Yesterday couldn't end any better, as, after weeks of nailbiting, I finally received permision to include a gun salute in our "Passchendaele Zero Hour Dawn Ceremony" at the very starting moment of the Third Ypres offensive.
Gun specialist Moortgat David is now calculating the amount of black powder we need to stay within legal regulations before deciding the number of rounds he will fire with his 25 pounder on that important moment. Ceremony will commence 05.20 AM, half an hour before the very moment of the start of battle (05.50 AM, then 04.50 AM, there is a time difference between then and now). At 05.50 AM, we will halt all proceedings and fire a number of gun rounds to commemorate all those who were engaged at "Passchendaele", regardles the side they were serving on.
Our small committee of volunteers is working hard on the preparation of this moment of reflection, organised by the people and for the people. As we want to keep the hassle for the participating battlefield pilgrims to a minimum, we're not aiming at important VVIP-presence, as a result no registration required, participants should only bring their commitment to remember. We do however appreciate to be informed if coming with a coach.
Rain or shine, the ceremony will go ahead. We don't mind standing there with 30 or 300 people, knowing that those who are with us will be there for the right reasons, on the right spot and the right time.
Later in the day, we'll also organise a ceremony at the graves of the war poets Hedd Wyn and Francis Ledwidge (Artillery Wood Cemetery).
Please don't hesitate to share!