The company is doing great things! Great Job Team!
We have more exciting ways to save and make you money that we are starting to roll out. We are now partnering with businesses to give you banner ads with special offers. The ads will show up when you are anywhere nearby one of our gRateFriends business partners. All you have to do is show the business their gRateFriends banner ad to receive the offered discount! Make sure you have your app notifications enabled to stay up to date on all discounts and news.
Get ready, because gRateFriends Visa cards are coming soon! Cards will be available to anyone in the benefits program that has earned over $10. If you’re not in the benefits program for whatever reason, you can always join through the profile page on the app.
There is a one-time fee of $6.99 for the card, which is automatically deducted from your earnings. We are dedicated to making you money every month, simply for the opinion of you and your friends! Be ready next week to update your information to receive your gRateFriends card.
Make sure to invite all of your friends with your sponsor code (your username) to make the most money possible. Rate a business anytime you visit, and make sure to leave quality feedback. Our gRateFriends businesses are really enjoying the feedback you are giving as members!
gRateFriends growth is breaking records weekly. You are one of the first 20,000 members, which is incredible! The potential for you to go out there and grow your team is enormous. As we expand westward across the United States and soon internationally, I can’t wait for what the future holds for gRateFriends: Your Opinion Pays!
Don’t forget! Be prepared for an email next week to update your information at www.gratefriends.com to receive your new card.
For breaking news and info, visit http://www.gratefriends.com/category/news/.
Michael Schiff
Director of Communications