Phil and Michelle's Narrowboat Adventures

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Phil and Michelle's Narrowboat Adventures A fifty foot narrowboat, that is our home. We started cruising in June 2013 and are still enjoying i

The photo was taken from our side hatch at daybreak today, I was up early to do some work on the computer. You can see h...

The photo was taken from our side hatch at daybreak today, I was up early to do some work on the computer. You can see how calm the canal was.
Yesterday morning was mainly dry, Michelle picked up our prescriptions and I went to the supermarket for a big food shop (we haven't been out for a few days because of the adverse weather).
Then during the afternoon, evening and night we had Storm Erin, it rained very heavily and there were wind gusts of above 80mph. Happily in the early hours of this morning that abated, but, later today we are going to encounter Storm Fergus, hey ho. As I type this the winds are getting up and it is raining, so, we have decided to not bother leaving the boat today.
We will then see what the weather is doing tomorrow before we make any plans.
Please look after yourselves and stay safe, we will post again soon ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Sorry we are late in posting, we have had a  busy morning, Michelle went to pick up our prescriptions whilst I did some ...

Sorry we are late in posting, we have had a busy morning, Michelle went to pick up our prescriptions whilst I did some work on the computer, then we went to the supermarket for some food. Because of the weather we haven't been out for a few days, so we needed to go shopping.
This morning there was blue sky, but, now it is pouring down again, so, it is good that we did what was needed this morning.
The photo was taken from our side hatch looking towards Kings Lock at around 10am today.
We will see what the weather is like tomorrow before we make any plans.
Please look after yourselves and stay safe, we will post again soon ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Yesterday was a peculiar day, we left Ettiley Heath in The morning and travelled as far as Middlewich, during the journe...

Yesterday was a peculiar day, we left Ettiley Heath in The morning and travelled as far as Middlewich, during the journey the weather was interchangeable, always windy, sometimes with rain, sometimes with sleet, and not often enough no rain at all.
We managed to get moored up above Kings Lock opposite the Morrisons Daily store and we plan to stay here over the weekend then we wil decide our plan of action.
The wind and rain did not stop at all yesterday, but, this morning it has stopped raining and the wind has died down.
I have some work to do on the computer and we have a prescription to pick up and shopping to do, but, apart from that, we have nothing planned.
The photo was taken from our side hatch this morning, and it is of the hungry swans that are in the canal.
Please look after yourselves and stay safe, we will post again soon ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

This photo was taken at Ettiley Heath on Tuesday evening shortly after we had moored up and about an hour before the thi...

This photo was taken at Ettiley Heath on Tuesday evening shortly after we had moored up and about an hour before the thick ice came back, it is of the sunset with the lovely reflections in the canal.
Yesterday we were iced in, but, we knew we would be so we had planned for it and had a very quiet day, in fact, the only other people we saw were dog walkers
This morning the ice has gone completely, it is raining and the wind is blowing a gale, but, we have managed to move the boat as far as Middlewich where we have moored up for the weekend at least.
The rain is forecast to stay until next week, but, the temperature is set to rise to double figures.
When we have had a pot of tea we will try to make plans for December, where we would like to be, etc.
Please look after yourselves and stay safe, we will post again soon ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Yesterday a couple of boats came through Wheelock so, we did manage to move our boat, but only about a mile and a half. ...

Yesterday a couple of boats came through Wheelock so, we did manage to move our boat, but only about a mile and a half. The ice had been broken up to a point, but when we got to Ettiley Heath we decided it was probably best to moor up.
Then last night was very cold indeed, -6°C and the canal has completely frozen over again.
So, we have food, we have alcohol, we have DVDs, we have CDs, we have coal and logs, we will be OK until this ice melts.
The photo was taken from our side hatch at sunrise this morning, you can see the thickness of the ice on the canal.
Please look after yourselves and stay safe, we will post again soon ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

We are in a quandary, we want to set off towards Middlewich but there is still quite thick ice on the canal. What do we ...

We are in a quandary, we want to set off towards Middlewich but there is still quite thick ice on the canal. What do we do? The journey back is through some lovely countryside, but, it is sparsely populated, so, the ice could be a lot thicker along the way!
At the moment our plan is to sit it out here and keep taking stock of the situation. Hopefully we can move tomorrow or Thursday.
The photo was taken at 8am today of the tree in the field in the rain.
Please look after yourselves and stay safe, we will post again soon ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

The weather at the moment is unpredictable. Yesterday it was snowing and cold, today it is raining and warmer (most of t...

The weather at the moment is unpredictable. Yesterday it was snowing and cold, today it is raining and warmer (most of the ice has gone), tomorrow is forecast to be dry with blue sky.
So, we are planning to set off tomorrow towards Middlewich. We have enjoyed our stay in Wheelock, it would have been better without the snow and ice, but, it is a nice mooring, there is everything here we need, it is handy for Crewe and Sandbach and the people here are very friendly and helpful.
So, today we plan to take the bus to Sandbach for some shopping so we have everything we need for tomorrow mornings journey.
The photos were both from the side hatch of the boat and were taken 24 hours apart, both yesterday and today at 8am.
Please look after yourselves and stay safe, we will post again soon ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Yesterday, weather-wise wasn't a bad day, it was cold, but, there was blue sky and it was mainly dry. So, I went to do o...

Yesterday, weather-wise wasn't a bad day, it was cold, but, there was blue sky and it was mainly dry. So, I went to do our shopping in the morning in Sandbach. I left Michelle keeping warm on the boat, she was attempting to throw off the cold that had developed. This seems to have worked as she is feeling slightly better this morning.
We had a very quiet afternoon and evening yesterday, then around bedtime we realised it was snowing, and, quite heavily at that.
It has snowed overnight but this morning the temperature has risen slightly so it is thawing, as is the ice on the canal.
We don't need to go anywhere today, we just plan to watch and see what the weather brings.
The forecast says that after today the temperature will start to rise and by midweek it could be where it should be this time of year, so, we are looking at Tuesday, hopefully, to be able to move the boat towards Middlewich.
The photo is of the frozen canal at Wheelock Wharf and was taken from the road bridge yesterday lunchtime. You can see the dropped leaves sitting on top of the ice.
Please look after yourselves and stay safe, we will post again soon ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Yesterday we didn't need to go anywhere so we both stayed on the boat in the warmth, Michelle seems to have stopped snee...

Yesterday we didn't need to go anywhere so we both stayed on the boat in the warmth, Michelle seems to have stopped sneezing, but she is full of cold, so, she will stay on the boat again today.
We do need some things today, so I will go to the shop. In fact we were planning on having a pint with some friends this lunchtime, but, we have had to change that to another day.
Again last night the temperature got down to -6°C but tonight isn't supposed to be that cold, we will see. The canal is still frozen over and the ice is inches thick.
Tomorrow, if the temperature changes for the better, we will see if we can decide when it will be possible to set off for Middlewich, hopefully early next week.
The photo was taken from the front of the boat yesterday evening, you can see the thick ice on the canal.
Please look after yourselves and stay safe, we will post again soon ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Yesterday I went to the shops for milk, bread, teabags, etc, whilst Michelle stayed on the boat in the warmth to try to ...

Yesterday I went to the shops for milk, bread, teabags, etc, whilst Michelle stayed on the boat in the warmth to try to get rid of the sneezing that had overcome her the evening before. This morning the sneezing seems to have stopped but she is staying in bed to try to sleep off the cold that has ensued.
Last night the temperature got down to -6°C, and this morning the canal is still frozen over and there is ice all over the towpath. On the boat the Morso Squirrel Stove is burning nicely and it is lovely and warm inside, so, inside is where we will both stay today.
Tomorrow we will need some food and more essentials, but, we will think about that tomorrow.
The weather forecast says it will start to get warmer next week, so, on Sunday or Monday we will decide which is going to be the best day to set off and then we will head back towards Middlewich.
The photo shows the towpath alongside our boat looking towards the locks at sunrise, you can see the heavy frost and ice on the ground.
Please look after yourselves and stay safe, we will post again soon ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Yesterday was cold, last night was colder.Luckily we have our Morso Squirrel log burning stove on the boat, so we were n...

Yesterday was cold, last night was colder.
Luckily we have our Morso Squirrel log burning stove on the boat, so we were nice and toasty.
We had a quiet day yesterday, we had everything we needed, and we knew the temperature was going to drop to -5°C
So, it was no surprise to see that the canal had frozen over when we looked out first thing.
The long range forecast says this won't change until this time next week at the earliest, so, it looks like we are staying put.
Michelle started sneezing last night and is stil at it this morning, so, a very quiet day is planned, although we do need some essentials, bread, milk, etc, so I will venture out to the shop this morning.
The photo is of the tree across from our boat and was taken at 9am today. You can see the ice on the canal and the frost on the grass.
Please look after yourselves and stay safe and warm, we will post again soon ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Yesterday I went up to Sandbach for some essentials. The weather had changed dramatically from the heavy rain of Monday ...

Yesterday I went up to Sandbach for some essentials. The weather had changed dramatically from the heavy rain of Monday to a heavy frost and it was very cold, so, I wrapped up well for my journey. Then back to the boat for a nice restful afternoon. It was Randy Newman's 80th birthday, so a few of his albums were played.
First thing this morning there was a heavy fog around, but that has since disappeared. The weather forecast is for another cold day (3°C) but there should be no rain at all and maybe some blue sky.
We have no plans for today, tomorrow we will need bread and a few other bits, but, today we will do nothing.
The photo was taken yesterday at the bus stop looking towards the centre of Wheelock with the sun shining through the trees.
Please look after yourselves and stay safe, we will post again soon ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Yesterday was a washout. It rained heavily for most of the day, so, it should have been a day of rest on the boat for us...

Yesterday was a washout. It rained heavily for most of the day, so, it should have been a day of rest on the boat for us both, but, we needed some shopping, so, I dodged the raindrops and went to Waitrose.
Once the rain stopped the temperature dropped dramatically and last night was very cold (2°C). The rest of the week though is forecast to become even colder with temperatures dropping as low as -6°C, so, we think we will probably stay here until the weekend at least.
This morning there is a slight frost on the ground and it is very chilly outside, but, again we need a few bits from the shop, so I will venture out at some point.
The photo shows the towpath alongside our boat during the rain yesterday, it was virtually one long puddle.
Please look after yourselves and stay safe, we will post again soon ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Cold and Crisp and Even.The photo was taken at sunrise yesterday morning looking over the field opposite our mooring.The...

Cold and Crisp and Even.
The photo was taken at sunrise yesterday morning looking over the field opposite our mooring.
There was blue sky but it was very chilly outside yesterday, so, we decided we would stay inside in the warmth of the boat. The fire was on, we had food and drink, Michelle had been for a newspaper first thing, we had no reason to do anything else.
This morning is so different. It started raining yesterday evening and hasn't stopped, in fact it is forecast until early afternoon and the temperature has risen slightly.
I have to go to the supermarket today, we do need food and essentials, so, I will try to dodge the raindrops whilst out.
Then overnight the wintry weather is forecast to return with temperatures dropping as the week progresses to just above freezing point at the weekend.
Please look after yourselves and stay safe, we will post again soon ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

It was very cold yesterday morning, so, we wrapped up and took the bus to Sandbach for some food shopping, to look round...

It was very cold yesterday morning, so, we wrapped up and took the bus to Sandbach for some food shopping, to look round the Market, check out the Charity Shops (I got a couple of shirts, one of them a Joe Brown) and call for a couple of pints.
We arrived at The Beer Emporium at opening time, and we were soon followed in by quite a few more customers. Good friend Ian was behind the bar and the beers on the pumps were Thornbridge Wild Swan (Extra Pale Ale), Salopian Oracle (Gold Ale), Oakham Winter Wisp (Hoppy Pale Ale), George Shaw Bitter and Beartown Farrer's Lakeland Nightfall (a lovely Espresso Infused Coffee Stout, Michelle's favourite and winner of the inaugural Liam Bridle Award at the Middlewich Beer Festival) whilst on the taps were Salt Jute, Floc Warm Shade (a nice Hoppy soft pale ale and my favourite), Tay 2 Bad Knees (a very juicy IPA) and Deya Hokum Stomp Porter, what a wonderful choice.
The place was nice and busy throughout the afternoon with very satisfied customers and dogs and a very good time was had by all.
This morning is also very cold and rain is forecast later on, so, we have decided to have a day of rest and relaxation, Michelle has been for a newspaper, but, apart from that neither of us will venture out.
Please look after yourselves and stay safe, we will post again soon ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Yesterday started off very windy, but, by lunchtime the wind had dropped, and we had blue sky. I went to the shop for a ...

Yesterday started off very windy, but, by lunchtime the wind had dropped, and we had blue sky. I went to the shop for a few bits, and that was all we did, the temperature outside was dropping quite rapidly, so, just to sit in front of the fire watching the television was the order of the day.
Today the temperature is not expected to rise above 4°C. Our plan is to go into Sandbach to look round the Market and the Charity Shops, get some food for the weekend and call and have a pint or two, so, we will wrap up before setting off.
At sunrise this morning it was 0°C. As you can see from the photo there was frost on the ground and a ghostly mist over the canal. I took the photo as I went to the services to use the shower at around 7am.
Please look after yourselves and stay safe, we will post again soon ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Yesterday we had a bus ride to Crewe, we haven't been for at least six months, so, it was time.We are sorry to say that ...

Yesterday we had a bus ride to Crewe, we haven't been for at least six months, so, it was time.
We are sorry to say that the centre of Crewe is still declining. A few years ago they flattened half of the shopping area, and with the promise of HS2, they planned to rebuild bigger and better, with new shops and office blocks, but, because HS2 was cancelled, there are even more empty shops now, in fact, apart from The Crewe Dog and the lovely indoor market, all that is left are a few Pubs, Phone Shops and Asda along with some Cafés and Charity Shops, it is so sad.
We got something nice for tea from Asda and I did manage to get a nice Black Denim Shirt and Michelle got a lovely Per Una top from the Scope Charity Shop, so, it was not a wasted journey.
Later on yesterday the wind got up and the rains came back, but by then we were back on the boat keeping warm and dry.
This morning the rain has stopped but the wind is still fairly strong, so, doing nothing seems to be the plan for today.
The photo is of the sunrise and was taken from the back of the boat this morning.
Please look after yourselves and stay safe, we will post again soon ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Red Sky At Night...The photo is of Wheelock Wharf at sunset yesterday evening.Yesterday, although quite chilly, was our ...

Red Sky At Night...
The photo is of Wheelock Wharf at sunset yesterday evening.
Yesterday, although quite chilly, was our second consecutive day without rain, so, I went to Sandbach to get some essentials whilst Michelle had a walk along the towpath up the flight of locks.
Today is not so cold (13°C) so we think we will visit Crewe to have a look round the Charity Shops and get something for tea from Asda.
The temperature is forecast to drop quite drastically, it could get as low as 4°C from tomorrow, so, this evening we will make plans for the weekend before we set off back towards Middlewich next week.
Please look after yourselves and stay safe, we will post again soon ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Well, it didn't rain at all yesterday, and the same is forecast for today.We had planned to head into Crewe today, but, ...

Well, it didn't rain at all yesterday, and the same is forecast for today.
We had planned to head into Crewe today, but, we have put it off for a day or two, instead I am heading the other way to Sandbach, where I will do a big shop. It looks like we will be here over the weekend, so, Crewe can wait.
Because of lock closures we are restricted in our movements, and it is nice to not have to move the boat and be able to rest for a while, but next week we are thinking of heading back to Middlewich.
The photo was taken from the road bridge, and is of Wheelock Wharf and the water points.
Please look after yourselves and stay safe, we will post again soon ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Last night it rained very heavily, but, that has stopped this morning. It is very cold outside, but, at least no rain is...

Last night it rained very heavily, but, that has stopped this morning. It is very cold outside, but, at least no rain is forecast.
Yesterday I did a bit of essentials shopping in Sandbach, but not much more, and today will be much of the same.
Tomorrow we plan, weather permitting, to catch the bus to Crewe to look round the Charity Shops and do some food shopping in Asda.
Because of lock closures limiting where we can go until the New Year, we think we will be stopping in Wheelock over the next weekend, then heading back to Middlewich sometime next week, then probably heading back here in December.
The photo is of the River Wheelock, which flows under the canal close to our mooring, it was taken last Saturday.
Please look after yourselves and stay safe, we will post again soon ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

The calm after the storm!The photo was taken from our side hatch at 8am today, you can see from the reflections of the c...

The calm after the storm!
The photo was taken from our side hatch at 8am today, you can see from the reflections of the clouds in the water that the winds have dropped completely.
Yesterday it rained heavily for most of the day and, as the day progressed the winds became stronger, so, it was a good job we hadn't anywhere to go. Michelle went for a newspaper first thing before the rains started, but, then neither of us set foot outside the boat all day, we had everything we needed and the fire was burning nicely so the boat was lovely and toasty.
This morning is so different, although showers are forecast, the day looks lovely, but it is still very cold outside.
I have some essentials to get, bread, milk, etc, so, I will go into Sandbach at some point, but, again, apart from that we will just keep warm on the boat.
At some point this week we plan to venture into Crewe for a look round, but not today.
Please look after yourselves and stay safe, we will post again soon ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

We went into Sandbach yesterday, we had a bit of shopping to do and we were thinking of calling for a pint or two.We hav...

We went into Sandbach yesterday, we had a bit of shopping to do and we were thinking of calling for a pint or two.
We have not been to The Beer Emporium since good friend Liam passed away in June, but, we needed to call in, we have many friends there and the ales are always fabulous.
We really were welcomed with open arms, as soon as we had walked through the door the lovely Della gave us each a huge hug, she and Jack were opening up, but they were joined by Richard and Ian as the place got very busy.
Beers on the pumps were Wincle's Hanging Stone smoked porter (Michelle's favourite), MBH's Simjoe IPA, Fyne Ales' Highlander, Ossett's White Rat and Stewart Brewing's Jack Back IPA whilst on the taps were Salt Citra NEIPA, Tay Brew Co's Bad Knee IPA, Phantom Brewing's Going Away To College Juicy IPA (my favourite) and Deva's Hokum Stomp Porter. All fabulous, what a marvellous choice.
So, we had a very enjoyable afternoon, we met up with old friends, we chatted and laughed, we enjoyed the beers and most of all we remembered Liam with lots of love and affection.
Today we have no plans to do anything other than rest, Michelle has been for a newspaper, rain is forecast for most of the day but the boat is nice and warm, so, we are doing nothing.
Please look after yourselves and stay safe, we will post again soon ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Yesterday, weather-wise, was very pleasant, it was cold but there was blue sky and no wind, so I went up to Sandbach to ...

Yesterday, weather-wise, was very pleasant, it was cold but there was blue sky and no wind, so I went up to Sandbach to have a look round and get some food from Waitrose, I also got a pair of jeans from a charity shop.
Then during the evening and last night it rained virtually non-stop until the early hours.
This morning at around 7 o'clock I went round to the wharf to use the shower, and although it had stopped raining the ground was still sodden.
Today we plan to go back up to Sandbach for a few essentials, look round the market and call in The Beer Emporium for a pint or two.
Then, tomorrow can be a day of rest.
The photo is of the canal just down from our mooring, and it was taken first thing this morning. You can see how wet the grass was across the canal, and, the reflection of the trees shows there was no wind.
Please look after yourselves and stay safe, we will post again soon ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Yesterday morning, after mooring up in Wheelock we had a quiet day, I did a bit of shopping, but, that was it. The weath...

Yesterday morning, after mooring up in Wheelock we had a quiet day, I did a bit of shopping, but, that was it. The weather wasn't bad, it did rain off and on, but then it rained very heavily overnight.
Today, the rains have stopped, there is blue sky and I am going into Sandbach to call at Waitrose and have a look round the Charity Shops. Then, this evening, whilst it rains again, we will sit in the warmth of the boat and make plans for the weekend.
The photo was taken at sunrise this morning of the towpath behind the boat leading to the locks. You can see the sun coming up behind the trees, the mist over the canal and the frost on the ground.
Please look after yourselves and stay safe, we will post again soon ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Alec fixed our little problem yesterday, it was something to do with gear linkages, took him half an hour.So, we moved t...

Alec fixed our little problem yesterday, it was something to do with gear linkages, took him half an hour.
So, we moved the boat to above the lock and stayed there overnight.
This morning we set off at around 7.30 and have made the journey to Wheelock and moored up.
The plan is to be here over the weekend and then we will decide the duration of our stay.
It is a nice mooring, there are bins, water points and a shower at the wharf, nearby there is a pub, two restaurants and a newsagent plus it is very handy for Sandbach and Crewe.
It is about six months since our last visit, nothing seems to have changed.
The photo was taken from our side hatch shortly after mooring up, you can see the reflection of the tree on the canal.
Please look after yourselves and stay safe, we will post again soon ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Yesterday as we pulled into Kings Lock Chandlery we seemed to lose power slightly, probably something and nothing, but, ...

Yesterday as we pulled into Kings Lock Chandlery we seemed to lose power slightly, probably something and nothing, but, worth being looked at. Unfortunately Alec was busy yesterday and this morning, but hopefully he can have a look this afternoon, fix the problem and we can be on our way. So, we spent a very quiet afternoon, evening and night on the wharf at the Chandlery.
Fortunately, we are not in a rush to get anywhere, such is the boating life we chose, so another day or two won't make any difference.
The photo is of the canal from our side hatch at around 8am today, you can see blue sky for a change.
Please look after yourselves and stay safe, we will post again soon ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Storm Debi came and went yesterday, the rains stopped but the winds were very strong all day long. Then last evening the...

Storm Debi came and went yesterday, the rains stopped but the winds were very strong all day long. Then last evening the rains came back but the wind dropped. Good job we weren't setting off, Michelle had a walk to Morrisons for some food, but, that was it.
This morning, after a few showers, we have moved the boat to Kings Lock and got some coal.
Our plan, weather permitting, is to set off for Wheelock tomorrow morning, where hopefully we will be able to moor up for a few days. We haven't visited Wheelock since March, so, a return is due.
The photo is of the road bridge at Kings Lock with the lock gates just visible under the arch.
Please look after yourselves and stay safe, we will post again soon ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Weather-wise, yesterday was a miserable day, it rained just about all day and there was a chilly wind.In the morning Mic...

Weather-wise, yesterday was a miserable day, it rained just about all day and there was a chilly wind.
In the morning Michelle walked to Morrisons for a newspaper and whilst there got the ingredients for a homemade curry each (plant-based Butter Chicken for herself and Chicken Jalfrezi for me).
To go with the curries we had some Northern Monk Northern Star Chocolate, Caramel and Biscuit Porter, 5.2%, which was very chocolatey but not too sweet, and it went very well with the spicy food.
As it was Joni Mitchell's 80th birthday on November 7th and Neil Young's 78th yesterday, we had a Canadian musical accompaniment to our afternoon and evening. Albums played were - Neil Young (Neil Young, Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere, After The Goldrush and Harvest) and Joni Mitchell (Ladies Of The Canyon, Blue, Hejira and Mingus) and we had a very enjoyable time listening to them all.
Then last night Storm Debi hit us. The wind got up at around midnight and it has rained very heavily all night. This morning the rain has mostly stopped, but the strong wind is still about, 40mph gusts are forecast, in fact as I type this there are huge waves on the canal. So, we are staying where we are for today.
The plan now, weather permitting, is to leave here tomorrow, move up to Kings Lock, get some things from the Chandlery, and then moor up for the night above the lock, so hopefully we will be able to set off for Wheelock on Wednesday.
Please look after yourselves and stay safe, we will post again soon ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

We had plans for today, we would have gone to the War Memorial to see the Remembrance Sunday march, but, as my foot is s...

We had plans for today, we would have gone to the War Memorial to see the Remembrance Sunday march, but, as my foot is still aching, although not as bad as yesterday, when any weight is put on it, I will keep my leg up today and we will just stay warm and dry on the boat.
After the brilliant sunshine of yesterday this morning is just the opposite. It is raining heavily and there is a slight wind blowing.
Comfort food is called for, so, we think a homemade curry plus some decent beer will be the answer and Michelle has volunteered to get the ingredients when she goes for a newspaper, bless her.
Tonight the forecast is for another storm, Storm Debi, so, in the morning we will reassess our departure from Big Lock towards Wheelock.
The photo was taken last weekend and is of a couple of swans near our mooring.
Please look after yourselves and stay safe, we will post again soon ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

There is blue sky and sun is shining!This morning the weather has changed quite dramatically, but, according to the fore...

There is blue sky and sun is shining!
This morning the weather has changed quite dramatically, but, according to the forecast it is only for today. Unfortunately I have hurt my foot, and this morning it is painful to put any weight on it. Michelle has kindly volunteered to go to the supermarket so I can rest my leg for today, then we will see what it is like tomorrow.
The photo was taken of the towpath along the side of the boat at around 8am today. You can see the sun through the trees and the mist surrounding Big Lock on the right side of the picture.
Please look after yourselves and stay safe, we will post again soon ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

We are both fully vaccinated now, last Monday we had our Flu jabs and yesterday we had our COVID injections, so, we shou...

We are both fully vaccinated now, last Monday we had our Flu jabs and yesterday we had our COVID injections, so, we should be OK for another 12 months.
The weather yesterday was horrible, it rained heavily and there was a biting cold wind, but, we were booked in at the Pharmacy, so, we walked along. Then, a bit of shopping and back to the warmth of the boat.
This morning there is a mist around, but, the wind has dropped and it isn't raining, so, a little later I will have a walk to Morrisons to get some essentials and something nice for tea.
Weather permitting, we now plan to set off towards Wheelock on either Monday or Tuesday next week as we need to make use of the services there, unfortunately there are none at all in Middlewich.
The photo is of Big Lock, and it was taken in the rain yesterday.
Please look after yourselves and stay safe, we will post again soon ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Another quiet day. Yesterday Michelle walked to the shop for some eggs and a few other bits and pieces, but apart from t...

Another quiet day. Yesterday Michelle walked to the shop for some eggs and a few other bits and pieces, but apart from that the weather got in the way. It was very windy and cold, plus it rained off and on, so we kept nice and warm in the boat. Then Egg and Chips for tea followed by some Mince Pies, pure comfort food and very enjoyable.
Today the wind is still blowing, maybe not as strong as yesterday, and showers are forecast, but we have to walk to the Chemist, I have a prescription to pick up and we are both having our COVID injections. A worthwhile walk.
We have no real plans for the rest of the week, our movements are wholly dependent on the weather, so, we will just keep an eye on the forecast and keep you informed as to when we will set off towards Wheelock.
The photo was taken from the front of the boat at 10am today, you can see a bit of blue sky and the ripples on the canal.
Please look after yourselves and stay safe, we will post again soon ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

The weather yesterday was up and down, when it rained it was very heavy, but there were spots of blue sky in amongst.We ...

The weather yesterday was up and down, when it rained it was very heavy, but there were spots of blue sky in amongst.
We needed some things from Morrisons so I had a walk there getting wet along the way. The rest of the day was spent on the boat, the fire was burning brightly, so, we were both nice and warm and dry.
It has rained heavily overnight but this morning it is forecast to stop at around 11am, the wind is going to blow a gale all day long though. So, after a quick walk to the shop for Michelle, another day in the warmth of the boat beckons, with comfort food for tea. Egg and chips always goes down well.
The weather forecast is better for tomorrow, just as well as we have our COVID injections booked.
So, our plan is to keep an eye on the weather forecasts to see which is going to be the best day to make our next move which will be towards Wheelock.
The photo is of the lock gates looking under the footbridge here at Big Lock and was taken yesterday.
Please look after yourselves and stay safe, we will post again soon ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Yesterday we walked along the towpath to the doctor's surgery for our flu jabs, went shopping and on our way back to the...

Yesterday we walked along the towpath to the doctor's surgery for our flu jabs, went shopping and on our way back to the boat we called for a cappuccino each at The Little Lock Coffee House.
At the moment the weather isn't conducive to doing much else. Showers, some heavy, are forecast for the rest of the week too, so, we will take the time to rest and relax, so we are ready for when we set off again.
At the moment this morning there is blue sky, so, shortly I intend to walk to Morrisons for some essentials, milk, bread, etc, then back to the warmth of the boat.
The photos were both taken in the Little Lock yesterday.
Please look after yourselves and stay safe, we will post again soon ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️




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