Before hating any human being, try to remember one day she/he was just a kid...
Pay attention. Seek them. Listen them. Play with them. Be spontaneous. Grab them by the hand. Compliment them more. Criticize them less. Marvel at their achievements. Thank them. Be flexible. Trust them. Look them in the eye. Share their enthusiasm. Encourage them. Expect the best of them, but not perfection. Be consistent. Be at their disposal. Discipline them at the right time. Appreciate their differences. Reply their questions. Believe in them. Ask their opinion. Listen at their music. Apologize when you’re wrong. and remember, the best thing you can give them is your undivided attention
Préstale atención, búscalo, juega con él.
Sé espontáneo, tómalo de la mano, halágalo más.
Critícalo menos, maravíllate de sus logros, agradécele,
sé flexible, confía en el. Míralo a los ojos.
Comparte su entusiasmo, Anímalo,
Espera lo mejor de él, mas no la perfeccion.
Sé consistente, estate a su disposición,
disciplinalo en su momento, aprecia sus diferencias,
contesta sus preguntas, cree en él, pide su opinion.
Escucha su musica, pídele disculpas cuando te equivoques.
y recuerda que lo mejor que puedes darle es el 100%
de tu atención.