When I was in university I went to a conference in Ottawa and during introductions I said I was representing Newfoundland and Labrador. The introductions continued around the table and when it got to the representative from Alberta, he quipped, “I’m surprised there is anyone from Newfoundland and Labrador here at all, cause I thought you were all up working for us!” Everyone laughed in good fun, but I never forgot it.
If you are a Newfoundlander and Labradorian, these comments are unfortunately common. I grew up in the cod moratorium era, where many families had to move away. Then there was the promise of Muskrat Falls, but we know how that has worked out. Finally, the Upper Churchill deal has hung over our province like a dark cloud. It’s hard to envision what we could have accomplished since 1969 if we had a fair deal?
That brings me to yesterday. What an incredible day! I am hopeful that my 2 year old daughter will grow up in a much different province than the generations before her. I am so excited for the opportunities that will be available in her lifetime. And I hope she never has to deal with the quips and negative connotations that others have had to deal with. Thank you to Premier for putting in the work to make this possible! I am so proud to be part of your incredible team!
And if you know anyone from Alberta, pass along that there might be a few jobs available on the east coast! 😉