"My favourite thing about Awaji so far has been cycling. I bought a bicycle in Sumoto on my first weekend here and cycled back home to Kuruma. Each weekend since then, I’ve tried to cycle somewhere.
A few weeks ago I did my first 55K loop of the north part of the island! It was a new record distance for me and very exciting. The route I took was from Higashiura down to Shizuki on the east coast, across the island and route 66, past Izanagi Shrine through to Gunge, and back to Higashiura along the East coast through Iwaya. The highlight of that trip was Izanagi Shrine.
The more you go out and look around, the more you see and the more you understand about Awaji. And the more you like it!
The best bits for me are the exercise and the view. It’s nice to cycle somewhere scenic, along a river or by the sea, as opposed to the city. It’s good exercise, you see beautiful places, and it’s free! There are no big preparations. Find your route and just go.
Maybe one day I will ride the full circuit around the island, which is about 150 kilometres. I think I need more training though before I do that!"
Tony - UK