'Management – Law – ZITEH 2022' - https://mailchi.mp/4f74d8d2d2f6/management-law-ziteh-2022-conference-announcement-letter
We invite you to participate in the conference.
Participation is free of charge.
Accepted papers we will publish in MEST Journal and the summaries in the Abstract Proceedings.
Detailed information on the conference, application form, and instructions are available on the conference website: https://meste.org/M2022/M2022e.html
We expect your application and papers by 25 September 2021.
Best regards,
Organizing Committee
We invite you to participate in the International Scientific Multiconference “Management – Law – ZITEH 2022” organized by the Faculty of Business and Law of the “MB” University in Belgrade and the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia in c...