentsburg #Longyearbyen #prinskarlsforland #sawbackalpine #bergführer #acmg #ifmga #skitouren #skitouring #earnyourturns
Today near the Lyngen Peninsula. Pretty much a perfect day.
Rockies pow skiing today
#betterthanexpected .
#betterthanexpected #sawbackalpine #bergführer #mountainguide #skiguide #acmg #ifmga #skitouren #skitouring #earnyourturns #sawbackalpine
Happy New Year! Greeting the first day of 2024 with a ski out from Talus Lodge yesterday morning. Here's Gaby Gnar shredding the trees into Mitchell Ck. So fun watching these kids so comfortable in this environment they've grown up in.
#betterthanexpected #sawbackalpine #bergführer #mountainguide #skiguide #acmg #ifmga #skitouren #skitouring #earnyourturns #sawbackalpine
A little known but awesome rapid on the Churchill River. About "Whither Wintego":
This article details Saskatchewan’s first environmental impact assessment, which took place in the 1970s over a proposed dam on the Churchill River at the Wintego Rapids. The Wintego Dam, which would have been the largest hydroelectric dam in the province at the time, was controversial because of the environmental repercussions and impacts on the local Indigenous communities, particularly the Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation. We show that the Blakeney NDP government did not initially intend to create a robust environmental impact assessment, and then explain how and why such an assessment was ultimately undertaken. Using archival material that was previously unavailable, the article recounts the governmental study, the Indigenous-led studies (after they rejected the governmental process), and the final Board of Inquiry report. The Wintego saga should be understood within the context of a growing resistance to northern development projects whose benefits accrued mostly to the southern white population. Ultimately, the Blakeney government decided not to build Wintego because of the economic, environmental, and social impacts, as well as concerns about unsettled treaty claims. This could be considered the first attempt – even before the Berger Inquiry – by a provincial government to fully assess the impacts of a natural resource project before final approval, and it was the earliest incorporation of Indigenous-led studies into the assessment process.
Bear on my bike ride yesterday
Ever wondered what a ski and sail day in Svalbard might look like? Enjoy this short Relive video to give you an idea!
#svalbard #skisvalbard #skiandsail #skiandsailsvalbard #barentsburg #Longyearbyen #prinskarlsvorland #sawbackalpine #bergführer #acmg #ifmga #skitouren #skitouring #earnyourturns
Great skiing in the Purcells. Our backup plan to Valhalla Mountain Lodge this week exceeds expectations.
#mountainguide #mountainguideslife #ifmga #GuidingWithMyDaughter #Guiding WithMySon #purcells #powderskiing #nohutsthiswinter #sawbackalpine #earnyourturns #skitouring #skitouren #bergführer #fischerskis #covidskiing
Great skiing east of Rogers Pass 🐒
#mountainguide #mountainguidelife #ifmga #acmg #earnyourturns #skitouring #skitouren #skiuphill @skiuphill.ca #bugaboos #rogerspass #sawbackalpine #explorebc #kootrocks #exploretherockies #keepitwild #fischerski #mybcbackcountry #unpluginbc #tourismcanmore #betterthanexpected #backcountryskiing #journeysforthesoul #backcountrylodgesofbc #exploretherockies #explorecanmore #adventureawaits #freshairandfreedom #explorecanada #getlost #themountainiscalling #goneoutdoors
Last pitch down to the Telkwa glacier, from Allstones
#burnieglacier #skitouring #earnyourturns #fischer #genuineguidegear #backcountry #mountainguide #mountainguidelife #fischerhannibal96 #ifmga #acmg #uiagm #skiguide #snow #winter #outdoor #skimountaineering #skibc #skismithers #burnieglacierchalet #sawbackalpine #skibc
An AMAZING day on Loft Glacier today. Two laps in the alpine and two in Lower Ptarmigan finishing up at 930 m above sea level at Burnie Lake. Another 2000 m day with the South Tyrolians!
#burnieglacier #skitouring #earnyourturns #fischer #genuineguidegear #backcountry #mountainguide #mountainguidelife #fischerhannibal96 #ifmga #acmg #uiagm #skiguide #snow #winter #outdoor #skimountaineering #skibc #skismithers #burnieglacierchalet #sawbackalpine #skibc #ifmga