আহসান মঞ্জিল ,ঢাকা ,বাংলাদেশ -ঐতিহাসিক পর্যটন কেন্দ্র ।
এটি ১৮৭২ সালে তৈরি করা হয় ।বুরিগঙ্গা নদীর পাড়ে এটি অবস্থিত ।এটিকে গোঁলাপি প্রাসাদ ও বলা হয়।এটি বর্তমানে যাদুঘর।এটি বাংলাদেশের একটি ঐতিহাসিক সম্পদ ।
Ahsan Manzil, Dhaka – Historical & tourist Place in Bangladesh
Built in 1872 and standing on the river Buriganga, this stately building offers the visitors a feeling of the life-style of the Nawabs of Dhaka. Sometimes known as the Pink Palace, this building now houses a splendid museum. Basically, it was the residence of the Nawabs. Nawab Abdul Gani renovated this building in the year 1872 and named it after his son Khaza Ahasanullah. On the bank of river Buriganga in Dhaka the Pink majestic, Ahsan Manjil has been renovated and turned into a museum recently. It is an epitome of the nation’s rich cultural heritage.Based on an access of 1 meter, two-story alcazar measures 125.4m by 28.75m. The acme of the arena attic is 5 meters, and the aboriginal attic of 5.8 meters. There are columns of the acme of the arena floor, both arctic and south ancillary of the castle. A ample accessible stairway bottomward from the south portico, boarded the river through the advanced yard.