Symington Community Council in partnership with South Ayrshire Council are inviting all Symington residents to fill out our survey. Your responses will develop a community-led action plan to set our priorities. The list of aspirations will then suggest how funding is spent in Symington. With your responses, we can then support our funding applications and direct council investment projects.
All responses are anonymous, yet you can choose to add your contact details, if you would like to be kept informed with the survey results. We would encourage every resident in Symington to reply to this survey as it would make it more reliable and valid. The more responses from different age groups the better, as they would truly represent our community.
Online responses can be accessed with this link https://forms.office.com/e/hkRG62mCRE, or else you can collect and return a paper copy from one of the following points:
Symington Library
U-Save (Imran’s)
Symington Coop
For more information, please contact one of the Symington Community Council members or email [email protected]. Find and like our Facebook Symington CC Ayrshire or visit our website www.symingtoncc.co.uk