Lutra Woodland Farm Yoga Retreat with these cool cats. What a great bunch, and hurray to
Chantalle Asselin leading us today so beautifully, Bistro du Pain for feeding us à la française, and Sarah Chauvin for spoiling us with delicious desserts! Until next time, thank you all!!
It is clear to me that I am here to help equestrians of all ages and stages truly be athletes. Equestrians in my mind include riders, grooms, coaches, vets, farriers, shippers and you get the picture.
This means having the physical, mental and emotional capacity and drive to truly perform at your highest possible level, regardless of the horse you are partnered with, or your activity.
A basic human need is time in Nature. It is a very real biochemical reaction that we feel good in nature. It is no secret that greater inspiration, joy and fitness comes from being active in Nature.
With the recent purchase and founding of Lutra Woodland Farm, we are thrilled to offer FarmSport: cross-training like you have never seen before. Fun, personalized, in person, in Nature, for all equestrians aged 7-100. Mondays 10am-11am.
Through FarmSport, you will develop a sense of freedom and joy that is unifying to the environment around you, on an individual level, and at a societal level with your fellow equestrians.
Just by showing up, you will be having a positive impact on the biodiversity of the space, will walk away feeling empowered,lighter and more grounded.
PM for more information and registration