Awaken your body and mind through a unique five-week or ten-week series to increase muscular strength and flexibility while cultivating mindfulness, intellectual inquiry, and Jewish community. No prior yoga or Torah experience necessary! Yoga Body Jewish Mind introduces participants to yoga poses and breathing. In addition to the physical and wellness practice of yoga, each class contains teacher
led chavruta (partner) learning to explore the Yamas and Niyamas, the ethical principles of yoga, from a Jewish perspective through classic and contemporary Jewish and Yoga texts. Created by Peggy Price, RYT-200, Yoga Body Jewish Mind was first developed as a series for College of Charleston’s Jewish Studies Department in 2011 to explore the physical practice and ethical principles of yoga through the lens of Jewish values and Torah study. Peggy believes the process of chavruta study challenges us to not only have a deeper connection to Judaism, but to ourselves. What We Offer:
YBJM was originally designed as a 10-week course; there are five yamas and five niyamas, thus each week a new yama or niyama is introduced. To accommodate the needs of different communities, the course is also available in a 5-week course or a one-time workshop format. Right now, courses are offered in various Jewish communities in the greater Washington, DC area and soon to be offered in Burlington, Vermont. Coming Soon:
We are developing a teacher's manual so that any yoga teacher with a minimum training at the Yoga Alliance 200-hour level can purchase the curriculum and materials to bring this inspiring course to their Jewish community wherever they reside.