Take on the bike ride of your life... all the way from the Parkinson Steps, Leeds to Prague! Do you have what it takes to complete the Leeds RAG Pedal to Prague? June 18th 2018, around 40 cyclists will be riding 800 miles, from the Parkinson Steps, through England, the Netherlands, Germany and Czech Republic ending when we Into Prague 9 days later. There will be no shortage of padded shorts, laugh
s and delicious food (who doesn't love porridge?!), and you'll be able to say you've completed an amazing feat for a really good cause. We will require a basic level of cycling competency, but no worries!.. Our excellent team of leaders will be holding many training rides over the year to make sure you're up to fit and fresh; and we'll be cycling to Prague in groups organised by cycling ability/speed. We will have a support team to cook and clean for you, put up and take down the tents, drive your luggage around, help with any broken bikes and generally aid your welfare along the way. This support team will also kindly bring back your bikes from Prague leaving you to spend as much time as you wish in Prague and to fly home in the comfort (or perhaps not) of an easyJet plane. You can then pick up your bikes when you’re back in Leeds.