⬇️Why you need this herb in your stash⬇️
Mentha x piperita
🪴Peppermint supports digestion, dispels gas and bloating, stimulates liver, is anti-microbial, relieves tension and pain, supports fevers, is anti-spasmodic, reduces mucus, and more!
🪴Delicious herb that almost anyone can enjoy in tea, and can be added to other less delicious herbs to improve the flavor
🪴Easy to find in grocery stores or to grow at home - even in a pot on your window sill!
What’s your favorite way to use peppermint?
🫖Comment “Herbs!!” If you want a link to my free PDF page “6 Herbs to Start your Home Apothecary “
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Tips below!⬇️
Feeling weak postpartum? I can relate. I just had my fifth baby, and I didn’t exercise this pregnancy like I have in the past. Postpartum healing has gone smoothly, yet I feel my lack of muscle tone and stamina! Here’s my plan to slowly and gently get back into shape:
Walking is one of the absolute best forms of exercise. Though gentle, it builds strength, lowers inflammation, moves lymph, increases circulation, improves mood, and more! Even starting with ten minutes a day is beneficial, and work up from there. Best of all, grab a baby carrier, or a stroller and bikes for older kids, and the whole family can go along!
🌿Focus on your core and pelvic floor
Our core and pelvic floor do a lot of work during pregnancy and birth, and this is typically an area we feel needs a lot of support postpartum. My favorite thing is to search for postpartum safe core and pelvic floor exercises on YouTube. (Conventionally ab exercises like crunches can actually do more harm than good postpartum) There are plenty that are just 5-10 minutes a day that can make a big difference when done consistently.
🌿Make nutrition a priority
You know what they say - you are what you eat! Conception, pregnancy and breastfeeding take a tremendous amount of resources to maintain. Vitamin and mineral deficiencies are very common for women in the childbearing years. Being very intentional about consuming adequate amounts of healthy fat, proteins, greens and supplementing as needed will go a long way in helping you feel your best and set you up nutritionally as you build strength.
These are gentle ways to build strength as soon as you feel ready, and you can work up from here!
What are your favorite ways to rebuild strength and stamina postpartum? What are your biggest challenges?
#healthypostpartum #crunchymom #homebirth #midwiferymodelofcare #herbalmedicine #naturalremedies #naturalpostpartumcare
📢 Words are powerful 📢
Whenever we use the word ‘due’ and especially ‘overdue’, what do we think of?
•Our bills?
•A late school assignment?
•Library fines?
Nothing good, that’s for sure.
That’s why I usually just share the month my baby is expected when people ask, rather than hyper focusing on a particular day.
💣When we go past our due date in pregnancy, we may already be feeling pressure from family, friends or medical providers, like somehow something is wrong, we’ve failed to produce a baby in the designated timeline, and there is some impending penalty for our lateness (cough *induction* cough)
In reality, babies grow and develop at their own pace, just like anyone else.
‼️If your baby hasn’t come by 40 weeks, you haven’t failed to turn in your assignment on time or lost a library book! Your baby’s body will release hormones to trigger the onset of the labor process when they are good and ready, not a moment before!‼️
You’re doing a wonderful job caring for and nourishing your baby in these final weeks. Don’t let semantics trip you up or make you feel otherwise!
➡️Have you ever felt stressed or anxious about a due date?
➡️Has a provider ever pressured you to induce because of going ‘late’?
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⬇️Why you need Yellow Dock in your medicine cabinet
Make sure you have some yellow dock tincture in your home apothecary! This splendid medicinal herb is a great support for women who tend toward anemia, as it helps the body utilize iron more efficiently. Gentle enough for daily use, yellow dock works to improve circulating fluids in the body, blood, liver, gallbladder function and more.
Cooling and astringent, yellow dock can help tone and strengthen a weak or stagnant digestive system.
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How about YOU?
How old were you when your kids were born?
(I’m fairly confident my fifth will come while I’m still 32 seeing as my next birth day is 6 weeks after my due date 😅)
As an herbalist, I offer holistic fertility and support to help you on your childbearing journey, no matter where you are in your childbearing years ❤️
🪴Comment ‘Consult’ to learn about my services,
And follow this page for more holistic women’s health, herbal medicine and natural pregnancy and birth content!
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