Studio za projektovanje i inženjering „2DProject Engineering“ osnovan je 08.06.2012. godine. To je mlada i dinamična firma i njena osnovna delatnost je projektovanje, inženjering i tehnički konsalting u oblasti telekomunikacionih, signalnih i elektroenergetskih sistema i instalacija, u oblasti sistema automatskog upravljanja, kao i centralnih sistema za nadzor i upravljanje. Zašto izabrati 2DProje
ct Engineering? Zahvaljujući dugogodišnjem iskustvu naših inženjera u projektovanju i izvođenju, u stanju smo da saslušamo i razumemo zahteve i potrebe korisnika, da zajedno kao tim osmislimo rešenje i u skladu sa tim realizujemo projekte različitih vrsta, obima, složenosti i rokova počevši od izrade idejnog projekta do fizičke realizacije na terenu. Posebno veliku pažnju posvećujemo kvalitetnoj koncepciji projekta, pri čemu je nužno dobro sagledati funkcionalne i tehnološke parametre budućih objekata, tako da on u potpunosti zadovoljava sve zahteve korisnika uz istovremeno što niža finansijska ulaganja. U čemu smo najbolji? Zahvaljujući brojnim specifičnostima i izazovima sa kojima smo se suočavali u radu, u stanju smo da podelimo sa Vama iskrenu i potpunu viziju kvaliteta, savetujući Vam uvek optimalno rešenje. Who we are? Project engineering studio “2DProject Engineering” was founded on 08.06.2012. It is young and dynamic company providing high quality services in design, engineering and technical consulting in the field of telecommunications, signal and power systems and installations, in the field of automatic control systems, as well as in the field of the central systems for monitoring and control. Why choose 2DProject Engineering? Thanks to our engineers’ many years of experience in engineering design and construction, we are able to listen and understand the needs and requirements of the client, and together as a team to devise a solution and accordingly implement projects of different types, scale, complexity and deadlines ranging from creating a project to the physical realization on the site. Particular attention is paid to quality project design and proper exam of the functional parameters of future facilities, so that it fully meets client's requirements at the same time as lower financial investment. What are we the best? Thanks to the many specific challenges that we have faced on sites, we are able to share a sincere and unitary vision of quality, advising you always optimal solution.