The idea of Hunts Happen spawned by accident when I was asked by a couple of friends in Missouri to book hunters for rifle season on their personal farms. In the end, all parties benefitted from the arrangement and word spread quickly. In no time, landowners and hunters were calling to set up hunts. With such great interest, I decided to step away from my stable job and focus solely on Hunts Happe
n. Hunts Happen began on a basis of fairness to all parties and will remain that way indefinitely. Our hunters are placed on quality farms with real opportunities at trophy animals, landowners generate more income versus outright leasing, and Hunts Happen makes a fair profit. Hunts Happen is your resource for finding quality, affordable hunts that fit you style. Look into our signature, "Do-It-Yourself" hunts if you seek the opportunity to scout, hang stands, and ultimately harvest a trophy buck on your own. If you are looking for an all-inclusive hunt, we partner up with a select outfitter in each state to provide those opportunities as well. Our landowners are provided with a unique resource to market and lease the hunting rights on their property. Our staff will interview potential lessees (hunters), collect payments, handle any issues that arise, and make sure all wishes and rules of landowners are abided by. Hunts Happen will partner with select outfitters in each state. These outfitters will be carefully selected by cost, location, reputation, and most importantly overall reviews and hunter experiences.