FREE Calm-Cast, The Myth of Work/Life Balance
Sept, 9/22—12 PM ET
"Typically when we hear "work/life balance," negative feelings like guilt and anxiety come to mind. But it doesn't have to be this way. We can show you how to honor both worlds without being burdened by either.
It's impossible to do it all—but we can do it better. meQuilibrium VP of Content Alanna Fincke has simple techniques that make it easier and possible to be your best at work and at home.
Join us as she explains how, and be sure to bring your questions!"
To register: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/5875358405005430273
Typically when we hear "work/life balance," negative feelings like guilt and anxiety come to mind. But it doesn't have to be this way. We can show you how to honor both worlds without being burdened by either. It's impossible to do it all—but we can do it better. meQuilibrium VP of Content Alanna Fi...