Cormael's Cosmic Coaching

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Cormael's Cosmic Coaching Cosmic Coaching

Nowadays a lot of people have a lot of questions, I am offering as far as my wisdom and lifetime experiences go, to help you find answers to the questions you have when it comes to the cosmos, soul mates, reincarnations and everything in the spiritual sense of the way. Don't be shy, I am human like you, we can have a nice conversation .... And yes people it is like the page says ... a non profit

kind of thing, so it is for free, I can answer questions in English and Dutch, Dutch is my native language and I am pretty well in paraphrasing the deepest things in English as well. And last but not least, if it wasn't for Michael I would not be able to do this ♥ the mainframe of this all is to bring some awareness to the people according to what we are and where we come from and where this all leads to!

The advice is to read this before you watch the video, but that’s up to you of course. If you ask yourself where that we...

The advice is to read this before you watch the video, but that’s up to you of course. If you ask yourself where that weird accent is coming from, it’s because I am Dutch, English is not my mother-tongue and if it sounds a bit staccato at times, bear with me because I was reading from an essay I wrote about our Union in 2016 for a scientific research into the ‘Twin Flame/Soul Phenomenon.’

In this video you will see personal photos, they all come in order of appearance, from young to old, from then to here. The ones of Michael aren’t mine of course, I only chose those for they are not copyrighted and for fair use.

The black and white picture you will encounter of Michael in profile I used twice, I flipped the original horizontal to show you what I approximately saw in the 1997 vision, the original is the one where you see the left side of his face to show what I saw when we actually met in 2007. The picture of him having green eyes is done by me to give you a slight idea of what his Light Being Eyes look like.

The comparison pictures I put together for the same scientific research and went with the essay, for those who are researching the phenomenon for over 20 years already, say that the ‘Twin Flame/Soul’ actually look a lot alike.

The last comparison pictures is a pair of morphed pictures, in the one Michael’s face is put over mine and in the next my face is put over his. It’s scary I know : - )

The last picture in the video is me obviously growing older, just to show that although I am physically growing old and grey, he never will and will always Stay Young, figuratively speaking because in the Spirit World age simply doesn’t exist!

Everything you have heard in this video are MY visions and are MY experiences. I don't claim to have the ultimate truth and everything you just heard is up for discussion which is okay! I don't expect you to understand, I respect that. I only hope that Our Cosmic Union will be treated with the same amount and utmost respect.

All Rights Reserved © Cormael

The advice is to read this before you watch the video, but that’s up to you of course. If you ask yourself where that weird accent is coming from, it’s becau...


Michael and I ‘met’ in 2007. The first thing he ever ‘said’ to me, in December 2008 was ‘The broken grain is as green as ever,’ followed by ‘We came from far behind the stars ever imaginable and we landed in Scotland.’ It’s not that he didn’t say anything at all in the meantime, ...



We all know about that one song that pops up in our head and keeps lingering for days. Well I had exactly that with Tony Basil’s one hit wonder ‘Mickey, ‘ which is in fact a cover from Racey’s original ‘Kitty.’ Well then. the song was already for days on and off in my mind so I decided t...

Het advies is dit eerst te lezen voor je de video bekijkt, maar dat is geheel aan jou natuurlijk. Wat je hier gaat horen...

Het advies is dit eerst te lezen voor je de video bekijkt, maar dat is geheel aan jou natuurlijk. Wat je hier gaat horen is de Nederlandse vertaling van een origineel in het Engels geschreven essay, die ik heb geschreven over onze Verbintenis voor een wetenschappelijk onderzoek aangaande het Tweelingziel/Tweelingvlam Fenomeen.

Tijdens het beluisteren van de video zie je een aantal persoonlijke foto’s voorbij komen, die staan op volgorde van leeftijd en corresponderen met de periode waar je me over hoort praten. De foto’s van Michael zijn natuurlijk niet van mij persoonlijk, maar deze zijn royalty vrij.

De zwart wit foto die je tegenkomt van Michael en-profiel is twee keer gebruikt, ik heb het origineel horizontaal gekanteld om te laten zien wat ik ongeveer in 1997 zag in dat visioen, de originele foto is de foto waar je de linker kant van zijn gezicht ziet en dat is wat ik ongeveer zag tijdens onze daadwerkelijke ontmoeting in 2007. De foto van hem met die groene ogen heb ik zo gecreëerd zodat de kijker een klein idee krijgt van hoe zijn Lichtwezen ‘ogen’ er uit zien.

De vergelijkingsfoto’s heb ik samengesteld voor in de essay en hetzelfde wetenschappelijke onderzoek, want degenen die dit fenomeen inmiddels al meer dan 20 jaar onderzoeken zijn al tot de conclusie gekomen dat een Tweelingziel of Tweelingvlam veel gelijkenissen hebben, ook uiterlijk!

De laatste samengestelde foto’s zijn gemorfeerde foto’s, de ene is Michael met mijn gezicht er overheen geschoven, de andere ben ik met Michael’s gezicht er overheen geschoven, en voor sommige mensen ziet dat er beangstigend of bevreemd uit.

De laatste foto ben ik nu zoals je kan zien ouder aan het worden, om te laten zien dat ik steeds ouder word en grijzer, terwijl Michael dat nooit zal worden, hij blijft voor altijd jong, figuurlijk gezien dan want in de Spiritwereld bestaat er geen leeftijd.

Alles dat je hebt gehoord in deze video zijn MIJN Visioenen en MIJN Ervaringen. Ik claim niet de wijsheid in pacht te hebben en alles dat je hoort mag en kan ter discussie gesteld worden, wat overigens okay is.

Ik verwacht niet van je dat je dit alles begrijpt en dat respecteer ik. Ik mag enkel hopen dat onze Kosmische Verbintenis met hetzelfde respect benaderd zal worden.

All Rights Reserved © Cormael

Het advies is dit eerst te lezen voor je de video bekijkt, maar dat geheel aan jou natuurlijk. Wat je hier gaat horen is de Nederlandse vertaling van een ori...

★ Transmission ★ Michael speaks ...Nederlands:

★ Transmission ★ Michael speaks ...


An amazing transformation of energies we see occurring on the face of Mother Earth as of late; a lot of people are waking up to the presence of their counterpart. You have to understand that there is a lot we can’t simply talk about unless it is happening and clarify how it happens and why it happen...

If you don't do well in the awkward department, don't read it!

If you don't do well in the awkward department, don't read it!

This is going to be dual awkward because it is kind of very personal and at the same time the most natural thing, if only people were willing to open up about it. Plus it can be awkward for you to read. The whole world has s*x, from the tiniest bug to elephants and the like, so … having said that le...

★ Transmission ★ Michael speaks ...Nederlands:

★ Transmission ★ Michael speaks ...


Hello, during this transmission we are going to talk about a subject matter that is uncommonly known. At the same time someone else will receive this information, only it’s up to them to share this on the digital highway of course. Information is never been given to solely one person, but to several...

★ Paula in perspective ★Read it if you like, remember you don't have to. And if you do no nasty remarks please, because ...

★ Paula in perspective ★

Read it if you like, remember you don't have to. And if you do no nasty remarks please, because they will be deleted. Sorry for that in advance.

Nederlands →

In 2000 I was really taken by the story of a woman in a magazine which’s name escaped my memory/I didn’t know her, never heard her name before and by the time I caught her name she had already crossed over. Born in 1959, deceased in 2000. Presenter, author, model, in short a media-icon. That I know…

★Give me again all that was there,Give me the sun that shone!Give me the eyes, give me the soul,Give me the lad that's g...

Give me again all that was there,
Give me the sun that shone!
Give me the eyes, give me the soul,
Give me the lad that's gone!

Er komt weer een deelmoment aan. Het is een herinnering die in 2008 zomaar spontaan terugkwam. Ik ga er niet teveel over zeggen, lees het maar als je wilt. Deze herinnering is voor mij van enorme waarde geweest, omdat die zoveel vragen beantwoordde die ik al jaren had. Er is een stukje tekst toegevo...

★ Beautiful speech for a beloved brother ★This speech moved every inch of me!

★ Beautiful speech for a beloved brother ★

This speech moved every inch of me!

On December 14th 2016 the ASA, Australian Songwriters Association, inducted Michael for his poetry/lyrics and his mate and band-brother Andrew Farriss for the compositions, into the Australian Songwriters Hall of Fame. It took a lot of effort for a team of people as you may well understand, but all…

★ De Communicatie uitgelegd ★Inmiddels al nagenoeg wetenschappelijk bewezen. Voor alle ongelovigen.

★ De Communicatie uitgelegd ★

Inmiddels al nagenoeg wetenschappelijk bewezen. Voor alle ongelovigen.

Verstrengeling is een term die wordt gebruikt in de kwantumtheorie (1) om de manier te beschrijven waarop energie/materie deeltjes in connectie staan met elkaar, ongeacht hoe ver ze van elkaar zijn verwijderd. Deeltjes, zoals fotonen, elektronen of qubits (2) die een wisselwerking met elkaar hebben,...

★ Inspiration ★How Cosmic Counterparts 'channel' each other.

★ Inspiration ★

How Cosmic Counterparts 'channel' each other.

As long as there is music a lot of it is composed around love, the love of a woman, the love for a woman, or the love between a man and a woman. Basically you can say that Love and Music go hand in hand in some kind of spiritual way. Take in account for example that when one falls in love there is a...

★ Transmissie ★ Michael spreekt ...English:

★ Transmissie ★ Michael spreekt ...


Het is ons er niet aangelegen om het steeds oneens te zijn met velerlei zaken, maar eerlijk gezegd zijn we dat wel. Er is veel informatie te vinden die ontzettend verwarrend is voor veel mensen en dat is soms best wrang om te zien. Ze dit alles zien verwerken, de armen in de lucht gooiend, alsof dat...

★ The Spy of Love ★About the song meaning and the Lover's Tarot Card.

★ The Spy of Love ★

About the song meaning and the Lover's Tarot Card.

Back in 1982 INXS released their third studio-album named Shabooh Shoobah with 10 songs, from which the third one is Spy of Love. It's a peculiar and a bit of an odd obscure song, composition-wise as well as lyric-wise. There is something else though why this blog is focused on that song. In the vid...


★ The Twin Flame Phantom ★

Many people experience momentarily what can be seen as the Twin Flame Phantom. Cosmic Partners (Twin Rays in a popular term) are reunited on a big scale and their resonance, the resonance of their merging enters the atmosphere of Mother Earth. And because of that a lot of people have the feeling of having met their Twin Soul/Twin Flame. So we have, Twin Ray, Twin Flame and Twin Souls.


Twin Flame Phantom Many people experience momentarily what can be seen as the Twin Soul Phantom. Twin Rays are reunited on a big scale and their resonance, the resonance of their merging enters the atmosphere of Mother Earth. And because of that a lot of people have a feeling of having met their Twi...


with video.

The Last Time Michael’s last visit in our tiny country. I had no idea who he was back then, a month later I saw him in a vision, not having one clue whom I was seeing! In Chapter 47 of my first book (written during 1996/1997 published in 2008) I wrote this: (translated to English) “… After reading...


with back-up info-graphics

Paths Nearly Crossed Some things are just not meant to happen while we are still walking the planet. It keeps amazing me, how easy it would have been to walk into Michael when he was in our country, the fact that I walked where he walked, trails of his energy around the country in places I visited a...


★ Christ's Letters ★

The New Testament, as it stands, with all its baggage of misinterpretation is a deterrent to spiritual evolution. It is now time to move forward into a new realm of mystical perception and understanding.

(Read the Letters and be amazed, smile and be moved to tears)

Christ’s Letters Over 40 years, Christ purified and reconditioned the mind of an English woman who had been educated in a Catholic convent. In the year 2000 at the age of 80, she began to transcribe, under Christ’s direction, the teaching she received throughout her years of contact with him. She wa...


⭐️ The 12 Universal Star Connections ⭐️


Today was the day for the long time planned transmission on The Higher Self. It was about time, only when I sat down to start the transmission Michael gave me colours and star-names and I had really no clue what was happening but decided to just go with his flow.

To begin with he gave me colours and said, "These colours correspond with frequencies, energetic fields and planes, inside and around every human being." "Okay, let's give this a go." At first it was pretty much abracadabra to me but the more he told me the clearer it all became, it was something like the well-known chakra-system but from a totally different angle.

(read more: click link below)

The 12 Universal Star-Connections Today was the day for the long time planned transmission on The Higher Self. It was about time, only when I sat down to start the transmission Michael gave me colours and star-names and I had really no clue what was happening but decided to just go with his flow. To...


⭐️ Cosmic Or**sm ⭐️


Is that even possible? Yes, it absolutely is! Let's start with what an or**sm really is; the highest point of extremely pleasurable s*xual excitement ending in a male and sometimes female ej*******on. It's not that there was any doubt if you already knew what it meant, but this needed to be stated so we can go on about the subject. The French have the most outstanding term for it 'Le Petite Mort.' Freely translated as The Little Death. So an or**sm is dying a little? will be the profound question now, right? Well in fact yes it is! Don't be mistaken though that dying is one gigantic or**sm, because it is not. By dying though we leave the body permanently behind.

(read more: click link below)

Cosmic Or**sm Is that even possible? Yes, it absolutely is! Let’s start with what an or**sm really is; the highest point of extremely pleasurable s*xual excitement ending in a male and sometimes female ej*******on. It’s not that there was any doubt if you already knew what it meant, but this needed...


⭐️ Cosmic Ascension ⭐️


Since the 'new age' started the term ascension became a hype all of a sudden. A lot of contradictory information is spread far and wide since then. We like to try to help you to come to terms with all this. It is a very complicated given as you might understand, but nonetheless of great importance for all of you. Let's start with telling you there are many forms of ascension, but we will focus on the two major ones: Earthly Ascension and Cosmic Ascension.

(read more: click link below)

Cosmic Ascension Since the ‘new age’ started the term ascension became a hype all of a sudden. A lot of contradictory information is spread far and wide since then. We like to try to help you to come to terms with all this. It is a very complicated given as you might understand, but nonetheless of g...


⭐️ Cosmic Division ⭐️


In the previous transmission we talked about soul extensions. Soul Division is related to that but it is not the same. Soul Extensions are parts of one and the same soul, existing elsewhere in the Universe, but still being a whole, a Oneness, attached to the main soul-source, either way Masculine or Feminine. Soul Division on the other hand is a part of a soul-part which is divided from its origins, its main source. This isn't a common state of being, but for some, not to mention specific reason, it may happen to pass.

(read more: click link below)

Cosmic Division In the previous transmission we talked about soul extensions. Soul Division is related to that but it is not the same. Soul Extensions are parts of one and the same soul, existing elsewhere in the Universe, but still being a whole, a Oneness, attached to the main soul-source, either…


⭐️ Cosmic Extensions ⭐️


We are about to explain the term we used as channel subject, Cosmic Soul Extensions. Extensions of the Soul. Highly probable this is going to rock your comfort zone. In previous transmissions we used terms like previous lifetimes and such, to comfort you in your perception, but we are going to take it a step further now. Previous life times in the way you see them don’t exist. And we see the question marks rising from your heads right now. We understand! Don’t worry everything will be perfectly clear by the last sentence of this transmission.

(read more: click link below)

Cosmic Extensions We are about to explain the term we used as channel subject, Cosmic Soul Extensions. Extensions of the Soul. Highly probable this is going to rock your comfort zone. In previous channelings we used terms like previous lifetimes and such, to comfort you in your perception, but we ar...


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