Bornean endemic Red-breasted Partirdges at a blind on Gunung Alab, Sabah, Malaysian Borneo. Part of my "Wild Borneo" tour with @naturalistjourneys.
#birdingborneo #borneoendemic #partridges #wildnature #photoblinds #gunungalab #crockerrange
Borneo's endemic Red Langur in the Danum Valley; Sabah, Malaysian Borneo. Seen on my recent tour with @naturalistjourneys.
#wildborneo #redlangur #islandendemics #primatesofborneo #danumvalley
Great Argus in Borneo's Danum Valley. Sabah, Malaysia. Part of my Wild Borneo tour with @naturalistjourneys.
2023 Christmas present! We watched these unwary quail foraging right next to the Savegre Lodge in Costa Rica's Talamanca Mountains. Holiday tour last year with @naturalistjourneys .
#birdingwithlizzy #naturalistjourneys #birdingcostarica #savegrelodge #woodquail #tropicalholiday #talamancacordillera
Ten seconds of motmotness. Turn up the volume.
Russet-crowned Motmot, Rancho Primavera, Mexico.
#ranchoprimavera #cabocorrientes #neotropicalbirds #jaliscobirdingtours #vallartabirdingtours #birdingwithlizzy #motmots #birdingmexico #birdsofjalisco #jaliscomexico #backyardbirds
Yep, that's a male Red-crowned Ant-Tanager eating an apple slice in my backyard. Nice yard bird. Come to Rancho Primavera and let us show you around! This guy is just one of the many gems on the ranch.
#ranchoprimavera #cabocorrientes #jaliscobirdingtours #birdingwithlizzy #vallartabirdingtours #neotropicalbirds
BAIRD'S TAPIR: So, were trying to have dinner at the aptly named Tapirus Lodge, in Costa Rica, when one of the staff shouts (quietly) "tapir, tapir." And below the restaurant, this adult and immature tapir saunter by on their nightly feeding round. Amazing experience!