Kicking music from Tupi Collective- dj booth on a bike! Vélo Québec #Tourdelile
Meelworm larvae from TriCycle - Insectes comestibles at the farm. Later on the plate at Restaurant Pastel
Restaurant Pastel higher and higher heights of joy and surprise! Merci!
#hail or #kale as Harvey calls it. 😁 @chadoraku
#spectacle dans une #serre @grandpotager #marchefermierdeverdun
@canadianroastingsociety @ambroscoffee #technology meets #heat
#grinding and #grinding #wemakeitclap #chocolatetour @avanaachocolat
Venez nous voir pour notre marché à LaSalle au Centre Henri-Lemieux (5e et Edouard) fraises, framboises, bleuets, fleurs, algues, thé du Japon, champignons, pousses, mesclun, kombucha, salsas, tartinades, sirops, ail, olives et encore plus!
Les autres vendeurs sont: Savons Artisanaux du Lac Masson
Ferme Jacques et Lucille Machabée
Et plusieurs d’autres pas sur Facebook
Come out to the farmer’s market in LaSalle organized by CAUS at Centre Henri Lemieux (5th ave and Edouard): strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, flowers, garlic, mushrooms, olives, salsa, seaweed, plants, flowers, kombucha, spreads, syrups snd more!
We will also have farmers, artisanal soap makers and more!
#oysters #bbq #lowcountry
#dinnerclub #steamedoysters #burlap #bbq #soulfood @rickshawdiaries
#first #rusticbeer #wildedibles