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Regina Pilgrimages Regina Pilgrimages is a premier Catholic travel agency, family owned and operated, providing custom tours

Our pilgrimage to Italy, Austria, and Germany has begun! Our first stop was Padua, where we visited the Basilica of St. ...

Our pilgrimage to Italy, Austria, and Germany has begun! Our first stop was Padua, where we visited the Basilica of St. Anthony, housing the relics of this great saint. Next door, we toured the Antonian Museum, with a collection of historical-artistic objects related to the life of and devotion to St. Anthony. Tomorrow we go to Venice!

Happy feast of St. Pius X! Today, we pray most especially for our dear Society of St. Pius X, for all its members, faith...

Happy feast of St. Pius X! Today, we pray most especially for our dear Society of St. Pius X, for all its members, faithful, schools, and missions. May this staunch defender of Tradition protect us and help us restore all things in Christ.

In the Immaculata Church in Saint Mary’s, Kansas, one can pray before these relics of St. Pius X: his shoes and his papal cassock.

St. Pius X, pray for us!

Calling all youth for the 2025 Jubilee Year in Rome! Gain a plenary indulgence when you visit the Eternal City in 2025!J...

Calling all youth for the 2025 Jubilee Year in Rome! Gain a plenary indulgence when you visit the Eternal City in 2025!

Join us for next year's Youth Pilgrimage to Italy! Spend seven nights in Rome and visit St. Peter’s Basilica, the Vatican Museums, the Major Basilicas, the Scala Santa, the Colosseum, the Catacombs, receive the Sunday Papal blessing, and much, much more. Walk through the Holy Doors of the Basilicas for the opportunity to receive the Jubilee plenary indulgence.

Then, travel to Florence to visit the Convent and Museum of San Marco, the Church of Santissima Annunziata, and its magnificent Duomo. Spend a day in the medieval town of Assisi and render homage to St. Francis and St. Clare. And visit Genazzano to venerate the miraculous image of Our Lady of Good Counsel.

Benefit from daily Mass, and enjoy the safety and ease of group travel with fellow traditional Catholics!

For single youth between 18 and 35 years old.

Don't wait! Space can fill up fast!

For full trip details or to request registration, please visit or email [email protected]

Happy feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary! St. John Eudes, Apostle of the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, called it the "fea...

Happy feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary! St. John Eudes, Apostle of the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, called it the "feast of feasts." ❤️❤️

Collect of the Mass of the Immaculate Heart, August 22:
"Almighty everlasting God, Who in the heart of the blessed Virgin Mary didst prepare a dwelling worthy of the Holy Ghost: grant in Thy mercy, that we who with devout minds celebrate the feast of that Immaculate Heart, may be able to live according to Thine own Heart. Amen."

August 19 is the feast day of St. John Eudes, a French missionary, founder of two religious orders, and a great devotee ...

August 19 is the feast day of St. John Eudes, a French missionary, founder of two religious orders, and a great devotee of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary. He was born in 1601, ordained in 1625, died in 1680, and was canonized in 1925.

"Never separate what God has so perfectly united. So closely are Jesus and Mary bound up with each other that whoever beholds Jesus sees Mary; whoever loves Jesus, loves Mary; whoever has devotion to Jesus, has devotion to Mary." - St. John Eudes

St. John Eudes, zealous lover of the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, pray for us!

** NEW OPEN PILGRIMAGE! ** Join the annual 3-day, 65-mile SSPX walk from Chartres to Paris! Have you always wanted to wa...

** NEW OPEN PILGRIMAGE! ** Join the annual 3-day, 65-mile SSPX walk from Chartres to Paris! 

Have you always wanted to walk the Chartres to Paris pilgrimage? Now is your chance! This shorter 8-day pilgrimage to France spends two days in Paris before joining thousands of traditional Catholics from all over the world on the annual SSPX Chartres pilgrimage.

In Paris, visit the Shrine of the Miraculous Medal and render homage to St. Catherine Labouré, St. Vincent de Paul, and St. Louise de Marillac. In Montmartre, visit Sacré Cœur Basilica and St. Peter's Church. Then, take a cruise along the Seine River to admire many of Paris' landmarks. In Chartres, pray before the Veil of Our Lady at the magnificent cathedral. Then, join the SSPX Chartres-Paris walk spending two nights in camping tents.

Attend daily Mass, travel with other traditional Catholics, and represent your country on this amazing international pilgrimage! 

For full trip details and to request registration, please visit

Happy feast of the Assumption of Our Lady! We will be closed on August 15th to observe this holy day of obligation. This...

Happy feast of the Assumption of Our Lady! We will be closed on August 15th to observe this holy day of obligation.

This majestic statue located behind the main altar of the Cathedral of Chartres in France, helps us meditate on the beauty of the mystery of Our Lady's Assumption into heaven.

Since the 9th century, Chartres Cathedral has housed a most precious relic: the Veil of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Every year on August 15th, Our Lady's Veil is carried in a grand procession through the streets of Chartres.

We will be praying before the Veil of Our Lady this October during our "Catholic Shrines of France" pilgrimage!

August 8 is the feast of the Holy Curé of Ars, St. John Vianney (1786-1859). He was Ars’ parish priest for more than for...

August 8 is the feast of the Holy Curé of Ars, St. John Vianney (1786-1859). He was Ars’ parish priest for more than forty years, and he is the patron saint of parish priests. When we visit the little town of Ars on our pilgrimages to France, we pray before his incorrupt body in the old church where the saint preached. We also see the confessionals where he spent most of his time, and we visit the modest house where he lived next to the church.

St. John Vianney, pray for us, for our priests, and for our parishes!

Act of Love of the Holy Curé of Ars

I love you, O my God. My only desire is to love you, until the last breath of my life. I love you, O infinitely lovable God, and I prefer to die loving you, rather than to live for an instant without you. I love you, O my God, and I desire only to go to heaven, to have the happiness of loving you perfectly. I love you, O my God, and my only fear is to go to hell, because one will never have the sweet solace of loving you there. O my God, if my tongue cannot say at all times that I love you, at least I want my heart to repeat it to you as many times as I breathe. Ah! Do me the grace: to suffer while loving you, to love you while suffering, and, that when I die: I not only will love you, but experience it in my heart. I beg you that: the closer I come to my final end, you will increase and perfect my love for you. Amen.


Happy feast of the Transfiguration! Last year, on our Youth Pilgrimage to the Holy Land, we were blessed to have Holy Ma...

Happy feast of the Transfiguration! Last year, on our Youth Pilgrimage to the Holy Land, we were blessed to have Holy Mass at the Mount of Transfiguration! Father Graves celebrated Mass in the small outdoor chapel, and afterwards we enjoyed the stunning views from Mount Tabor.

** NEW PILGRIMAGE OPEN FOR REGISTRATION ** Travel to Rome for the 2025 Jubilee Year! Join Fr. David Thomas on this beaut...

** NEW PILGRIMAGE OPEN FOR REGISTRATION ** Travel to Rome for the 2025 Jubilee Year!

Join Fr. David Thomas on this beautiful journey through Italy during the Jubilee Year! Spend eight nights in Rome and visit St. Peter’s Basilica, St. Mary Major, St. John Lateran, and much, much more. Walk through the Jubilee doors for the opportunity to receive the Jubilee plenary indulgence! Render homage to Our Lady of Pompeii at her shrine near Pompeii, and visit the ancient ruins of the city. Stop by Montecassino, as well as Subiaco to visit sites related to Sts. Benedict and Scholastica. Take an excursion to the medieval town of Assisi to render homage to St. Francis and St. Clare. Spend two nights on the Amalfi Coast, enjoy the beautiful views, and take a ferry ride to Amalfi to pray before the relics of St. Andrew and of St. Mathew in Salerno. Lay your petitions before Our Lady of Good Counsel in Genazzano.

Benefit from daily Mass, gain countless blessings, and make lifelong memories while traveling with fellow traditional Catholics!

Don't wait! Space is limited!

For complete trip details or to request registration, please visit

Happy feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel! On July 16, 1251, the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to St. Simon Stock, holding ...

Happy feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel! On July 16, 1251, the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to St. Simon Stock, holding the brown scapular in one hand and she said, "Receive, my beloved son, this scapular of thy Order; it is the special sign of my favor, which I have obtained for thee and for thy children of Mount Carmel. He who dies clothed with this habit shall be preserved from eternal fire. It is the badge of salvation, a shield in time of danger, and a pledge of special peace and protection."

May we wear the scapular worthily and always increase our love and devotion to the Mother of God!

Prayer to the Blessed Mother of Mount Carmel:

Oh most beautiful flower of Mt. Carmel, fruitful vine, splendor of Heaven, Blessed Mother of the Son of God, Immaculate Virgin, assist me in my necessity. Oh Star of the Sea, help me and show me you are my Mother. Oh Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and earth, I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heart to succor me in necessity (make request). There are none that can withstand your power. Oh Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee (say three times). Holy Mary, I place this prayer in your hands (say three times). Amen.

⏰️⏳️ Last 2 seats for the air package and final seats for the land-only package for our Venice to Munich 2024 Pilgrimage...

⏰️⏳️ Last 2 seats for the air package and final seats for the land-only package for our Venice to Munich 2024 Pilgrimage! ⏳️⏰️ The final day to register is Monday, July 15th. Contact us today to request registration!

A wonderful opportunity to visit northern Italy, eastern Austria, and Bavaria with Fr. Wegner, former SSPX District Superior of the United States, and Fr. Scott Gardner, SSPX.

Visit Venice, Padua (St. Anthony), Verona the city of Romeo & Juliet (St. Peter of Verona), Trento (Council), Seefeld (Eucharistic Miracle), Innsbruck, Salzburg (Mozart), Lakes Wolfgang & Hallstatt (St. Wolfgang), Passau, Regensburg, Eichstatt (St. Walburga), Munich, and Altotting (Our Lady's Shrine). Enjoy spectacular scenery while visiting magnificent historic churches of Christendom.

Click here for full trip details:

St. Maria Goretti was born into a poor agricultural Italian family in October of 1890. She was one of 6 children and her...

St. Maria Goretti was born into a poor agricultural Italian family in October of 1890. She was one of 6 children and her parents subsequently settled in Lazio to share a large farm dwelling with the Serenelli family, not far from Nettuno.

After the death of her father in 1900, Maria began receiving advances from Alessandro Serenelli who was 8 years her senior. These culminated in a final violent attack on Maria on July 5, 1902 with Serenelli using an awl to overcome her resistance. He stabbed her 14 times. Maria was subsequently transferred to Orsenigo Hospital in Nettuno but tragically died the following day from septicemia, but not before forgiving Alessandro Serenelli.

Alessandro Serenelli spent 27 years of a 30-year prison sentence before entering into the service of the Order of Capuchin Friars Minor in a convent in Macerata, Le Marche, as a gardener and porter.

Maria Goretti was canonized by Pope Pius XII on June 24, 1950. Her mother and her murderer assisted at the ceremony.

She is the patron saint of young people, and her feast day is July 6th.

St. Maria Goretti, pray for us and for our youth!

Our visit to Prague was incredible. We started the day with the Church of Our Lady Victorious, which houses the miraculo...

Our visit to Prague was incredible. We started the day with the Church of Our Lady Victorious, which houses the miraculous statue of the Holy Infant of Prague. Then, we visited Prague’s Cathedral dedicated to St. Vitus, a 3rd-century martyr of the Christian persecutions. The relics of King St. Wenceslas, the first Czech saint, and of St. John Nepomuk, martyr of the seal of the confessional, are enshrined in the cathedral. Afterwards, we visited the Royal Palace, seat of Bohemian princes. Outside the palace is St. George’s Basilica, housing the relics of the martyr St. Ludmilla, grandmother and tutor of St. Wenceslas.


We had such a pleasant surprise in Prague when we ran into some visiting seminarians from Zaitzkofen! They hailed from C...

We had such a pleasant surprise in Prague when we ran into some visiting seminarians from Zaitzkofen! They hailed from Croatia, the Czech Republic, and Germany. They joined us for dinner at one of Prague's many outstanding restaurants. 🍻


Holy Mass celebrated by Bishop Fellay in the chapel of the SSPX General House in Menzingen, Switzerland.          🇨🇭

Holy Mass celebrated by Bishop Fellay in the chapel of the SSPX General House in Menzingen, Switzerland.


The last day of our Pilgrimage from Ecône to Prague with Bishop Fellay! We will never forget it! 🙏🏻❤️         🇨🇭  🇩🇪  🇨🇿

The last day of our Pilgrimage from Ecône to Prague with Bishop Fellay! We will never forget it! 🙏🏻❤️

🇨🇭 🇩🇪 🇨🇿

Traveling with Bishop Fellay has been such a privilege and a blessing! Not only do we enjoy his amiable company and atte...

Traveling with Bishop Fellay has been such a privilege and a blessing! Not only do we enjoy his amiable company and attend the Masses he celebrates, but we also see all the visited sites through his eyes, as he explains the Catholic history of these beautiful countries (Switzerland, Germany, and the Czech Republic) and the heritage we have been handed down as Catholics. It makes us love and appreciate our Faith all the more! Thank you, your Excellency!!


Sightseeing and shopping in Regensburg, Germany! We absolutely loved visiting this beautiful city. The cooler weather ma...

Sightseeing and shopping in Regensburg, Germany! We absolutely loved visiting this beautiful city. The cooler weather made for a lovely walk.


There is nothing like living the pilgrimage experience with family or friends. Traveling together and sharing these bles...

There is nothing like living the pilgrimage experience with family or friends. Traveling together and sharing these blessings and memories only brings us closer! We are so happy and grateful for each day of our pilgrimage!

In Einsiedeln, Switzerland, we prayed before the Black Madonna, resplendent in rich robes and surrounded by gold clouds....

In Einsiedeln, Switzerland, we prayed before the Black Madonna, resplendent in rich robes and surrounded by gold clouds. She is venerated above the altar of the Lady Chapel, inside the church of the magnificent Benedictine Abbey of Einsiedeln. She is also known as "Our Lady of the Hermits".

Our Lady of Einsiedeln, pray for us!


Today's visit to Herz Jesu SSPX Seminary in Zaitzkofen, Germany, was a real treat. After a warm welcome, Bishop Fellay c...

Today's visit to Herz Jesu SSPX Seminary in Zaitzkofen, Germany, was a real treat. After a warm welcome, Bishop Fellay celebrated Holy Mass for our pilgrimage group at the seminary chapel.

The Sacred Heart of Jesus Seminary is an 18th-century castle built by the Counts of Königsfeld. The austere beauty and isolation of the Lower Bavarian landscape is very conducive to a life of prayer, study, and preparation for the priesthood. A special gem is the beautiful castle park behind the seminary.

A novitiate for lay Brothers is also located here. The Brothers take care of the church decorations and sacristy, the kitchen, the caretaker service, and also the catechism lessons for the children. In the carpentry workshop, the Brothers build church stalls, sacristy furnishings, and furniture for the seminary and the SSPX priories.

The Oblate Sisters help with tailoring, housekeeping, the porter service, and the office.

It was a joy to visit!


Happy Feast of the Visitation! At last year's Youth Pilgrimage to the Holy Land, we visited Ein Karem, where St. Elizabe...

Happy Feast of the Visitation! At last year's Youth Pilgrimage to the Holy Land, we visited Ein Karem, where St. Elizabeth lived when Our Lady went to visit her. There is a well where the home of St. Zachariah and St. Elizabeth stood, which she and Our Lady would have used. And the view of the hills is stunning! It was easy to imagine the mystery of the Visitation.

Lucerne is such a charming city! It has all the look and feel of a Swiss town, with the beauty of Lake Lucerne and the S...

Lucerne is such a charming city! It has all the look and feel of a Swiss town, with the beauty of Lake Lucerne and the Swiss Alps!


Last Saturday, after Mass at the SSPX Seminary in Ecône, we drove along a splendid route through the lakes, mountains, a...

Last Saturday, after Mass at the SSPX Seminary in Ecône, we drove along a splendid route through the lakes, mountains, and tunnels (Tunnel of Lötschberg) of the Valais to Interlaken. There, we stopped for a delicious lunch overlooking the lake in the beautiful Interlaken region.


Our group photo taken at the SSPX Seminary in Ecône, Switzerland, in front of the statue of our patron, St. Pius X. We e...

Our group photo taken at the SSPX Seminary in Ecône, Switzerland, in front of the statue of our patron, St. Pius X. We enjoyed our visits to the Seminary immensely! Attending ordinations and First Masses, receiving first blessings, praying before the tomb of dear Archbishop Lefebvre, and mingling with traditional Catholics from all over the world have been experiences of a lifetime! We will never forget them.

We are leaving Switzerland and heading to Germany!

Celebrating the 36th anniversary of the SSPX Episcopal Consecrations that took place on June 30, 1988, with Bishop Fella...

Celebrating the 36th anniversary of the SSPX Episcopal Consecrations that took place on June 30, 1988, with Bishop Fellay and fellow pilgrims on our Ecône to Prague Pilgrimage.


During our hike in Sion, we stopped at a little chapel dedicated to St. Margaret, at Bisse de Saviese. We took photos at...

During our hike in Sion, we stopped at a little chapel dedicated to St. Margaret, at Bisse de Saviese. We took photos at the beautiful waterfall that ran down the mountain, and made a quick stop for delicious Swiss ice cream!

🇨🇭 We visited Sion and hiked along one of its water canals “bissés". A gorgeous day and the most stunning views! And Bis...

🇨🇭 We visited Sion and hiked along one of its water canals “bissés". A gorgeous day and the most stunning views! And Bishop Fellay is loving it, too!


Our last breakfast together on our Youth Pilgrimage. Tomorrow we fly home. We will miss everyone!

Our last breakfast together on our Youth Pilgrimage. Tomorrow we fly home. We will miss everyone!


Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00


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