is the ‘go-to’ place for you to find personalized, relevant, local daily deals in the most convenient fashion. We have all your local daily deals in one place and each deal is of great value, legitimate, and from verified sources. We are a young, savvy, forward thinking company, constantly improving, and consistently providing new and improved services that will enhance your user exp
erience. When we first set out to provide a one-stop-shop for all of the extraordinary daily deals offered, we decided to do just that – list all of the deals. As we started to grow and build an active community we started getting great feedback on ways to improve our site and we quickly realized the potential we had to help users find personalized local deals in the easiest possible way. By continually evolving to add value to the process of finding, filtering, and managing great deals for our users we believe we will be able to stand out as industry leaders in the daily deal space, build a trusted relationship with our community, and save everyone a little time and money – things everyone could use a little more of.