At our new DT ST PETE LOCATION! syzygy |ˈsizijē|
noun (pl. syzygies) Astronomy
a conjunction or opposition, esp. of the moon with the sun: the planets were aligned in syzygy.
• a pair of connected or corresponding things: animus and anima represent a supreme pair of opposites, the syzygy. We are seekers of Beauty. Structured by three main focus points that work in sync to create seemingness integr
ation between photography, art, and fashion. We offer the skills we have acquired,over years of research and experience in various fields of multiple industries,to anyone and everyone we can reach. Wether you need professional photographers for a special occasion, a collection of art to bring life to your place, or Clothing to keep you looking good and feeling better, we have you covered. Do What you Love, Love what you Do. SyZyGy Studios
Introducing SyZyGy Garb; The Artist Line. 100% American made hand painted Apperel. And WovenTrees; The Nature Line. Bringing you the finest blends of H**p and Bamboo fabrics.
men and women in riding garb: clothes, clothing, garments, attire, dress, costume, outfit, wear, uniform, livery, regalia; informal gear, getup, togs, duds; formal apparel; archaic raiment, habiliment, vestments. verb
both men were garbed in black: dress, clothe, attire, fit out, turn out, deck (out), costume, robe; informal get up; archaic apparel.