Dear photographers ,
This is Yun from China.I'm working in China on the youfunfun brand which cooperates with wedding/ tourist photographers in the foreign countries to face the expanding Chinese tourism. and help them take wedding/travel photos on the journey. i hope you can join us! (Sorry that i cannot post photos from China to better explain youfunfun. but i will do once im on business abroad!)
our online shop is : http://shop111999794.taobao.com/shop/view_shop.htm?spm=a1z0e.1.10010.5.Lvqkav .
the website is under construction and space for you is free.
here is what we will do for photographers :
1. free advertisement for your shop on our website: www.youfunfun.com ( your own page)
2. advertisement on biggest chinese online shop: alibaba (taobao)
3. online promotion through phone: weixin, the most popular chinese phone communication platform
4. articles with your photos and name on travel websites
5. future: App for YOUFUNFUN, co-operation with chinese travel agencies and photo workshops
and for commition, would you agree to ?? (will inform when you are interested) of photo shooting fee for each business (which means there is no fee for you until there are actual customers?
we do ads for our cooperated photographers like :
http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzA4MzA4NzU4OA%3D%3D&mid=206733805&idx=1&sn=2f7b7369fd1ae46162a3e1d770744d97&scene=2&from=timeline&isappinstalled=0 (sorry , they are in chinese)
And for best cooperated teams so far, we send them about 5 couple each month.
I went through your website and love most of your works. hope you can join us! hope to hear from you soon!
Best Regards, Yun
If you are interested, please fill in the following as reference for business. my email is: [email protected]
Basic Information:
Name of the chief photographer:
Name of the workshop
Exact location and cities/countries you are able to shoot photos in:
Introduction of the chief photographer and team:
Phone number(s):
Package pricing (best you can provide, commission included please) and contents included (numbers of photos and other):
1.wedding/travel photography by hour: /hour ,starting from hour(s), including:
2.whole day wedding/travel photography: ,totally hours, including:
3.other kind of package pricing: , including:
Currency:(RMB,Euro,US Dollar,other?)
4.do you have make-up service? How much?
5.do you have wedding dress rental service? How does it charge?
6.what cities or countries can you do the shooting besides your base city?
Please summit 1-2 portrait photos of the chief photographer or team:
Please summit 30 best photos (with asian face is better):
Please summit one best video (wedding or nature/landscape):
Please provide names of some local beautiful places you like to take photos in to help us intorduce to customers:
淘宝, 店铺, 旺铺, Youfunfun旅行摄影