In today’s current climate it can be hard enough to get an interview let alone an actual job. Did you know that a large number of applicants don’t get offered an interview due to the quality of their CV and not necessarily their qualifications. I offer a CV design service which includes content tailored to your industry of interest or specific to a job vacancy. My CV’s have an easy to follow layou
t, contain relevant information, are concise and to the point. Competition for jobs is at an all-time high and I want people to have opportunity to have use of my knowledge and experience. I have over 15 years in management within the Leisure industry. Due to the nature of the industry it has a high turnover of staff and therefore I advertise, shortlist and conduct interviews on a regular basis. If a CV is not required an Application Form will be; in my experience about 80% of applications forms are filled in incorrectly. I can also assist with completing an application form using the job description, ensuring that all areas of the job have been covered giving you the best chance of a Job Interview. Once you have been given an interview, I have the experience to offer Interview techniques giving you the best opportunity of getting the job!! I can offer mock interviews using questions that will get you thinking about the job and potential answers that you can use for the actual interview.
** Contact me direct for a quote**