Informative graphic showcasing processes and landform evolution of alluvial fans. CAPTION: “Major sediment transport processes on debris-flow alluvial fans. Processes are divided into the two main categories of primary fan-forming and secondary surface-modifying processes, where α and β represent noncohesive and cohesive debris-flow deposits, respectively. Facies are represented on the right. Gms—gravel, matrix-supported; Gmsc—gravel, clast-supported. Matrix varieties are shown in reference to amount of eolian-sourced material. Modifiers to describe grading: n—normal grading; i—inverse grading. Primary processes are dominantly sediment-gravity debris flow, but fluid-gravity flow also contributes to fan aggradation and is therefore included in the primary processes…”
Citation: Nicovich, S.R. & 4 others, 2023, Construction and modification of debris-flow alluvial fans as captured in the geomorphic and sedimentary record: Examples from the western Sangre de Cristo Mountains, South-Central Colorado. Geological Society of America, V. 561. https://doi.org/10.1130/SPE561