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Tourists and Travelers The world is a book & those who do not travel read only 1 page - Make memories today 4 the conversati

  - LETS all please help Renee Michelle raise these funds .. She is very sick with rupture & needs these IMPLANTS out as...

- LETS all please help Renee Michelle raise these funds .. She is very sick with rupture & needs these IMPLANTS out asap so she can begin the road to recovery .. if you can help every drop help thank so much .. Hearts love 2ALL XX ☄💝☄💝☄💝☄💝☄💝

My name is Renee and I suffer from Breast Implant illness , This was very hard for me because I am putting so much of my personal information out there but this is my only chance to get funds to have my breast implants removed, about 20 years ago I made a very uneducated mistake of getting breast...

There is nothing on the market like this easy portable 1 step  .YOU CAN TAKE  'S TECHNOLOGY ANYWHERE YOU GODTX7 CONTAINS...

There is nothing on the market like this easy portable 1 step .




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BEAUTIFUL SUNDAY 2ALL 💘☄💘☄💘Lots of love laughter joy peace and health today & always .. 💝's love xx 😘😘😘😘


Lots of love laughter joy peace and health today & always .. 💝's love xx 😘😘😘😘

Practice   daily & make the most of your   experience.Mindfulness means maintaining a moment-by-moment   of our  ,  , bo...

Practice daily & make the most of your experience.

Mindfulness means maintaining a moment-by-moment of our , , bodily sensations, and surrounding .

Mindfulness also involves , meaning that we pay attention to our thoughts and feelings without judging them—without believing, for instance, that there’s a “right” or “wrong” way to think or feel in a given moment. When we practice mindfulness, our thoughts tune into what we’re sensing in the present moment rather than rehashing the past or imagining the future.

Though it has its roots in Buddhist , a secular practice of mindfulness has entered the American mainstream in recent years, in part through the work of Jon Kabat-Zinn and his Mindfulness-Based (MBSR) program, which he launched at the University of Massachusetts Medical School in 1979. Since that time, thousands of studies have documented the physical and mental health benefits of mindfulness in general and MBSR in particular, inspiring countless programs to adapt the MBSR model for , , , , and beyond.

Why Practice Mindfulness?

Studies have shown that practicing mindfulness, even for just a few weeks, can bring a variety of physical, , and social benefits. Here are some of these benefits, which extend across many different settings.

Mindfulness is good for our bodies:

A seminal study found that, after just eight weeks of training, practicing mindfulness meditation boosts our ’s ability to fight off illness.

Mindfulness is good for our minds:

Several studies have found that mindfulness increases positive emotions while reducing negative emotions and . Indeed, at least one study suggests it may be as good as in fighting and preventing relapse.

Mindfulness changes our brains:

Research has found that it increases density of gray matter in brain regions linked to learning, memory, emotion regulation, and empathy.

Mindfulness helps us focus:

Studies suggest that mindfulness helps us tune out distractions and improves our memory and attention skills.

Mindfulness fosters and :

Research suggests mindfulness training makes us more likely to help someone in need and increases activity in neural networks involved in understanding the suffering of others and regulating emotions. Evidence suggests it might boost self-compassion as well.

Mindfulness enhances :

Research suggests mindfulness training makes couples more satisfied with their relationship, makes each partner feel more optimistic and relaxed, and makes them feel more accepting of and closer to one another.

Mindfulness is good for and parents-to-be:

Studies suggest it may reduce -related , stress, and depression in expectant parents. Parents who practice mindfulness report being happier with their and their relationship with their kids, and their were found to have better .

Mindfulness helps :

There’s scientific evidence that teaching mindfulness in the classroom reduces behavior problems and aggression among students, and improves their happiness levels and ability to pay attention. Teachers trained in mindfulness also show lower , less negative emotion and symptoms of depression, and greater compassion and .

Mindfulness helps professionals cope with stress, connect with their patients, and improve their general quality of life. It also helps mental health professionals by reducing negative emotions and anxiety, and increasing their positive emotions and feelings of .

Mindfulness helps prisons:

Evidence suggests mindfulness reduces anger, hostility, and mood disturbances among prisoners by increasing their awareness of their thoughts and emotions, helping with their rehabilitation and reintegration.

Mindfulness helps veterans:

Studies suggest it can reduce the symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in the aftermath of war.
Mindfulness fights obesity: Practicing “mindful eating” encourages healthier eating habits, helps people lose weight, and helps them savor the food they do eat.

How to Cultivate Mindfulness?

Jon Kabat-Zinn emphasizes that although mindfulness can be cultivated through formal meditation, that’s not the only way. “It’s not really about sitting in the full lotus, like pretending you’re a statue in a British museum,” he says in this Greater Good video. “It’s about living your life as if it really mattered, moment by moment by moment by moment.”

Here are a few key components of practicing mindfulness that Kabat-Zinn and others identify:

Pay close attention to your breathing, especially when you’re feeling intense emotions.
Notice—really notice—what you’re sensing in a given moment, the sights, sounds, and smells that ordinarily slip by without reaching your conscious awareness.

Recognize that your thoughts and emotions are fleeting and do not define you, an insight that can free you from negative thought patterns.

Tune into your body’s physical sensations, from the water hitting your skin in the shower to the way your body rests in your office chair.
To develop these skills in everyday life, you can try these exercises used in Kabat-Zinn’s MBSR program and elsewhere:

The body scan, where you focus your attention along your body, from the toes to the top of your head, trying to be aware and accepting of whatever you sense in these body parts, without controlling or changing those feelings.

The raisin exercise, where you slowly use all of your senses, one after another, to observe a raisin in great detail, from the way it feels in your hand to the way its taste bursts on your tongue. This exercise is intended to help you focus on the present moment, and can be tried with different foods.

Walking meditation, where you focus on the movement of your body as you take step after step, your feet touching and leaving the ground—an everyday activity we usually take for granted. This exercise is often practiced walking back and forth along a path 10 paces long, though it can be practiced along most any path.

Loving-kindness meditation, which the GGSC’s Christine Carter explains in this post, involves extending feelings of compassion toward people, starting with yourself then branching out to someone close to you, then to an acquaintance, then to someone giving you a hard time, then finally to all beings everywhere.

Over the years on Greater Good, we’ve identified successful programs for cultivating mindfulness; here are some highlights.

Jon Kabat-Zinn’s Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Program (MBSR), in which students meet for two-to-three hours per week for eight weeks, practicing at home between classes; it has helped tens of thousands of people build mindfulness.

Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) adapts the MBSR model specifically for people suffering from depression and chronic unhappiness. Developed by Zindel Segal, Mark Williams, and John Teasdale, MBCT combines mindfulness practices with practices from cognitive therapy, and it has been backed up by a great deal of research.

Megan Cowan, founder of the Mindful Schools program, offers tips for teaching mindfulness to kids in this Greater Good article.
In another Greater Good article, Margaret Cullen, founder of the SMART-in-Education program, explains how she uses mindfulness to help teachers take care of themselves and keep from burning out.

Nancy Bardacke’s Mindfulness-Based Childbirth and Parenting (MBCP) program offers mindfulness training to expectant parents; her book Mindful Birthing describes her program and also offers detailed instructions for cultivating mindfulness in everyday life.

For more: Watch our videos of Kabat-Zinn for his take on how to build mindfulness and check out these “Six Mindfulness Exercises You Can Try Today” from Pocket Mindfulness.

Train your   to see the good in every situation 💖

Train your to see the good in every situation 💖

When you   you can always be the best version of YOU with  :   & guided   to  ,  , breathe &  help relieve   and  .  Bri...

When you you can always be the best version of YOU with : & guided to , , breathe & help relieve and .

Bring more , & of mind into your life, at or at with this awesome app.

Learn   &   down your   when you  .         Meditation is more than a method for relaxing the body Its a way to gaining ...

Learn & down your when you .

Meditation is more than a method for relaxing the body Its a way to gaining from nagging thoughts and worries, quieting the chatter of the , and attaining and . In its higher levels, it leads to &

4 Signs of A    Everyone Should know.                To be more prepared and to recognize the signs of a heart attack, p...

4 Signs of A Everyone Should know.

To be more prepared and to recognize the signs of a heart attack, please watch this informative 2 minute video 📹

Are you having a heart attack? Many people call 911 or get driven to the emergency room with chest pain or left sided arm pain. The big question: Am I having...

Give your self a break at this Remote     .. Meet       & Find  , your   &   here at   💖Located on 237 private acres and...

Give your self a break at this Remote .. Meet & Find , your & here at 💖

Located on 237 private acres and surrounded by the , is an ideal destination to experience "On the Mountain", or the of . A simpler way of being.

Cabin in Near Big Bear - The Pyramid Center, United States. Located on 237 private acres and surrounded by the San Bernardino National Forest, The Pyramid Center is an ideal destination to experience peaceful solitude "On the Mountain", or the adventurous exploration of nature. A simpler w…

Please help   this   .. its shameful and despicable that the   is threatening to kick out this green beret war hero for ...

Please help this .. its shameful and despicable that the is threatening to kick out this green beret war hero for defending a child from r**e & what's worse are the reports .. please stand up for Sergeant Martland by signing this petition .. by doing so you're standing up for all our children .. we're all in this together and we all belong to each other so we must protect children no matter where they are on this planet called home .. it's one planet for all you guys let's rise up and awaken others .. because if someone can't help then they must NOT HARM .. as a human beings on a planet that we share WE ALL MUST RISE TOGETHER or it will surely be all our demise .. Thank you deeply..


Defend a War Hero; Stop .. It’s shameful and despicable.

The is threatening to kick out a Green Beret war hero for defending a child from **e.

What’s worse are reports that the military has allowed Afghanistan forces to sexually abuse young children on U.S. bases.

– young boys and girls – are being r**ed and , and Sergeant Charles Martland said, “We felt a to act.”

For his action, he faces expulsion from the .

As his case is reviewed, we’re sending a critical legal letter to the demanding direct action to stop this moral outrage and reinstate the brave who exposed it. Add your voice now.

Petition to Stop Child Sexual Abuse and Defend Sergeant Martland

To the Secretary of Defense & Secretary of the Army:

The U.S. military has a moral obligation to stop child sexual abuse on our bases and exonerate for defending a child from r**e.

It’s shameful and despicable. The U.S. Army is threatening to kick out a Green Beret war hero for defending a child from r**e. What’s worse are reports...

Top 10 Relaxing Spots In The

Top 10 Relaxing Spots In The

1. Maldives2. Thassos3. Tahiti4. Sicily5. Acapulco6. Lefkada7. Thailand8. Seychelles9. Huahine10. Bora Bora


ComeJoin Where is ♡

Dear Friends, I am inviting you to take the leap and make extraordinary

      $5 InNext 12Hrs &   10Friends➡ will Give5     2 100,000+ppl 4EachDonation   That way the challenge gets out .. to ...

$5 InNext 12Hrs & 10Friends➡ will Give5 2 100,000+ppl 4EachDonation

That way the challenge gets out .. to the community which is really all of us .. so i want everyone to know I don't want anything for free .. I really need help first now for me .. so I can keep the fundraising going .. long after I am well through all the humanitarian & global projects that some of you already know about me and my work

My goal is to keep the CompassionateCareFoundation alive and well ... so others in our global community have a place to go for help instead of fundraising for themselves

What do you think? I want people to know that by helping me .. in the smallest of droplets .. through community efforts that we can show how only a gift of $5 dollars compassionately donated can go .. FAR BEYOND ME ..

We can help 2 sponsor each other .. that way .. no one or anything goes without .. we are a powerful people and if we help each other .. we all benefit and can help put a big dent in the pain & suffering of our world Let's keep

Sending big hugs 2ALL♡'s Love Light and Abundant Blessings ✌

IN DIGNITY WE ALL DESERVE NOT TO SUFFER NEEDLESSLY Hello, my name is Zuzanna Jurisova .. I want to thank everyone from my heart & soul for taking a moment of your time to visit my Medical Fundraising Page .. your unconditional love, kindness, compassion & support are so greatly appreciated. My...

Hi ALL  I Wanted to share with everyone that I'm starting to offer FREE TELEPHONE HEALTH CONSULTATIONS about any and all...

Hi ALL I Wanted to share with everyone that I'm starting to offer FREE TELEPHONE HEALTH CONSULTATIONS about any and all of your concerns including - - - - Male & Female & needs & changes OR any other health concerns that you have .. I am taking my practice online and will be working with patients via phone that are outside the area .. Take advantage of this wonderful opportunity to have all your questions answered - Just call & ask .. it FREE (310) 926-8434

Much Love to ALL .. Wishing everyone a very happy and healthy day Much Light

JOURNEY TO YOUR NEW DESTINY The Standard American Diet – the “SAD” diet − is exactly that – sad! Most foods are man-made, refined, processed and preserved, made up of many substances that are completely foreign to the body. This is definitely not what nature int...

  do not finally meet somewhere.  They are in each other all along.

do not finally meet somewhere. They are in each other all along.

  - WE are ALL bound by others past & present AND by each crime & each kindness WE BIRTH OUR FUTURE .. THIS is only a do...

- WE are ALL bound by others past & present AND by each crime & each kindness WE BIRTH OUR FUTURE .. THIS is only a door when 1 closes another opens 💖


: ~
~ The ~ A 21st Century
Using as a very language of with words that direct the viewer to understand complex in childlike wonderment

Timeless Art - Sacred Art
the ' ArtPoet '


Please join me on an amazing exploration of G-d & .. through the amazing & soul of .. & Please like & share the timeless back to - The of the Soul carried through a voyage of & .. 'S Love 2ALL Thank you see you .. there

Timeless Art - Sacred Art
the ' ArtPoet '

☆ How   Are Being Used for

☆ How Are Being Used for

Health-conscious eaters are turning to apps to round out their diets and track their vitamin intake.

Keeping Your Family Healthy & Happy on the Road.

Keeping Your Family Healthy & Happy on the Road.

This summer our family is taking a much needed vacation. Though I am looking forward to a week in Colorado, I’m not looking forward to the six days of 5+ hour driving it will take to get us there and back. My kids are generally pretty good travelers, but like most kids, they get cranky …


Murad Osmann and his girlfriend took their "Follow Me" Instagram series to India.




Skincare & Blush Obsessed, No Filters, Curly Girl ✨️Living Best Life w/Chronic Illness ✨️ Glow Always

Just a quick update:  T & T will be back and running full force starting Jan 1 .. So be in the look out for the best tra...

Just a quick update: T & T will be back and running full force starting Jan 1 .. So be in the look out for the best travel deals, experiences and memories that will full your world book for conversations that will last lifetimes ..

Start your WORLD BOOK today .. Please share what you see in the first chapter of your world book?

Float like the butterfly - The skys the limit ♥

  of  : The Key to Wonderful  What is worse than a group of people getting together who don’t really want to be there? S...

of : The Key to Wonderful

What is worse than a group of people getting together who don’t really want to be there? Sound familiar? Where is the holiday cheer in that? And how did we get here—where guilt and obligation are the holiday norm?

Read More ...

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