Master Drawing Class which I taught over a
ten-year period up until my son Joe was about 7 years. And of the
confirmation I received from Arthur and Yvonne Boyd and Arthur's
nephew Mathew Perceval while I was still a post-grad student.
And they gave me courage to continue observational drawing
when it was not necessarily valued. Arthur also
offered me a job co-ordinating and teaching
drawing at Bundanon! I was thrilled!
cheers from Marion
Below, I acknowledge some of my Mentors
Source: http://www.artadventuresaustralia.com/artists.html
Mentors: people with whom I feel a deep deep connection, a couple of whom were my personal mentors.
Barbara Abbott Cottam: artist - naturally gifted and rigorously-trained artist, teacher and radiant beauty, my first personal mentor, taught at RMIT and QUT. On many afternoons on arriving home from school, we would find our mother painting a mural on the lounge room wall - I thought it was a commonplace activity for mothers.
Jean Abbott Ferguson: artist - naturally gifted and my grandmother.
Arthur and Yvonne Boyd: artists, my personal mentors who deeply encouraged me and with whom I corresponded and visited. The time I spent with Arthur in his studio: we easily connected, affirming our humanity, our joy in life, in nature. We talked about family, spending time in nature, the environment. We never talked about art - thinking back now as to why, it seemed superfluous, knowing our similar outlook and values and creative passion would naturally result in art that was real, vital, a true expression. We talked about what was essential, sacred and vital. Arthur's gifts to me were also practical: a half dozen of his long hair french brushes, a reference for a job at Darwin uni, an invitation to paint in his Italian studio, a job co-ordinating the drawing workshops and teaching drawing once Bundanon was made ready.
Matthew Perceval, artist: funny, self-depreciating and genteel Matthew. Spending time with Matthew was like being with Arthur in his studio. He has the same quiet gentle ways as Arthur, his political angst and anger being perhaps a little more overt. Matthew encouraged me through my difficult times (Post Grad, Newcastle Uni) during afternoons at his Newcastle pub. I phoned him recently just before he and his family left for him time OS and told him how much he helped me, just by being there, by inviting me to join him on those occasions at the pub.
Muriel Flora Moody (nee Angel): journalist: delightful, funny, creative bright spark, politically passionate, beloved, a joy to know. Remembering hours spent with Muriel on her verandah - I secretly called it the "Verandah of Happiness".
Mary Moody: journalist, tv presenter, writer, a "Renaissance" woman and sister-in-law: delightful, funny, creative bright spark, fierce mother (ie as protector and advocate of children, not as in a mother who is terrifying), imbued with a joie de vivre in which I bathed as often I could.
(start from first photo - top left)
The story of Master Drawing Class which I taught over a
ten-year period up until my son Joe was about 7 years. And of the
confirmation I received from Arthur and Yvonne Boyd and Arthur's
nephew Mathew Perceval while I was still a post-grad student.
And they gave me courage to continue observational and academic drawing
when it was not necessarily valued. Arthur also
offered me a job co-ordinating and teaching
drawing at Bundanon! I was thrilled!
fuller story: go to https://www.facebook.com/masterclass.drawing