Created in 1988, by officers of the French Merchant Navy, PONANT has created a new style of cruising, under the French flag, through a unique conception of sea travel and a commitment to promoting sustainable and responsible tourism. Accessing exceptional territories aboard yachts featuring refined design, on which the art of living and excellent cuisine take pride of place: such is the promise of
a unique and authentic PONANT voyage. In 2019, going further in its commitments for a sustainable tourism, PONANT has created a Foundation whose goal is to preserve the oceans and the polar regions and to encourage exchanges between peoples.
Moderation Charter:
Dear fans,
Welcome to our PONANT page. To ensure that this page remains a place for polite discussion, we have set up a moderation charter. Any content or comment constituting an attack on people (defamation, insults, threats, etc.) or on public order and morality (incitement to racial hatred or violence, etc.) Any rumours or misinformation, any comments which are disrespectful, degrading, denigrating or not related to PONANT will also be deleted. Thus, and in order to respect everyone's sensitivities, it is your responsibility to behave in an ethical manner with regard to content posted online and to respect other people's opinions. We would like to thank you for your patience and understanding in this matter. Yours sincerely,
The PONANT team