Brad Harkema

Brad Harkema Travel like an insider. Let the world be your classroom. Never stop improving yourself. Travel & Personal Development. How can I help you?

What is Organic Consciousness 🌻 It is simply about embracing our own Organic self. It is the process of INscension that ...

What is Organic Consciousness 🌻

It is simply about embracing our own Organic self.

It is the process of INscension that allows you to connect to the God Source within.

It is about building our body awareness. Our body is
our unconscious mind and directly holds the template of our unconscious patterns 🧠

Building body awareness allows us to identify where emotions are getting stuck in our body.

In Organic Consciousness you start to let go of intermediary channels. Letting go of the need for Tarot, Spirit Guides, or channeling aliens. 👽

You instead connect with your own innocence 👶

Connecting with the innocent wise child within 🌻

There is a deeper part of you that already KNOWS...

It’s Organic to your nature and the blueprint of life ☀️

However incarnating to Earth we go through very traumatic process of indoctrination and herd mentality.

This is the process of unwinding that WITHOUT distortions from intermediary channels.

Who is Organic Consciousness for?

- conscious entrepreneurs who want to overcome their self sabotage & limiting unconscious patterns (breakthroughs)

- Anyone seeking emotional healing in their lives (deep cathartic events)

Why Organic Consciousness?

We already hold the answers inside of us. This process of INscension gives you a simple yet tangible process to dive into the depths of your unconscious mind (your body) to get those answers you are seeking. 👀

The process is so simple even a toddler could do it!

Learning from intermediary channels is beautiful and is a stepping stone for our journey.

But there comes a time in our journey where we just become spiritually self sustaining.

Where we begin the journey of seeking connection with God INSIDE of ourselves.

Where we place God first and we are these other intermediaries as beautiful tools and place them second and eventually drop them.

Connecting with outside sources of information can open our fields to Spiritual Hi-jacking and entity attachments.

Organic Consciousness keeps our energy body clean because we are literally only connecting with the wisdom of our bodies.

Our bodies are inherently a piece of nature and holds wisdom.

Have you been h***y walking down the street before? 😂Let’s say you’re walking down the street and you’re h***y AF, right...

Have you been h***y walking down the street before? 😂

Let’s say you’re walking down the street and you’re h***y AF, right?

Follow me here 😂

When you look at someone you’re sexually attracted to and you’re h***y, how do you perceive them?

You perceive them as object. As something you can use. As something that will make you feel good.

You’re desire system has created an ego structure that only see’s those who are ‘do-able’ to you.

Everyone else loses their value from this point of view and your top priority is how can you fulfill this desire.

Same goes for someone who is hungry...

Let’s say you’re hungry 🤤

You go to the store and EVERYTHING looks good to you.

Your desire to eat is changing your perception of the world.

Now what about someone who is an astrologer?

How do they see the world?

They see a Sagittarius or a Pisces or whatever zodiac sign they appear to be.

Can we see how these ALL separate us.

Although they move up in planes of consciousness they are still seen as object or something separate from you.

So what if we cultivated a practice where we could quiet down our desires to remove the veil of distortion it creates in our reality.

Now this doesn’t mean push away your desires. Desires are sacred. They create the universe.

However if you aren’t able to hold presence in your body in the midst of your desires surfacing you will be controlled by them.

You will be controlled by the stimuli in your environment.

This is why stillness and presence is so vital in the process of ascension. You become aware of what is controlling you from the outside in.

Start asking yourself, how can I ‘control’ myself from the inside out.

I use the word control loosely because ultimately you have to let go of control.

However everything can be used to bring you into higher planes of consciousness but you must know you have to eventually let go of it ALL!

We can create new ego structures that allow up to widen our view but if we push or pull at anything in life, it has got us.

Connect with Mother Earth, she is the organic template for us 🌎❤️Think about it... 🤔 💭 We came from the earth, meaning w...

Connect with Mother Earth, she is the organic template for us 🌎❤️

Think about it... 🤔 💭

We came from the earth, meaning we are a PART of nature.

So what has been consistent with the His-story of earth?

Evolution 🌟

What is consistent with natural law is change and evolution.

Those who don’t evolve, fade away back into the earth 🌎

So if you’re not evolving you’re dying. It’s law. Its natural selection.

This isn’t harsh or mean, this is just the way it is.

Have we evolved into more love where we can hold more perspectives? Yes absolutely!

But does that mean you have to hold every truth you hear as your own truth?

Absolutely not...

Find out what is true for yourself, what does the God Source say within you?

Have you cultivated a relationship with that part of yourself?

The easiest way to return back hOMe is to return to nature and connect with it.

Nature has lessons for you to learn from it, nature has reminders for you to return to your natural self.

The Mother 🌎 will speak to you if you quiet your mind and stop judging what thoughts come through your vessel.

Because our body is the ship 🛳 our brain is the command center 🧠 but where is the commander? 👨‍✈️

The one giving commands, where is that essence?

Well it’s within awareness and awareness is outside of time and space, it is outside duality (opposites)

Get in tune with this awareness behind all things and you get in tune with oneness.

That is all.

Do you wish things were different right now? If you are basing your value and/or happiness on external circumstances you...

Do you wish things were different right now?

If you are basing your value and/or happiness on external circumstances you are creating a prison for yourself.

Hear me out...

If you are pointing to anything outside of yourself you are giving your POWER away.

When you take ownership and responsibility that your life is the way it is because in part your responded to it in a way that is out of alignment with who you TRULY are.

We all have advantages and disadvantages in this world 🌎

Things that are seen as fair and unfair.

I don’t know why things are the way they are but I know that energy cannot be created not destroyed only transformed.

And where your focus goes your energy flows.

So if you aren’t putting your focus on expansion, love, and truth you are not in alignment with the soul.

If you’re wishing things were different you are saying “God made a mistake”.

There are no errors in the game folks. This is all by intelligent design.

You are where you are at because of the choices you have made with the cards you have been given.

We can focus on the cards we have been dealt or we can focus on empowering our free will and sovereignty.

Which one is going to create positive movement forward?

Focusing on free will and sovereignty obviously... when you choose that it’s called good karma.

You created a positive feedback loop to position yourself in an expansive framework which allows Spirit to bring you more expansive energy.

Don’t wish for better circumstances, wish for better discernment of Spirit to make choices that ALIGN with your soul.

That which is aligned with expansion, love, & truth.

Here is how to build the courage to be fully expressed as YOU! The first ingredient 👨‍🍳 in being fully expressed is 👉acc...

Here is how to build the courage to be fully expressed as YOU!

The first ingredient 👨‍🍳 in being fully expressed is 👉acceptance👈

You must build your foundation upon the rock ⛰

When you accept that you are from an intelligent presence and are INFINITELY LOVED. You can base your worth off how God see’s you (which is how you truly are)

If you haven’t experienced the radiant love of Spirit then how can you build a foundation that is solid?

Every version of yourself that you have an image of will change and evolve.

So #1 learn to accept yourself as you are.

The second ingredient 👨‍🍳 is releasing Fear (Root Chakra), Guilt (Sacral Chakra), and Shame (Solar Plexus).

Once you start clearing out these emotions and thought forms in your lower chakras you open them up for new energy to flow in and re-structure that energy center.

You can even talk to these chakras as they are living organic energy systems that respond to everything in “exchange” with them.

Try it out 👇

Say “root chakra I see, root chakra I love you, root chakra this is a safe space.”

Allow it some time to respond (you will feel a slight shift in your felt sense or how you feel in your body)

Now say “Root chakra show me where fear is trapped in my body.”

Allow it space and let it show you.

If you don’t feel anything just repeat step 1 and step 2 until you increase your mind body connection enough to feel subtle sensations in your body awareness.

Now the last ingredient 👨‍🍳 is to do the damn thing!

You must face what you fear! Move through the fear and keep working on your body awareness to move through these uncomfortable shifts of embodiment.

Embody (In-Body) you must act it out to fully integrate it in.

Comment below which step was most helpful for you 👇

Collective Energy Update 🌎⚡️We are being asked to come into our body awareness more! We are needing to ground, ground, g...

Collective Energy Update 🌎⚡️

We are being asked to come into our body awareness more!

We are needing to ground, ground, ground ⛰

A lot of wounds have been coming up for the collective to move through and release these stagnant energy’s

We are needing a somatic experience meaning we are needing a felt sense of what our body is actually feeling.

Our body is our unconscious mind and carries all of our “baggage”

So by grounding our energy we are becoming more aware of the emotions and felt sense of what is really happening in our body.

If you are astral projecting or working in the higher realms that may be needed from you but for the majority we are being asked to come INTO our body 🌎

Earth is our body ❤️

An easy exercise you can do to make your body feel safe is this 👇


👉 Put your right hand under your left arm pit and your left hand grasping your right arm. (Hugging yourself)

Repeat: “My body feels at ease, and my body feels safe to receive.”

Bring your awareness to your heart space.

Keep repeating the phrase and hugging yourself until you start to feel your body open up.

It should feel like a felt sense of safety and openness starting to cultivate.

Doing simple things like this and noticing your body shift in it’s felt sense allows you to become more aware of your unconscious mind (which is your body)

Your body is a living organism and will communicate to you if you speak to it 🙏

Bring your awareness into your body as much as you can and realize activities you do to push away feeling certain emotions.

My personal vice is smoking w**d, and one I am working with to not disassociate from how I feel and avoid.

Avoidance is a coping pattern of mine and moving through that with more awareness now but I wouldn’t have become aware if I didn’t build my mind-body connection.

Comment 1111 below if you needed this today!

Are you sad or mad at your current life circumstances? If you are there is NOTHING wrong with that, honor your process b...

Are you sad or mad at your current life circumstances?

If you are there is NOTHING wrong with that, honor your process because it will look different than everyone else.

The truth is if that is you than life is reflecting to you where you are not.

Life is reflecting to you that you haven’t accepted something.

Can you open yourself to how your life is right now and accept it?

That doesn’t mean allow it to stay the same, it means taking ownership that YOU got you there.

But can you just be with the truth of where you find yourself to be?

Because all we have to offer each other is our own individual truths... it’s apart of being human.

So can you risk being human? Can you risk opening your heart to how it is rather than trying to impulsively change it.

If you can’t you have to review what beliefs are not allowing you to open.

The heart is closed to protect itself so it will create stories in your mind to push away at the ego structure you are stepping out of.

As you release an old identity it will try to cling to what is familiar.

It is a death 💀

Death is not comfortable for us that cannot surrender to it yet (myself included)

But can we start to see how death is the beginning of life.

You can’t have death if there is no life. So allow yourself to create space for this death to happen.

When a family member dies you have to spend a lot of time dealing and grieving that death.

Which requires you to take some space and time to allow that natural process of life to happen.

Create the container and space you need for this transition in life for you ❤️

Life happens in seasons, so honor the natural flow of nature to unfold.

You are exactly where you need to be to come back hOMe ❤️

Home is where the heart is

Where are you placing your value outside of yourself? When you place your value on an outside influence you turn down th...

Where are you placing your value outside of yourself?

When you place your value on an outside influence you turn down the volume of what you truly want.

When you have co-dependent wounds you push away your own desires to “help” someone else.

That other person doesn’t NEED your help!

Stop trying to fix everything around you Because the only reason you have things to “fix” is because you haven’t fixed yourself.

Focus on you! You have been focusing on others for too long now.

It’s important we have compassion and be generous with our energy to assist others in ascension but not when it drains you.

Not when you are operating out of an ego structure that says if you don’t help this person you will feel guilty.

You feel if you don’t help than you are a bad person.

You feel if you don’t give yourself fully then you will be rejected.

That is YOUR STUFF. Deal with your stuff.

When we fully accept that we have gotten ourselves where we are at, we can finally take ownership of our mistakes.

Owning up to your mistakes can be a tough game for the ego, but if you breathe into your heart and allow yourself to be seen in humility you will free yourself from your own bo***ge.

You have created a version of yourself that this persons see’s that ISN’T TRULY YOU!

You created a false image in fear of being rejected or abandoned.

But what if you were to just ACCEPT yourself as you are.

What if you were to fully express your inner self that no one see’s.

What if you were to radically love yourself and show up authentically?

What would you life look like?

Comment below ‘1111’ if this resonated for you 🙏

When Your Higher Self Asks If You’re Ready For More Lessons 😂Not gonna lie my Kings & Queens. Tulum’s energy kicked my a...

When Your Higher Self Asks If You’re Ready For More Lessons 😂

Not gonna lie my Kings & Queens. Tulum’s energy kicked my ass 🍑 🔥

One of the first days I got here I went to a taco shop and met someone who was familiar with Tulum and super tapped into higher frequencies.

He told me, “Souls comes to Tulum to let go of all attachments.”

The energy here is very potent and if you come with the intention of soul expansion you will get just that if you allow the lessons to take root 🌳

I’m extremely grateful for the experiences, reflections, and mirrors that have showed me where I am still “stuck” in my consciousness and ways of thinking.

Don’t ask for the fire if you ain’t ready for it 🔥 😂

So yes, I’m tired, turned inside out, turned around a couple times and kicked in the butt to help me realize that I’ve been suppressing my powers for safety and certainty.

God continues to tell me that you don’t need safety to have certainty, because when you are with your creator you are with the One 😇

When you tap into the creative force that you are you don’t need things to be a certain way because you know you are backed by the forces of the universe.

The universe only knows how to say YES. Whatever you speak the universe says, “so it is”

Allow yourself to SPEAK OUT LOUD what you want from the universe.

Your desires of sacred and they matter but just remember that if you are too attached to a certain way of life, and you are devoted to truth, the Guru will come and show you where you’re not.

The guru is within all of us. It is those moments when a random stranger says exactly what you need. The guru is your friends checking you on your s**t.

God, Guru, & Self are one in the same. Look for the teachings and get in an environment where you can fully allow yourself to open to those truths and you will be shown what to do next.

Keep moving forward, give yourself grace.

It’s not your fault.

Say it out loud.

“It’s not my fault but it is my responsibility.”

Keep Meeting Yourself Deeper When you react to someone you are just projecting your own hurt onto them. Hurt people, hur...

Keep Meeting Yourself Deeper

When you react to someone you are just projecting your own hurt onto them.

Hurt people, hurt people.

Healed people, heal people.

Is it possible to be able to do both?

I’ve found myself both hurting people and healing people recently. My frequency has been putting out mixed signals.

Can you relate?

What you are currently experiencing in all of your relationships is the projection of your own evolution.

What you see in another is what you see in yourself.

It’s time to take radical responsibility in our relationships. Myself included, we have to stop pointing the finger!

Saying, “They made me do it.”

Saying, “If it was this way, that wouldn’t have happened.”

Saying, “It’s not my fault, you don’t understand.”

You’re pointing the burden of responsibility away from yourself so you don’t feel exposed.

Expose yourself, open your heart, and own up to how you created a part of these turn of events.

Deepen your transparency, deepen your heart, deepen your integrity.

Keep digging deeper to see what wound is making your put a wall around your heart 💔

A closing of the heart is the egos way of protecting itself. Don’t give into wounded ego games.

Breathe into your heart, talk to it, ask it questions. It will speak back.

Every chakra is a living system and it can communicate with you if you speak to it.

Say “Heart chakra I see you, Heart chakra I love you, Heart chakra this is a safe space.”

Wait for it’s subtle response, in a shift in your energy or how you feel.

Then Say “Heart chakra show me what emotions are trapped in my body.”

Allow it to show you and sense any shifts in your body.

Ask it anything you want and allow it to respond. It will give you the answers you seek ❤️

Comment below if you tried speaking to your heart and it responded 👇

Another layer of deception 💀If you’ve been waking up to the truth that the New Age spiritual community has been injected...

Another layer of deception 💀

If you’ve been waking up to the truth that the New Age spiritual community has been injected with both truth and lies then welcome to the Spiritual Matrix.

Another layer of initiation and awakening.

What is the true Christ Template you ask?

The Christ Template is the blueprint and architecture that creates and holds space for your true self to be accessed.

It is stored in your temple. Your body is a temple. A temple for your soul. In this temple is your Christ Template.

In-carnation, meaning in flesh, in body. The soul inserts itself into the body upon birth and is recycled after death ♻️

The soul is etheric energy and as we know “energy cannot be created not destroyed it can only be transferred or transformed.”

However Christ came here to let us know we are ALREADY FREE! He came as an embodiment of the true one God in service and love.

He died for us to take away what keeps us separate from God.

Karma and sin are what keep us separate from God. He came to tell us those debts are paid for by him.

He told us the Kingdom of heaven is WITHIN!

So why are you connecting with entities and archons outside of you rather than connecting inward and building a relationship with your own person internal God source/ true north compass?

I’m not saying you can’t connect with other entities but the astral realm is hijacked and shapeshifters can pose as who they want to in this fallen matrix (both 3D & 5D/ and above)

So if you don’t clear out your own density/trauma you will have no discernment of Spirit to know what is the difference.

This leaves you open to connecting with energy’s that are giving you distorted information (lies and reversals)

If you want to connect with the one true God start setting your intention for that and for the purest highest truth to come to you ❤️

Comment below if you have been waking up to the next layer of awakening the Spiritual Matrix.

Have You Ever Been Confused On Where To Go Next? The reason why you are confused is because you haven’t made a decision ...

Have You Ever Been Confused On Where To Go Next?

The reason why you are confused is because you haven’t made a decision somewhere in your field ⚡️

The reason the overthinking is happening is because you are unsure of yourself.

The reason why you doubt is because you fear your own abilities. When you speak truth it means you have to stand in it.

To become fully embodied (In-Body) you must first become aware of when you are out of your body. Meaning you have to identify where you are overthinking and creating ridiculous fear based scenarios in your head.

The scenarios in your head ARENT EVEN REAL.

You keep yourself stuck in a self fulfilling prophecy that is manifested through your words and what you tell yourself and ultimately the universe about what you want your life to be like.

So first things first...

What the f**k do you even want?

Like REALLY.... what do you want??

You are worthy of having what you want.

You are worthy of having what you ask for. So ask for MORE.

Don’t be afraid to ask for more. Don’t be afraid to take up space. Don’t be afraid to pe*****te the world with your magic and greatness.

If it is in service to the ONE then it is aligned with the ONE.

Anything in alignment with the ONE is right on man. Keep going you’re exactly where you need to be. All is well.

You are lost you’re just early in the process 🎢

Stop blaming yourself and start empowering yourself 💯

You must rise to the frequency that your soul clients are on...The question must become who is it that you need to becom...

You must rise to the frequency that your soul clients are on...

The question must become who is it that you need to become in order to allow your soul clients in?

Once you know who you need to become all you need to do is explore and unpack what is around what is keeping you from that.

The universe doesn't give you your wants, it gives you your standards. It gives you that which you feel worthy of and feel capable of attracting and maintaining what you are asking for.

You have to fully tap into your power and trust yourself to take on what you're asking for.

The reason that you aren't attracting what you want because you are vibrating below what you're asking for.

You aren't fully stepping into what you need to in order to shift your energy to meet that manifestation.

You have to meet God halfway, you can't just ask unless you have already done the work around tapping into the art of allowing.

So here are some tips you can use on how to tap into the frequency of your soul clients more...

1) Imagine what these soul clients will give to you by you coaching them!

2) Focus on the frequency, how would it feel to already have these people as clients?

3) Create stories in your imagination about what it would change for you to have these soul clients and FEEL it.

4) Step into who you need to be in order to have these soul clients (he honest)

5) Trust your powers more

Are you ready to start attracting soul clients?

Are you tired of self-sabotaging yourself and stalling the process longer than you need to?

Well I am opening 3 FREE Mini Strategy sessions...

These calls are 15 minutes long and this is what they cover

1) Covering your current situation

2) Unpack what is REALLY stopping you

3) Creating action steps to create clarity and direction for what you need next

Comment "Call" and I will DM you to secure your slot!

Have You Ever Put Your Back Up Against The Wall? It is the quickest way to find your true potential and anchor it into y...

Have You Ever Put Your Back Up Against The Wall?

It is the quickest way to find your true potential and anchor it into your body if you trust yourself.

This living embodiment is the true initiation for stepping into your full power.

An initiation is not always fun, it can be a reality breaking event. It purifies you through the fire 🔥

When you are put through the fire any doubts you have will be forced to burn away.

If you don’t burn it away you will cease to pass through the fire.

This is initiation!

It is a scenario where you truly step into the next level of yourself and self mastery.

Where do you need to stop making excuses for yourself?

Where do you need to start showing up everyday?

It is time to put your back up against the wall...

Imagine what it would cost you to NOT step into your full power!

I understand putting yourself up against the wall is scary... it’s why you aren’t fully committing to doing it in this moment.

The good news is that it’s a lot EASIER to face these challenges with support that fully see’s you and understands you.

So if you feel that is you comment “Initiation Session”

What does the session include?

- 60 min coaching session
- Gaining clarity on the next steps needed to embody your next level
- Create a map and action steps to embody
- 30 minute shamanic healing session to close & remove energies that are self sabotaging you

Who is this session for?

- Light-workers who are sick & tired of self sabotage
- Coaches who want to go to their next level of self mastery
- Light-workers who are tired of spinning their wheels in the mud

Comment “initiation session” to learn more!

✉️ Letter To My Inner Little Boy ✉️Dear inner little boy, You have made major leaps in your inner landscape in your 26 y...

✉️ Letter To My Inner Little Boy ✉️

Dear inner little boy,

You have made major leaps in your inner landscape in your 26 years of living and that needs to be celebrated!

Stepping into your next phase of life will require you to shift certain ways of life you have been clinging to, to protect yourself and keep you from fully shining in fear of your own f**king light 🌟

You can sometimes view life through a distorted lens in an attempt to protect your need for control.

The need for the control comes from not trusting yourself to meet where God is asking you to step into.

You doubt you are worthy of Gods Grace

Stop trying to defend what no longer needs defending. As you continue to open your heart and trust, I promise life will surprise you with continuous celebrations 🎉

That is the journey Young Brad you must surrender your need for control.


Let go of control.

Quiet your mind.

Open your heart.

Step out boldly in who you are meant to be.

Inner boy you are loved, you are safe now, you are safe to step fully into your innocence & power together.

The integration of the man and boy together can be one of the biggest initiations.

Grateful for all these experiences & growth this last year.

Use the comments below to write a small note to your inner child. The message your inner child needs is always a message I may need ❤️



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