At one of the many fishing spots in Beachmere. Whether it’s off the front of Biggs Avenue, at the boat ramp down Saint Smith Drive or along the designated fishing spots on Beachmere Road there’s always a spot to throw a line in.
Pop a photo of your best catch in the comments.
#discoverbeachmere #moretonbay #moretonbayregion #tourism #destinationqueensland #queensland #visitqueensland #ilovebeachmere
These are a common sight on the beach around spring but do you know what they are?
These are the egg sacs of the moon snail!! The female snail lays her eggs in a jelly material that absorbs water, swelling into the horseshoe-shaped sausage egg sac you find washed up on the beach. The egg sac can be three to five times the size of the snail who laid them.
Due to their shape, they are sometimes called sausage jelly or jelly snags.If you hold the egg sac up to the light you can see the tiny eggs enclosed in a capsule, suspended in the jelly. More than half the eggs lie within a few millimetres of the outer surface of the jelly.#discoverbeachmere #moretonbay #moretonbayregion #tourism #destinationqueensland #queensland #visitqueensland #ilovebeachmere
Is one of the most beautiful and photographed times of the day here in Beachmere. 📷 @rachel.marynichols #discoverbeachmere #moretonbay #moretonbayregion #tourism #destinationqueensland #queensland #visitqueensland #ilovebeachmere
Beachmere Beach.
On low tides you are able walk the whole way along, see all of our soldier crabs, build sandcastles or hunt for yabbies.
On high tides you can go fishing, swimming or just enjoy the serenity of the waves hitting the edges of the rock walls.
📸 Calm Captains
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