True Traditional Chinese astrology is much more than knowing the ’Chinese Zodiac sign’ of your birth year. The Four Pillars (or Ba Zi) is an authentic Chinese astrological system, reflecting universal laws which can be applied with great precision to every aspect of human life, regardless of culture, age or time. This ancient system is a very complex one, and in order to be able to interpret the birth data, one must first become familiar with the several dozen Chinese characters that comprise an individual’s Four Pillars chart. Knowing the relationships between the Five Elements and Stems and Branches (also known as Zodiac signs in the west) is also necessary, together with understanding the influence of time, cycles and specific years.
Accordingly, in the Four Pillars system, it is really not about the ’’sign’’ of your birth year, for you could be born in the Snake year, but the other three pillars of your birth chart may show other Branches (out of twelve). That is to say, in order to fully understand your life path and all the upcoming changes, you should know all four Stems and Branches of your particular chart, as it appears in year, month, day and hour pillar. When observed together, the four pillars display more than your basic character and potentials in life, showing the way you think and act, and whether your actions match your abilities. Each pillar also covers different life-spans, while the current ten-year Luck Pillar adds a new quality to every individual’s life, showing the prevailing external dynamics– within the specific time-line.
However, for those of you whom do not have the time or interest for a professional Four Pillars general or wealth reading, the following simple annual overview of the four Branches’ luck in 2016 may contain just enough information to understand the major trends that come, for you, with 2016. Accordingly, in order to be able to get more out of the influence of the Fire Monkey year (2016), you should start by calculating your Four Pillars chart. After entering your DOB in the free calculator on the page http://altheafengshui.com/ba-zi-calculator/, you will find that there is one Branch (also known as ’’Chinese Zodiac sign’’) in the each pillar of your Four Pillars chart. In the upcoming annual review, look for an overview of all four branches, in order to get a broad picture of the most probable ways Monkey year can affect you. Do mind that four pillars represent the four basic aspects of your life, and while the Year Branch represents the wider surroundings, Month Branch is related to your career, Day Branch affects the relationships, while the Hour Branch talks about children and creative endeavors. You also must bear in mind that the Day Branch represents you, i.e. your body and mind, and hence it has more weight than the other three Branches.
Winners, losers and everybody in between
In 2016, the best outlook comes to Snake, and she is followed by Rat and Dragon. All three Branches combine well with Monkey and due to this friendly relationship, the Fire Monkey year might bring easy development to these people -together with opportunities to excel, succeed and receive support for their ideas and projects.
On the other hand, the overall atmosphere in 2016 is rather unfavorable and unfriendly for Tiger, and to a lesser extent for Pig. Tiger should expect a turbulent year packed with stress, conflicts, fights, uncertainty, changes and unexpected development. The Pig should count on people issues and unpleasant surprises and some Pigs could even be punished not only because they didn’t deliver as they were expected to - but also because they actually did something well.
Having Tiger anywhere in your Four Pillars will present you, at least partially, with the developments reserved for Tigers in 2016. However, when there is also Snake, Rat or Dragon in your Four Pillars chart, the Monkey year will work better for you, enabling more opportunities that might soothe the energy that comes with Tiger. Again, those having two (or more) Tigers in their Four Pillars, should count on more intense changes and conflicts and hence in 2016 they should restrain from initiating anything big, rather taking the safer route, and sticking to smaller goals - and already existing business.
For 12 ‘Chinese Zodiac signs’ annual luck overview, please visit www.altheafengshui.com