Dream big and let us take care of the detail and legwork.
Time savings (Why search the Internet for hours, days or even weeks?)
Our services are free for you, the traveler!
We can get you the same price (if not better) than booking directly.
Old-Fashioned Service - we get to personally know you and are invested in providing you with the vacation you desire. We will not ask you for a confirmation number or member number, we know you by name!
Customized vacation packages for any occasion, lifestyle or budget.
We are here to support you from planning until you arrive home.
Whether it is a short escape from the stress of everyday life; a chance to reconnect with loved ones while discovering a destination together; or a soul-searching personal journey, we can help you plan the vacation you desire.
In addition to becoming an industry leader in planning cruises, we are also leading the way in land travel and tours. If you can dream it, we can plan the details . . . . and make it happen!
We know the ins and outs of the most fascinating destinations! Our personal knowledge, professional experience and access to exclusive offers gives you an advantage when you let us help you plan your nest vacation. No matter if it is a brief getaway to a theme park or a luxurious world cruise, Cruise Planners can help.
Do you have Internet research overload? Are you tired of scouring the Internet for reviews from people you don’t know with questionable motives? Why spend months planning the details and hoping you got the best deal?
We take the travel planning hassles away, save you time and save you money! Our services are free to you, the traveler!
Dream big and let us take care of the legwork!