Vista: research-based information on mission in Europe

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  • Vista: research-based information on mission in Europe

Vista: research-based information on mission in Europe Vista has provided relevant and insightful, research-based perspectives on the crucial issues for mission in Europe since 2010.

If you are involved in Christian mission in Europe in any way, you will find something of interest in Vista Vista is committed to understanding the changing nature of mission and Christian faith in continent of Europe; a continent where Christian faith, social trends, religious expressions, and shifting cultural realities, are all in constant flux. With its information-led approach to comment and

analysis, Vista continues to pay close attention to the implications for Christian mission of the interconnected nature of social, political, religious, and cultural trends. Vista strives to stimulate mission reflection and practice among thoughtful mission and ministry leaders who are open to research that opens windows into the experiences of others. Vista’s essential vision for Europe is established upon roots that extend deeply into the evangelical tradition, rather than upon walls that separate us from others.

What does nationalism in Europe have to do with Christian mission? The latest issue of Vista revisits this crucial issue...

What does nationalism in Europe have to do with Christian mission? The latest issue of Vista revisits this crucial issue as voters across Europe consider their choice ahead of this weekend’s European Parliament elections.

If you are concerned about rising nationalism and want to get a better understanding of it; if you want to understand nationalism in the Balkans or how it is seen from Ukraine; or if you want to learn how Africans think about the topic, then you will want to read this issue.

Please read and share:

This edition is launched just days before the EU Parliament elections when European citizens will choose their representatives in the European Parliament. So much has changed since the last elections in 2019, but one thing that hasn’t changed is the influence of nationalism. And this topic continu

The State of the Great Commission Report launched today!

The State of the Great Commission Report launched today!

On 23 April 2024 we will release the State of the Great Commission Report. This key document in the Lausanne 4 journey shares insights from more than 150 global mission experts and sheds light on how we as a global church can be obedient to Jesus’ Great Commission today.

The Vista website has moved home! The new address for Vista is will continue to red...

The Vista website has moved home! The new address for Vista is

Articles will continue to redirect from old links for the next few months, but please update your website bookmarks.

Vista has provided relevant and insightful, research-based perspectives on the crucial issues for mission in Europe since 2010.  If you are involved in Christian mission in Europe in any way, you will find something of interest in Vista. 

Four days in April to rethink mission in Britain and Europe.

Four days in April to rethink mission in Britain and Europe.

Europe today is on the frontier of World Christianity rather than its centre. Given its diversity of contexts, it is perhaps the most challenging arena for Christian mission in the world today.

We have a short course to help mission workers understand the context of Europe and properly contextualise missional engagement.

Run by top experts on mission in Europe, it will equip you with essential knowledge and understanding for effective mission work in this challenging and diverse context.

🔸Apply if you want to :
- Better contexualise the gospel for today’s Europeans.

- Explore the crucial issues that are impacting mission in Europe today: secularisation, demographic trends, migration, Islam, nationalism and much more.

- Consider your own mission practice and how churches might engage in evangelism, discipleship and intercultural church planting in tomorrow’s Europe.

🔸What Students Say :
"This course gave a really good overview of key issues impacting mission in Europe."
"The module not only taught us important facts and trends about mission in Europe, but enabled us to critically reflect on the context and our own mission praxis."
"I will be recommending this module for all our staff in the future. The information and opportunity for reflection are essential in serving well in the work of mission in Europe."

🔸Details :
When: 15 – 18 April 2024
Where: All Nations Christian College or Remotely Online
Course fee: £500
Application fee: £50

Booking deadline: 31 March 2024

🔸Find out more :

🔸Questions? Contact us :
Email: [email protected]

We look forward to you joining us!


From 1 March we will be moving website to

We continue our 'polycentric mission' theme with the following article by Evert Van de Poll, highlighting the polycentri...

We continue our 'polycentric mission' theme with the following article by Evert Van de Poll, highlighting the polycentric nature of Europe itself: and what that means for people involved in ministry in the continent.

When we talk about the role of Europe in the world in the past and today, we are tempted to see Europe as a whole, as a single centre of power and influence amidst the other world ‘powers that be’. This view however is quite mistaken.

We interview  Joe Handley about his book ‘Polycentric Mission Leadership’ and ask, what is different about this model of...

We interview Joe Handley about his book ‘Polycentric Mission Leadership’ and ask, what is different about this model of leadership and how is it relevant for mission in Europe today?

Alongside Polycentric Mission, the leadership qualities required to enable organisations and networks to work in this way are described in the book ‘Polycentric Mission Leadership’, by Joseph Handley, based on his PhD studies on the topic. 

In our latest edition of Vista, Harvey Kwiyani encourages us to consider the fact that God has called all followers of C...

In our latest edition of Vista, Harvey Kwiyani encourages us to consider the fact that God has called all followers of Christ to God’s mission and the implications for Western-centric models of mission

It is appropriate for us to anticipate that mission today will reflect the worldwide spread of Christianity itself. We ought to shift our understanding of mission—and our association of mission with Western Christianity—to appreciate that God has called all followers of Christ to God’s mission...

Alex Vlasin asks what matrix are we to use when thinking in terms of polycentric and multidirectional mission in Central...

Alex Vlasin asks what matrix are we to use when thinking in terms of polycentric and multidirectional mission in Central and Eastern Europe? How can the churches kept in isolation and under national persecution stay connected with other similar churches or mission bodies around the globe? Read more here:

What matrix are we to use when thinking in terms of polycentric and multidirectional mission in Central and Eastern Europe? How can the churches kept in isolation and under national persecution stay connected with other similar churches or mission bodies around the globe?

Jim Memory explores the meaning and use of the word polycentric in Christian mission studies today and, more specificall...

Jim Memory explores the meaning and use of the word polycentric in Christian mission studies today and, more specifically, consider its implications for mission in Europe. Read more at:

This article, and by extension the whole of this issue of Vista, seeks to explore the meaning and use of the word polycentric in Christian mission studies today and, more specifically, consider its implications for mission in Europe.

The next issue of Vista has been published! We explore the concept of 'Polycentric Mission' from a variety of angles, wi...

The next issue of Vista has been published! We explore the concept of 'Polycentric Mission' from a variety of angles, with a particular focus on mission in Europe:

This issue of Vista explores the idea of polycentric mission in the context of mission in Europe. Of all the topics we have covered over 40+ issues of Vista, this concept has probably sparked the most debate amongst the editorial team, and the various perspectives in their articles reflect this.

In this concise and very readable publication, Bruce Nicholls, one of the founders of the Theological Commission of the ...

In this concise and very readable publication, Bruce Nicholls, one of the founders of the Theological Commission of the World Evangelical Alliance, gives a rapid overview of the issue of climate change and then concentrates on the Christian response.

In this concise and very readable publication, Bruce Nicholls, one of the founders of the Theological Commission of the World Evangelical Alliance, gives a rapid overview of the issue of climate change and then concentrates on the Christian response.

WISE LIVING IN TIMES OF CRISIS AND CONFUSIONIn 1959, during the Cold War, US President John F. Kennedy said: “When writt...

In 1959, during the Cold War, US President John F. Kennedy said: “When written in Chinese, the word ‘crisis’ is composed of two characters - one represents danger and the other represents opportunity.” While Kennedy’s interpretation of the Chinese characters may not have been correct, there is still some wisdom in the basic point that crises do offer opportunities both at the individual and societal level for change and growth.

In 1959, during the Cold War, US President John F. Kennedy said: “When written in Chinese, the word ‘crisis’ is composed of two characters - one represents danger and the other represents opportunity.” While Kennedy’s interpretation of the Chinese characters may not have been correct, ther...

The energy crisis does not appear to be a central topic for evangelical churches and there are only a few articles writt...

The energy crisis does not appear to be a central topic for evangelical churches and there are only a few articles written in the past years on related subjects such as global warming or creation care. A quick survey was conducted among a proportion of evangelical population in Romania (the majority were university students in theological studies) which demonstrated an enormous void in speaking publicly about these subjects

The energy crisis does not appear to be a central topic for evangelical churches and there are only a few articles written in the past years on related subjects such as global warming or creation care. A quick survey was conducted among a proportion of evangelical population in Romania (the majority

Faced with our overdependency on energy, we  can now see more than ever the need to bring lifestyle and our economies in...

Faced with our overdependency on energy, we can now see more than ever the need to bring lifestyle and our economies in line with the ecological imperative of sustainability. What could our response be as Christians?

Faced with our overdependency on energy, we  can now see more than ever the need to bring lifestyle and our economies in line with the ecological imperative of sustainability. What could our response be as Christians?

A Christian response to the ‘cost of living crisis’ we are in should be practical, prophetic and political. It is relati...

A Christian response to the ‘cost of living crisis’ we are in should be practical, prophetic and political. It is relatively easy to achieve one of the three, but a response that speaks to the true influence of lives transformed by Jesus should touch all three.

A Christian response to the ‘cost of living crisis’ we are in should be practical, prophetic and political. It is relatively easy to achieve one of the three, but a response that speaks to the true influence of lives transformed by Jesus should touch all three.


How do the energy and environmental crises reinforce the call to a simple lifestyle for European Christians? Read Vista 43 to find out more!

The latest edition of Vista is now available on the Vista website - read it here:

The latest edition of Vista is now available on the Vista website - read it here:

This edition of Vista considers what a Simple Lifestyle means in today's Europe, with articles from Evert Van De Poll, Danny Webster, Phillip Powell, Alex Vlasin and Jo Appleton

Find out about the response to the Ukranian migrant crisis of churches in receiving countries

Find out about the response to the Ukranian migrant crisis of churches in receiving countries

While many people arriving from Ukraine since February plan to return, the prolonged duration of the war means that this is not possible yet. Short term crisis solutions will not be enough, and many churches and networks are involved in creating a longer term response.

Find out about the response of churches in the Gateway Countries to Ukrainian refugees https://www.europeanmission.redcl...

Find out about the response of churches in the Gateway Countries to Ukrainian refugees

Overnight the gateway countries bordering Ukraine were flooded by people fleeing the war. The situation on borders and in key transport cities was dramatic and chaotic, but both the governments and the civil society, including churches, responded quickly and worked out emergency plans to help those

What are the missiological implications of the war in Ukraine - a Ukrainian perspective

What are the missiological implications of the war in Ukraine - a Ukrainian perspective

While the conflict has resulted in 6.4 million Ukrainian refugees scattered across Europe, even more Ukrainians are displaced inside their country. The Russia-Ukraine war carries significant missiological implications for all Christian stakeholders involved but particularly for the body of believers

Jim Memory takes a statistical view of the Ukrainian migrant crisis and the missiological implications

Jim Memory takes a statistical view of the Ukrainian migrant crisis and the missiological implications

Yet the Ukraine War and subsequent migrant crisis has changed Europe again, for it has resulted in the largest migration of refugees within Europe since World War II. This article seeks to provide a statistical description of the dimensions of the Ukraine War and migrant crisis, and to briefly di

Read the latest edition of Vista  which focuses on the migrant crisis in Europe, created in the wake of the Ukrainian Wa...

Read the latest edition of Vista which focuses on the migrant crisis in Europe, created in the wake of the Ukrainian War

As always, this edition of Vista considers different perspectives. We look at the statistics, take a view from inside Ukraine and consider the impact on both the gateway and receiving countries and their response to the crisis. We also include a Russian perspective and concludes with an article ab

Throughout the history of the Church, we have been called to cross all kinds of borders to bear witness to Christ, start...

Throughout the history of the Church, we have been called to cross all kinds of borders to bear witness to Christ, starting with the Jewish diaspora in the Roman Empire. Harvey Kwiyani explains the significance for today

This article explores the Gospels and Acts to make an argument that the mission of Jesus to make disciples of all nations in the world, is a call for his followers to cross all kinds of borders to bear witness to his name. Focusing on geographical borders, I argue that diaspora people – those who ...

Both Babel and Pentecost are stories of God working through language. How do we celebrate the diversity of language and ...

Both Babel and Pentecost are stories of God working through language. How do we celebrate the diversity of language and ensure we cross language borders in mission? Eddie Arthur explains

I am a jobbing sociologist, and the word Shibboleth has found a home in my discipline. It is used to describe the cultural markers which groups use to define who they are – separating “Us” from “Them”. It’s part and parcel of Othering; fostering group solidarity by exclusionary practices...

Do you know anyone who might value a space to reflect on what they are doing in mission today?  Usha and I are really lo...

Do you know anyone who might value a space to reflect on what they are doing in mission today? Usha and I are really looking forward to teaching this course this summer. Please share.

11 - 15 July 2022 Intensive Online, Mon-Fri, 9am-1pm We all make mistakes. Do you ever wish you had a time machine so you could go back and do things differently? Or perhaps just an opportunity to think about things that went wrong and what you could do (if anything) to correct them, whilst still do...

Baptist Minister, Sally Mann, reflects on how our language and practice can  create and reinforce a sense of 'Other' , a...

Baptist Minister, Sally Mann, reflects on how our language and practice can create and reinforce a sense of 'Other' , and the missiological implications for us today

I am a jobbing sociologist, and the word Shibboleth has found a home in my discipline. It is used to describe the cultural markers which groups use to define who they are – separating “Us” from “Them”. It’s part and parcel of Othering; fostering group solidarity by exclusionary practices...

Europe, and European mission has benefited from free movement across internal borders, yet borders have significance in ...

Europe, and European mission has benefited from free movement across internal borders, yet borders have significance in creating national and regional identity.When this is threatened, what happens to the border? Read more in this article by Vista co-editor, Evert Van de Poll.

Since the Russian invasion armies crossed the Ukrainian border, over three and a half million Ukrainian refugees have crossed several European borders, seeking refuge from the destruction of their country. Across Europe people manifest their solidarity with the plight of the people from that beleagu

In his article 'Borders - Frontier or Neighbourhood', Dr Johannes Reimer reflects on the significance  and potential of ...

In his article 'Borders - Frontier or Neighbourhood', Dr Johannes Reimer reflects on the significance and potential of being a 'borderer', in the light of the current conflict in Ukraine

I grew up in Estonia, behind the Iron Curtain, the heavily militarised border between Western capitalist countries and the Communist Bloc led by the Soviet Union. For me a border to the world outside was set in stone or in iron. Crossing was impossible.



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About Vista

Vista has been communicating research and innovation about mission in Europe since 2010.

Vista is committed to understanding the changing nature of mission and Christian faith in continent of Europe; a continent where Christian faith, social trends, religious expressions, and shifting cultural realities, are all in constant flux.

With its information-led approach to comment and analysis, Vista continues to pay close attention to the implications for Christian mission of the interconnected nature of social, political, religious, and cultural trends. Vista strives to stimulate mission reflection and practice among thoughtful mission and ministry leaders who are open to research that opens windows into the experiences of others.

Vista’s essential vision for Europe is established upon roots that extend deeply into the evangelical tradition, rather than upon walls that separate us from others.