The advice is to read this before you watch the video, but that’s up to you of course. If you ask yourself where that weird accent is coming from, it’s because I am Dutch, English is not my mother-tongue and if it sounds a bit staccato at times, bear with me because I was reading from an essay I wrote about our Union in 2016 for a scientific research into the ‘Twin Flame/Soul Phenomenon.’
In this video you will see personal photos, they all come in order of appearance, from young to old, from then to here. The ones of Michael aren’t mine of course, I only chose those for they are not copyrighted and for fair use.
The black and white picture you will encounter of Michael in profile I used twice, I flipped the original horizontal to show you what I approximately saw in the 1997 vision, the original is the one where you see the left side of his face to show what I saw when we actually met in 2007. The picture of him having green eyes is done by me to give you a slight idea of what his Light Being Eyes look like.
The comparison pictures I put together for the same scientific research and went with the essay, for those who are researching the phenomenon for over 20 years already, say that the ‘Twin Flame/Soul’ actually look a lot alike.
The last comparison pictures is a pair of morphed pictures, in the one Michael’s face is put over mine and in the next my face is put over his. It’s scary I know : - )
The last picture in the video is me obviously growing older, just to show that although I am physically growing old and grey, he never will and will always Stay Young, figuratively speaking because in the Spirit World age simply doesn’t exist!
Everything you have heard in this video are MY visions and are MY experiences. I don't claim to have the ultimate truth and everything you just heard is up for discussion which is okay! I don't expect you to understand, I respect that. I only hope that Our Cosmic Union will be treated with the same amount and utmost respect.
All Rights Reserved © Cormael
The advice is to read this before you watch the video, but that’s up to you of course. If you ask yourself where that weird accent is coming from, it’s becau...