Baby Pig Productions is operated by Jemma Pigott, a Sydney-based filmmaker. Jemma has a double degree in Law and Communications (Media Arts and Production) from the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS) and extensive production experience. She owns professional video and sound recording equipment and operates her own professional edit suite. Jemma helped film the 2012 documentary 'Spirit of the W
arriors' which tells the story of a spiritual homecoming for an Aboriginal soldier who was killed on the Kokoda Track during World War Two. She is currently pursuing a related film project that seeks to cast a light on the commitment made by Aboriginal servicemen and women to Australia’s defence. In 2015 Jemma was the first successful applicant in the National Film and Sound Archives (NFSA) 'Take Three' initiative for emerging Australian filmmakers. This gave her access to archival footage, which she used in her documentary 'Connected by Sea'. This film celebrates the bond between Sydney’s Freshwater beach and Hawaii’s Waikiki which was forged in 1915 when the legendary Hawaiian Duke Kahanamoku demonstrated surfing at Freshwater. Jemma wrote, directed, narrated, edited and produced this film, and performed most of the cinematography. In 2016 Jemma was awarded a scholarship from 7 Times World Surfing Champion Layne Beachley’s 'Aim For The Stars' (AFTS) Foundation. She currently has a mentor from 20th Century Fox and is working on a documentary about Freshwater identity Isabel Letham. Isabel was introduced to surfing by Duke Kahanamoku in Australia in 1914/15 then pursued an adventurous life in the USA, defying the era’s social norms. In addition to pursuing her own projects, Jemma can be contacted regarding freelance filmmaking work (shooting and / or editing) via email (please see below).