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Part seven, the last part of our trip from  New York to Florida. New York is a place of experience and surprises. Big Ap...

Part seven, the last part of our trip from New York to Florida. New York is a place of experience and surprises. Big Apple, as they call New York, is by number the largest city in the United States. There are many tourist attractions: Empire State Building, Statue of Liberty, Central Park, Wall Street, One World Trade Center / WTC Memorial, Brooklyn Bridge, Times Square, Rockefeller Center, Grand Central Terminal, St. Patrick's Cathedral ... all this and more is definitely worth seeing.

Zadnji, sedmi del najinega potovanja od New Yorka do Floride. New York je mesto doživetij in presenečenj. Big Apple, kot imenujejo New York, je po številu prebivalstva največje mesto v Združenih državah Amerike. Turističnih znamenitosti je veliko: Empire State Building, Statue of Liberty, Central Park, Wall Street, One World Trade Center/ WTC Memorial, Brooklyn Bridge, Times Square, Rockefeller Center, Grand Central Terminal, St. Patrick's Cathedral… vse našteto in še več je vsekakor vredno ogleda.

Part six, our road trip from New York to Florida. The City of Orlando is nicknamed "The City Beautiful". It is famous fo...

Part six, our road trip from New York to Florida. The City of Orlando is nicknamed "The City Beautiful". It is famous for its resorts and amusement parks, such as Walt Disney World Resort, Universal Orlando Resort and SeaWorld. Orlando Eye is also a great attraction. Just minutes from Downtown Orlando is unique park, perfect for observing abundant wildlife or cooling off on a summer day. Only 70 km away is Kennedy Space Center and you will not regret to visit it. An incredible experience awaits you!

Šesti del najinega potovanja od New Yorka do Floride - Orlando in okolica. Vzdevek mesta Orlando je »Lepo mesto«. Znano je predvsem po letoviščih in zabaviščnih parkih, kot so Walt Disney World Resort, Universal Orlando Resort in SeaWorld. Velika atrakcija je tudi »Oko Orlanda«. Le nekaj minut od Orlanda je edinstven park, kot nalašč za opazovanje divjih živali ali ohlajanje na poletni dan. Samo 70 km vstran pa je Kennedy space center in ne bo vam žal, če ga boste obiskali. Čaka vas neverjetno doživetje!

Part five, our road trip from New York to Florida, this time Florida Islands - Florida Keys, Sanibel in Siesta Key. For ...

Part five, our road trip from New York to Florida, this time Florida Islands - Florida Keys, Sanibel in Siesta Key. For all those who loves endless sandy beaches, green blue water and unforgettable sunsets, these islands are a true paradise ...

Peti del najinega potovanja od New Yorka do Floride, tokrat otoki Floride - Florida Keys, Sanibel in Siesta Key. Vsi tisti, ki obožujete neskončne peščene plaže, zeleno modro morje in nepozabne sončne zahode, so ti otroki pravi raj…

Part four, our road trip from New York to Florida. Everglades National Park provides important habitat for numerous rare...

Part four, our road trip from New York to Florida. Everglades National Park provides important habitat for numerous rare and endangered species. You can enjoy the beautiful views, meet the alligators, herons, turtles, various insects,... camp in the wilderness, and so spend a few days in harmony with the beautiful nature. You can also take a trip to the Everglades Alligator Farm, wich offering an exciting airboat tour, alligator show, snake show, and an alligator feeding demonstration This are attractions you absolutely won’t want to miss.

Četrti del najinega potovanja od New Yorka do Florite. Nacionalni park Everglades zagotavlja pomemben habitat za številne redke in ogrožene vrste. Uživate lahko v prelepih razgledih, srečate aligatorje, čaplje, želve, različne žuželke,… kampirate v divjini in tako preživite nekaj dni v sožitju s prelepo naravo. Lahko pa se odložite za obisk Farme aligatorjev, ki ponuja vožnjo z »ladjo na veter«, šov z aligatorji in kačami ter predstavitev hranjenja aligatorjev. Teh atrakcij zagotovo ne želite zamuditi.

Our road trip from New York to Florida. This is part three – from Jacksonville to Miami. Miami is one of the world’s mos...

Our road trip from New York to Florida. This is part three – from Jacksonville to Miami. Miami is one of the world’s most popular vacation spots, where everyone can find something for themselves. In 2008, Forbes magazine ranked Miami "America's Cleanest City". We were also noticed that the streets are very clean and that there are many green spaces. With the photographic camera in the hand we explored the city and we found a lot of interesting points. Especially nice was the Miami at night ..
Najino potovanje od New Yorka do Floride, tretji del – od Jacksonville-a do Miami-ja. Miami je ena izmed najbolj priljubljenih počitniških destinacij na svetu, kjer lahko vsak najde nekaj zase. Leta 2008 je revija Forbes Miami proglasila za »Najčistejše mesto Amerike«. Tudi midva sva opazila čiste ulice in veliko zelenih površin. S fotografskim aparatom v roki sva raziskovala mesto in odkrila veliko zanimivih točk. Še posebno lep je bil Miami zvečer…

Our road trip from New York to Florida. This is part two – from Washington to Myrtle Beach . Myrtle Beach is a coastal c...

Our road trip from New York to Florida. This is part two – from Washington to Myrtle Beach . Myrtle Beach is a coastal city on the east coast of the United States in South Carolina. This beautiful coast is packed with family attractions and endless restaurants.
From Myrtle Beach, we continued the way to Jacksonville.

Najino potovanje od New Yorka do Floride, drugi del – od Washingtona do Myrtle Beach. Myrtle Beach je obalno mesto na vzhodni obali Združenih držav Amerike v Južni Karolini. Na tej prelepi obali najdemo veliko animacij za družine in neskončno restavracij.
Iz obalnega mesta Myrtle Beach sva pot nadaljevala do mesta Jacksonville.


So, this is our road trip from New York to Florida. Interesting, 23 days adventure, beautiful places and nice people ......

So, this is our road trip from New York to Florida. Interesting, 23 days adventure, beautiful places and nice people ... It started in Vienna with plane to New York, where we rented a car and drove to Wshington, capital of the United States. We stayed there for two days and there is worth too visit: The Washington Monument, Lincoln Memorial, Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool, Vietnam Veterans Memorial, The Korean War Veterans Memorial, U.S. Capitol, The White House, Washington National Cathedral, ….ang much more.

Tako, to pa je najino potovanje od New Yorka do Floride. Zanimivo, 23 dnevno doživetje, prelepi kraji in prijazni ljudje… Začelo se je na Dunaju, z letalom do New Yorka, kjer sva najela avtomobil in se odpravila v Washington, prestolnico ZDA. Tukaj sva ostala dva dni in to si je vredno ogledati: Washington Monument, Lincoln Memorial, Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool, Vietnam Veterans Memorial, Korean War Veterans Memorial, U.S Capitol, The White House, Washington National Cathedral, ….in še veliko več.

Dubai, big oasis in the middle of the sand, the city of surplus, luxury hotels and wonderful beaches with plenty of sun,...

Dubai, big oasis in the middle of the sand, the city of surplus, luxury hotels and wonderful beaches with plenty of sun, where every day are growing futuristic architectures .... Certainly something for your eyes.

Dubaj, velika oaza sredi peska, mesto presežkov, luksuznih hotelov in čudovitih plaž z veliko sonca, kjer iz dneva v dan raste novodobna futuristična arhitektura…. Vsekakor paša za oči.

One of the most beautiful fireworks you can see in Dubai. Here you can find a lot of good spots from where you can see t...

One of the most beautiful fireworks you can see in Dubai. Here you can find a lot of good spots from where you can see the fireworks and of course photograph . We were on the beach at Burj Al Arab. And if you're there in time, you can also see the beautiful sunset ....

Eden najlepših ognjemetov lahko doživite v Dubaju, kjer lahko najdete veliko dobrih točk od koder si lahko ogledate in seveda fotografirate ognjemet. Midva sva bila na plaži pri Burj Al Arab. In, če boste tam pravočasno, si boste lahko še ogledali čudoviti sončni zahod….

Abu Dhabi is one of the most popular city in the United Arab Emirates and capital of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. In Abu Dh...

Abu Dhabi is one of the most popular city in the United Arab Emirates and capital of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. In Abu Dhabi you can see a beautiful mosque Sheikh Zayed. If you visit Abu Dhabi, take your time and see this beautiful building.

Abu Dhabi je eno izmed najbolj priljubljenih mest v Združenih arabskih emiratih in glavno mesto emirata Abu Dhabi. V Abu Dhabiju si lahko ogledate čudovito mošejo Sheikh Zayed. Če boste obiskali Abu Dhabi si vzemite čas in si jo oglejte.

Horseshoe Bend  is one of the most spectacular canyons in the world.  Here is….an amazing view. Horseshoe Bend je eden i...

Horseshoe Bend is one of the most spectacular canyons in the world. Here is….an amazing view.

Horseshoe Bend je eden izmed najbolj spektakularnih kanjonov na svetu. Tukaj je... neverjeten pogled.

Travel through America (21 days), from Philadelphia to San Francisco. Next part...Death Valley is known as one of the wo...

Travel through America (21 days), from Philadelphia to San Francisco. Next part...

Death Valley is known as one of the world's most extreme and the hottest place on earth. It's a place of amazing beauty with many colorful rocks and canyons, miles of pristine sand dunes, unique evaporative salt features, a diverse range of wildlife and has the lowest elevation on the continent—282 feet below sea level.
You must see this...

Potovanje po Ameriki (21 dni), od Philadelphije do San Francisca...

Dolina smrti je znana kot ena izmed svetovno najbolj ekstremnih in najbolj vročih krajev na zemlji. Je kraj z neverjetno lepoto, s številnimi pisanimi skalami in kanjoni, miljami nedotaknjenih peščenih sipin, posebnosti izhlapevanja soli, različne vrste divjih živali in ima najnižjo nadmorsko višino na celini -282 metrov pod morsko gladino.
To morate videti...

Travel through America (21 days), from Philadelphia to San Francisco. Next part...Bryce Canyon National Park is a Nation...

Travel through America (21 days), from Philadelphia to San Francisco. Next part...

Bryce Canyon National Park is a National Park located in southwestern Utah in the United States. It offers something special for everyone. Bryce is distinctive due to geological structures called hoodoos. The red, orange, and white colors of the rocks provide spectacular views for park visitors. The most beautiful is early morning ...

Potovanje po Ameriki (21 dni), od Philadelphije do San Francisca...

Bryce Canyon National Park je Narodni park in se nahaja v jugozahodnem Utahu, v Združenih državah Amerike. Ponuja nekaj posebnega, za vsakogar. Izrazit je zaradi geoloških struktur imenovanih »hoodoos«. Rdeče, oranžne in bele barve skale zagotavljajo čudovit pogled za obiskovalce. Najlepši je zgodaj zjutraj...

Travel through America (21 days), from Philadelphia to San Francisco. Next part...The park has over 2,000 natural stone ...

Travel through America (21 days), from Philadelphia to San Francisco. Next part...

The park has over 2,000 natural stone arches and giant balanced rocks. This red rock wonderland will amaze you with its formations and inspire you with its sunsets.

Potovanje po Ameriki (21 dni), od Philadelphije do San Francisca. Sledi...

V parku je več kot 2.000 naravnih kamnitih lokov in velikanskih uravnoteženih skal. Ta čudovita rdeča dežela vas bo navdušila s svojojimi sestavami in navdihnila s sončnimi zahodi.

Travel through America (21 days), from Philadelphia to San Francisco. Next part...Navajo Nation's Monument Valley Park i...

Travel through America (21 days), from Philadelphia to San Francisco. Next part...

Navajo Nation's Monument Valley Park is one of the most majestic - and most photographed - points on earth. This great valley boasts sandstone masterpieces and magnificent colors. From the visitor center, you see the world-famous panorama of the Mitten buttes and Merrick Butte. In Monument Valley is also an interesting museum, which presents films that were filmed in the area. Especially interesting was also the meeting with the Navajo Indians.
If you go, you will enjoy the beautiful land.

Potovanje po Ameriki (21 dni), od Philadelphije do San Francisca. Sledi...

Monument Valley Park je eden najbolj veličastnih in najbolj fotografiranih točk na zemlji. Ta velika dolina se ponaša z mojstrovinami iz peščenjaka in čudovitimi barvami. Iz centra za obiskovalce lahko vidite svetovno znano panoramo Mitten buttes in Merrick Butte. V Monument Valleyju je tudi zanimiv muzej, kjer so predstavljeni filmi, ki so jih snemali na tem območju. Še posebej zanimivo pa je bilo srečanje z Navajo indijanci.
Če boste šli, boste uživali v prelepi pokrajini.

Travel through America (21 days), from Philadelphia to San Francisco. Next part...Las Vegas - sin city? Yes it's true. I...

Travel through America (21 days), from Philadelphia to San Francisco. Next part...

Las Vegas - sin city? Yes it's true. It is the center of gambling, shopping and entertainment. It is full of illuminated signs and displays, which makes the nightlife even more interesting. All those who love the nightlife, Las Vegas is the right place for you.

Potovanje po Ameriki (21 dni), od Philadelphije do San Francisca. Sledi...

Las Vegas – grešno mesto? Upravičeno nosi takšno ime. Je središče iger na srečo, nakupovanja in zabave. Je polno svetlobnih napisov in zaslonov, kar naredi nočno življenje še zanimivejše. Vsi tisti, ki imate radi nočno življenje, Las Vegas je pravi kraj za vas.

Travel through America (21 days), from Philadelphia to San Francisco. A unique experience ... will be presented in multi...

Travel through America (21 days), from Philadelphia to San Francisco. A unique experience ... will be presented in multiple parts. The first part is the Grand Canyon.
In the Grand Canyon find we a unique combination of color and erosional forms, with its beauty and immense size overwhelms our senses. Its 446 km long, up to 29km wide, and a 1.6km deep.

Potovanje po Ameriki (21 dni), od Philadelphije pa vse do San Francisca. Edinstveno doživetje... predstavljeno bo v večih delih. Prvi del je Grand Canyon.
V Grand Canyonu najdemo edinstveno kombinacijo barv in erozijskih oblik, s svojo lepoto in neizmerno velikostjo preseže naše čute. Je 446 km dolg, do 29 km širok in 1,6 km globok.

Have you ever visited the Venice Biennial? You will not regret. All those who love art, exhibitions ... this is a someth...

Have you ever visited the Venice Biennial? You will not regret. All those who love art, exhibitions ... this is a something for your eyes, the imagination and photographic pleasure. Next year (2017) will be 57. International Art Exhibition and it's worth to visit.

Ste že kdaj obiskali beneški bienale? Ne bo vam žal. Vsi tisti, ki Imate radi umetnost, je velika paša za oči, za bujno domišljijo in fotografske užitke. Leta 2017 bo že 57. Mednarodna umetnostna razstava in vredno jo je obiskati.




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