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BootCamps, Retreats & 1-1 PT �NEXT BOOTCAMP JUNE 24th 2018
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It’s been emotional… With a few light bulb 💡 moments… .o.d.box_retreats_ Stay tuned 🧐 But for now… Back to the Endzzzzz ...

It’s been emotional…

With a few light bulb 💡 moments… .o.d.box_retreats_

Stay tuned 🧐

But for now…

Back to the Endzzzzz 💪🏼

Just a picture celebrating hard work 🍻 Location: Edge of the world 🗺 Motive: To Celebrate Fitness 🎉 Time and Place: .o.d...

Just a picture celebrating hard work 🍻

Location: Edge of the world 🗺

Motive: To Celebrate Fitness 🎉

Time and Place: .o.d.box_retreats_

❗️ Have you progressed since this time last year? We were in lockdown… couldn’t use the gym… This year we are not in the...

❗️ Have you progressed since this time last year?

We were in lockdown… couldn’t use the gym…

This year we are not in the same boat… we can go to the gym, everything is open… or are you in the same boat 🚤?

Do you still look the same as last year?

Have you tried different apps and fitness plans over the year but still in the same place?

Plans and apps that are on the cheaper side, designed to take on thousands of subscribers… gave you a couple of good workouts… but no real results?

Are you already putting it off till next week start 😂

Don’t do it to yourself anymore… there is clients that I have posted transformations of that as little as 2-3 months ago we’re reading my posts just like you are now…

They acted… and now they have their result and are setting new goals…

It’s as simple as that 👆🏼

It’s time to Act… My doors will be reopening very soon to taking on new clients as my January starters are all set up and slowly getting into their groove and routine…

Hit the application form link in my bio if your ready to rock and roll!!

📝 Learn to Workout Anywhere and the Importance of Steps for Fat loss… This is teaching point number 2 of my coaching and...

📝 Learn to Workout Anywhere and the Importance of Steps for Fat loss…

This is teaching point number 2 of my coaching and is majorly important…

Let’s start with point 1…

Stop 🛑 thinking you need a gym membership to workout and get into shape… learn to workout anywhere…

Example: Gyms close again tomorrow… can’t buy any equipment… what now?

Running, Press ups, burpees, squat Jumps, jumping lunges, sit ups, v ups… mix all these things into as many scenarios as possible and you can have an amazing workout and get RESULTS doing it!!!

Why am I so adamant about this Point… I too can’t be fu**ed to go to the gym most days 😆- it’s just long.. days are short… busy working… can’t be bothered to go to the gym…

But due to my ability to workout anywhere… I always get a workout in!!!!

Develop this 👆🏼 skill and you will be more likely to maintain and consistency of exercising at the very least 3-4x a week!

Part 2: Steps…

Measure these, they are important and let’s you know how active you are… if your under 8000 a day… you need to get stepping..

Does walking count as a workout… of course it does.. if you manage to get in 20k steps a day for 2 weeks and eat properly… that alone will drop BodyFat… so don’t neglect your step count and make sure your keeping track of it!!!

If you don’t have a watch to track it - your phone tracks it but obviously we don’t always have our phone on us when we walk - but you can still find out what your doing roughly currently and have an idea… go to your health app…

Summary… Working out anywhere and upping your steps is a skill that long term will keep you in better shape and consistent and the big word: Healthy!!!

💪🏼 LEANER AND BIGGER?? How does that happen… THE REBOUND EFFECT… and just all around better food choices for performance...

💪🏼 LEANER AND BIGGER?? How does that happen… THE REBOUND EFFECT… and just all around better food choices for performance… solid work from

Let’s rewind a bit… we first started working together a few months ago… the aim was to get sub 100kg - we lost 7kg in basically 4-5 weeks… and he was performing and looking like a weapon…

December hit and he had a few socials events but from what we learnt and new habits we implemented with food… even though there was more 🥃 and 🥘 involved… he made better decisions and choices…

Here is the outcome… as he was so lean heading into the festive period - the extra calories helped cause a rebound effect to switch on beast mode 😂

But it’s January now and we are back to work… looking forward to seeing what’s next…

Let’s get it 👏🏼

💥 Understanding what your plate should look like and the importance of Food Environment… 👇🏼 How your plate 🍲 should look...

💥 Understanding what your plate should look like and the importance of Food Environment… 👇🏼

How your plate 🍲 should look for Fat Loss is pretty simple…

- 50-60% of the Plate should be a Protein source, I won’t list those as most of us know what they are… and can differ depending on what you eat and don’t eat…

- 20% Carbohydrate that is not high in SUGAR… rice, sweet Potatoes, even pasta are 👍🏼

- 20% Make it Green 🥦 🥗 - it could be veg or salad… get it in and helps you stay full and is good for you and your gut!!!!

If you follow the above rule for all of your meals of the day - you won’t go wrong!!!!

Snacks: Make this as close to 70-80% protein, a lot of people fall down on snacks as they use it as a quick fix… don’t let Protein bars fool you either… read the back, it probably has more sugar than Protein, yet The big 20g of Protein on the front is what sells it as “good for you”

Lastly Environment…

Don’t stock the things in your 🏡 that you know will tempt you and throw you off…

Just don’t stock them… it’s not about restriction, it’s more about stringing a consistent few weeks/months together to get to a good place where you will have the discipline and leeway to be able to stock these things and snack on them from time to time… yet be disciplined and motivated enough to not want to lose the results you worked hard for…

The summary… make your plate as green as possible… with Protein being the main fuel ⛽️!!’

Make sure Snacks are not high in sugar and your not tricked into Protein alternatives that are full of sugar… fruit of course is ok 👍🏼 but don’t blend it… eat fruit how it grows… blending leads to overconsumption of fruit 🍉 = Sugar!!

Lastly make sure especially at the start of your journey your strict on what you stock in your house/environment…

All the above 👆🏼 is really how me and my clients far results…

Where the gamechanger comes in is the accountability of having to check in with me and deliver me a result every week…

But if you can keep consistent with the above when it comes to eating for being lean… the above is balanced, sustainable and works every time!!!

🖊 Grab a Pen, I’m not Joking, Grab a bit of paper 📝…No don’t go into your phone 📱 and write ✍🏻 in your notes… I want you...

🖊 Grab a Pen, I’m not Joking, Grab a bit of paper 📝…

No don’t go into your phone 📱 and write ✍🏻 in your notes… I want you to have old school pen and paper…

Right, now write in the middle of that paper

2022… yes you guessed it, now draw a cloud ☁️ around that 2022…

From that cloud, I’m sure you have done this before… draw arrows for each goal and achievement you want to try and achieve for 2022!!!!

I don’t think you understand the power this has ☝🏼

I have been doing this since 2019 and I’m not Gona list what I have achieved but my life has gone from strength to strength… and that paper 📝 really has to take some credit…

Now you may be thinking you should only put materialistic things on this list or career goals, of course maybe a weight loss goal…

The above things are fine to go on the list but I want you to reach more than that…

- Face Fears
- Pray More
- Learn a new skill
- Be Spontaneous
- Run 520km in 365days

You get the idea 💡

Write it… take the weekend to add to it if you want… DONT SHOW ANYONE… but come the new week… ITS GO TIME… hide that paper somewhere and forget about it… Go check it maybe once a month to remind yourself…

You won’t achieve everything on the list… but even if you achieve 1 or 2 things… you will be glad you did 💪🏼


🧠 My Coaching Is Not Just a Fat Loss Program, it’s an Education in being a Better YOU For Life…❗️ I believe these touch ...

🧠 My Coaching Is Not Just a Fat Loss Program, it’s an Education in being a Better YOU For Life…❗️

I believe these touch points are the foundations for anyone that wants to maintain a balanced, healthy lifestyle for long after working with me…

I don’t want us to work together and once we achieve our goal… you go away and go back to your previous “NORMAL”

I want to change that by making sure these 5 touch points are bulletproof!!!

I’m running a Free Core Program to start 4th January… simply hit the link in my Bio…

Or if you are interested in working with me Properly and starting the year correctly… with a goal in place to chase with a mapped out plan!!

Simply DM ME: CRUSH 2022

🤯 I’ve put client  on the core challenge I’m releasing in January for the last two weeks… and what a game changer!!!! Wa...

🤯 I’ve put client on the core challenge I’m releasing in January for the last two weeks… and what a game changer!!!!

Waist looking tighter… let’s be honest, the fact he’s taking pictures like that in the mirror shows the mental feeling of change he has from just doing more crunches!!!!

Honestly that part alone is invaluable…

Now he had to lose the bulk of the BodyFat as you see… but once he got to a leaner position… the dedication to core looks to be making its mark!!!!

21 Day Free Core Challenge starting January 4th!!!

Quick Appreciate Post 👇🏼 - My Motivator - Packed Lunch Maker - Training Partner - Consistency Checker - Love Handle Grab...

Quick Appreciate Post 👇🏼

- My Motivator
- Packed Lunch Maker
- Training Partner
- Consistency Checker
- Love Handle Grabber
- Reality Checker
- Best Friend
- The Reason I Can Lift my Top up like an idiot!!!


Her words at this precise moment whilst this picture was being taken…

“Put your top down you fat idiot, no one wants to see that, your 30 years old… behaving like an idiot”

I then proceed to look down because all I heard from that sentence was “FAT IDIOT”

I then respond:

“Sh*t has Christmas got me already 😔, no it hasn’t I look like CR7“

And that’s how that went 👆🏼

🧠 Here is Part 2 of the last POST… THE MENTAL SIDE OF THINGS!!!!It’s unbelievable what having less BodyFat will do for y...

🧠 Here is Part 2 of the last POST… THE MENTAL SIDE OF THINGS!!!!

It’s unbelievable what having less BodyFat will do for your mental state…

- Confidence
- Feel Good about Yourself
- Feeling Disciplined
- Feeling Fit
- Sleeping Better
- Clothes Sliding on
- Even Sitting down 🪑 is better
- Outlook on Life

The list does go on… but where was I mentally in that first picture..? Let me list a few points that I remember…

- Defensive about my Weight
- Make excuses to eat whatever
- Ill fix it next week
- Felt like life needed a change
- Did not connect that change being fat loss… but everything else!
- I’m Married now, F**k it!
- Life needs a change, give me KFC and a Gin 😆
- Embarrassed to take my top off

Notice how I repeat a lot of the points, because that’s what it is a spiral 🌀

Yo go round and round in circles potentially thinking about starting next week, but all the other things creep in to make you feel down and you just think F**K IT!!!!

It doesn’t help that being unfit and out of shape means your energy to push yourself to workout, eat the right things and be disciplined is non existent!!! In Fact energy levels are pretty low in general…

I know I have posted a lot of transformations lately on myself… it’s not due to lack of client transformations as you know I deliver those…

But for starters I’m proud of what I have achieved and want to show that I live and breathe and go through the same obstacles you have…

I pile the pounds on too, I think f**k it too, I love the foods and drinks you love too…. I CAN RELATE!!!!

I have seen the view from both sides of the fence!!!!

🔒 IS THE LOCKDOWN DAMAGE STILL WITH YOU? I know you don’t want to hear, read or see the word: LOCKDOWN…But quite a few o...


I know you don’t want to hear, read or see the word: LOCKDOWN…

But quite a few of us really suffered from it both physically and mentally…

If you are one of those that let themselves go a bit, put on a bit of weight and haven’t had a chance or a spare minute to bring it back or in other words get rid of lockdown weight…


I went through it too… but if you let another year pass where you don’t shift it… I’m afraid to say it’s no longer lockdown weight but just weight that you have put on and is now yours to keep!! 😆

We all know what a new year brings… new start, new goals etc…

Some of us start well and by January 31st have tailed way off and fallen back into routine and Normal…

What if I said that my aim with any client in January is not GET RESULTS… but build new habits, new routines, NEW NORMAL…

So that February, March & April brings a NEW YOU!!!

Let’s leave this year in the rear view come end of this week…

If Lockdown is still a part of you… it’s time to get rid of it once and for all and shake it off!!!!

Even if you feel there is another one coming… Even more reason to get a plan in place!!!!

I went through lockdown too… the reason my head is shaved in that picture is because it was lockdown, NO BARBERS 💈 😂… I lost myself completely… eating rubbish everyday, drinking, snacking was probably the only consistent thing…

If you are still in this cycle and can’t get out of it? It’s time to hit my link in my bio!!!

🥘 HAVING A 6 PACK WAS JUST NOT SUSTAINABLE AND TOO HARD TO ACHIEVE FOR ME…!!! 💭Sound familiar to you 👆🏼 I never really t...


Sound familiar to you 👆🏼

I never really trained core… apart from when certain movements like Toes To Bar came up in workouts…

Most of you have seen my transformation and journey over the last 4-6months… I’ve come from having a party pack 😆 but that’s not what this post is about…

Every time I have lost BodyFat - I have had to get to really low levels of BodyFat to see my abdominal muscles… often sometimes leaving me disheartened because I just thought to myself…

“Getting Abz is not sustainable for me personally!!!!!
How people have Abz all year round, I can’t do that”

Anyway let me get to the point…

This time around, I thought let me train my core like I exercise all other parts of my body… in fact let me prioritise it… let me see what happens if I exercise it daily or every other day!!!

For those who are thinking, why haven’t I been doing that anyway…

Honest truth, I got into my head one day from various bodybuilding sources/magazines that I used to read, that training your core muscles directly were not going to make a difference and would just take up valuable time in the gym!!!

Now I also got this info from training partners who had Abz so I listened…

Now this rule may apply to some people but…

That rule did not apply to me and I have just found that out!!!

If you have been quite lean but never really had a 6 pack, this post applies to you especially if you have not targeting the area consistently…

Start implementing direct core workouts… not accessory or let me finish my workout off with some Core…

Start training that area for what it is!!! The Centrepiece!!!!

You will start to see the rewards of it pretty quickly…

In just 6 weeks I have managed to now believe that having Abz all year round is possible and sustainable for me… and I haven’t had to starve myself to do it!!

I will be running a 21 days of Core Program for completely Free for people to do in January!!!

Stay tuned for it 👆🏼 as I will be posting on story if you are interested in doing the challenge…

This is Just food for thought 💭 after Christmas 😂



Merry Christmas From The Camarinha’s All we want for Christmas is SIUUUUUUM  Give us a goal to celebrate on the 27th!!! ...

Merry Christmas From The Camarinha’s

All we want for Christmas is SIUUUUUUM

Give us a goal to celebrate on the 27th!!!

COMPETITION/GIVEAWAY 👇🏼 Right… January starters are growing by the day… But I may have to throw some spice towards it 🌶 ...


Right… January starters are growing by the day…

But I may have to throw some spice towards it 🌶

Current January starters or anyone that jumps on board for January Start… not only do you get your package 📦 sent to you but read below 👇🏼

The best 3 transformations voted by my followers here when the transformations are achieved… will get the following:

1: Apple Watch ⌚️& £200
2: Apple Watch ⌚️& £100
3: Apple Watch ⌚️

All you need to do to enter is:

1: Commit To Being a Client for January start! (Closed January 31st)
2: Repost both these slides on your story!!
3: Tag one person in this Post!!!

Let the best transformations begin!!! Im excited to see what can be achieved!!!

Transformations revealed for votes end of April!!!

Enjoy Christmas 😂

GIVEAWAY/COMPETITION!!!Stay Tuned For Tomorrow…I will be doing a competition/giveaway to anyone that starts with me in J...


Stay Tuned For Tomorrow…

I will be doing a competition/giveaway to anyone that starts with me in January…

3 of the best transformations come end of April from January starters will receive a great prize EACH!!!!

2022 is the level up…

I want to make sure you guys have the best incentive to start with me in January and stay extra focused!!!

All will be revealed tomorrow!!

The Factos be the Factos… Swipe for my 5 modern day tips to consistency!!!

The Factos be the Factos… Swipe for my 5 modern day tips to consistency!!!

💪🏼 There is my 5 tips… follow that and stay consistent and the rest will follow… Granted you might not follow it this we...

💪🏼 There is my 5 tips… follow that and stay consistent and the rest will follow… Granted you might not follow it this week 😂…

I’m going to be as humble as possible in the following post but also going to be telling the truth… I used to work in a ...

I’m going to be as humble as possible in the following post but also going to be telling the truth…

I used to work in a gym where there were 30-40 trainers working in the same gym… the gym was called Gymbox bank 🏦…

In the 7 years I had been there, not one trainer had more transformations than me… it’s facts, I wouldn’t say it as a lot of them follow me and can call me out…

many trainers came and went in those 7 years - possibly 400+ 😂 and none delivered the volume of transformations I have…

Now I’m fully an online trainer and I’m delivering consistently and if not better results through WhatsApp!!!! Banging out results from week to week, month to month… almost more consistently than I did in person…

I even have old colleagues who sign up to me to help them get back in gear ⚙️ and back on their grind because they know I deliver…

The best part is I deliver these results: Quickly, efficiently, consistently and the important one I can’t leave out SUSTAINABLY!!!!

The thoughts cross all our minds about getting into better shape when a new year approaches…

If the thought is crossing your mind currently or in the next few weeks… and you follow my page…!!!!






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