Right Vibes Shamanism is a Vancouver-based private practice that uses Core Shamanic techniques to heal a multitude of conditions, discover your inner self and create a relationship with guides that have been with you since you were born. The founder, Leona de Lange Boom, completed the Foundation for Shamanic Studies level one course. She has been raised by a Shamanic Practitioner and has over five
years of practical experience journeying. She specializes in a past life healing and regression technique no other Shamanic Practice offers. Shaman means “one who sees in the dark,” and has ancient origins spanning across the entire globe. All cultures at some point in history have used and benefited from a shamanic perspective and way of life. Right Vibes practices Core Shamanism, meaning all of the common elements that have emerged from Shamanic cultures have been harmonized into a central set of spiritual skills. The main tool somebody who practices Core Shamanism has, is journeying. The shamanic practitioner journeys into the spirit world through a non-drug induced ritual, and is able to communicate with spirits and guides to heal and problem solve. It is similar to a meditative state, or like a lucid dream. It is through this method, that we are able to heal past traumas, seek advice, and talk to those on the other side. Through Shamanic work you can discover a deeper understanding of yourself, find a deep feeling of support that friends and family may not be able to offer, improve how much energy you have, engage with life more, protect your belongings, and discover the secrets of the universe, battle depression and mental illness. The possibilities end where the universe does. Services Include:
Power Animal Retrieval
Past Life Healing
Psychopomp (the crossing over of the deceased)
Healing the Ancestral Line
Soul Retrieval
Making Contact with Guides and Spirits
How to Journey: the Basics
Each session/consultation takes about an hour depending on the nature of the journey. And each client is provided with a written record of the experience. Please contact [email protected] for inquires, pricing and bookings