I need to share that : This was a historic climb in many ways. 1) The first assent of Haramukh peak in 100 years of Biscoe. 2) The youngest to scale the peak - Chewang was just 13yrs and Pervez Chora the other boy was 15 plus 3) Till date I think no one has scaled Haramukh peak in tennis shoes.I remember making him stand on my shoes so that he didn't get a frost bite, I too was in a approach march shoe as could not afford a climbing shoe then.Chora was in his, the famous hunter shoe. 4)We scaled the peak in one day from our ABC at Sheer Sar lake, normally expeditions set a camp one or two as well . 5) We had a small two men tent in which four of us, Chewang, Chora, Chris and myself rested at night, 6) the gujar in the picture followed us from Erin village to Sheer Sar lake hoping that we will give him the only torch we had. We said that we may part with it but only when we returned but he didn't meet us after that. Wow !!! What memories . This was a longer weekend climb and we were back to work on Monday. No news headlines or fanfare as in those days we didn't climb for that, it was mere love and passion for the mountains . On top of all the entire budget for the expedition was less than 200 rupees, Ha ha!!