Singapore Sling, anyone?
Flights to Singapore for £366pp return!
Hey guys. Found this deal just an hour ago and thought it was worth a mention!
Flight information:
From: Edinburgh (EDI)
To: Singapore Changi (SIN)
Via: Amsterdam (AMS) (Outbound), Paris Charles de Gaulle (CDG) (Inbound)
Airlines: KLM/Air France
Dates: Monday 2nd March 2020 - Monday 16th March 2020
Having visited the city state just only 2 years ago, I can't recommend a visit enough. It's incredibly clean, filled with the hustle and bustle of a major metropolis and absolutely beautiful.
Singapore is also a major transit hub for many low cost airlines in South East Asia where cheap flights can be found to neighbouring countries of Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia. This means that you can use Singapore as a base to travel to anywhere in that region!
Click here to book!!>>> https://www.skyscanner.net/transport/flights/edi/sins/200302/200316/?adultsv2=1&childrenv2=&cabinclass=economy&rtn=1&preferdirects=false&outboundaltsenabled=false&inboundaltsenabled=false&qp_prevProvider=ins_month&qp_prevCurrency=GBP&qp_prevPrice=366&priceSourceId=taps-taps&priceTrace=201907011839*I*EDI*SIN*20200302*pack*KL%7C201907011839*I*SIN*EDI*20200316*pack*AF /11235-2003021700--32132-1-16292-2003031620|16292-2003162310--32677-1-11235-2003171040